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Indicator light gone mad!!!!


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Hi guys,


last night I was driving home and went to turn right, put the indicator on and it just started to flash twice the speed it normally does…… so I thought one of the bulbs had blown :angry: but then when I got to the next right turn it started flashing normally again and was fine. :bangin:


When I got home I checked all the lights were working fine which they were!!!!


This morning same thing happened again :wacko: so I pulled over to see what was going on with the bulbs…..


What was weird was my front side light was flashing instead of my indicator bulb!!! :doh:


I don’t know if a plate at the back has slipped or it’s a loose wire but was just wondering if anybody has had a similar problem and knows a fix.


Thanks guys.

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thanks buddy i'll have a look it's just so damn cold!!!! :cold:


in the west midlands?? no its not its like 6 or 7 degrees or something. i was out working on the car in a tshirt :p


my hero!! :blush:





the wiring can be repaired if there is a water ingress problem. the damaged portion of the wire (which can travel a long way due to capillary action) can be cut out and replaced, aslo the metal contacts in the connector need replaced. however the cause of the problem still needs to be addressed whether it is the arch liner, the bulb cover or the bulb connector itself. :)

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