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drivers door wont open- help!!


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drivers door has jammed shut and wont open, im having to climb in and out of the passenger door just now!


started yesterday after work, opened fine but wouldnt close after i sat in the car, then after licking and unlocking using the button inside eventually it closed fine. drove off, got out the car, it opened fine, got back to the car, wouldnt open, had to use the passenger door. took it to a local mechanic, opened and closed and a few times using the fob and turning the key and sometimes it worked sometimes it didnt. the guy said it felt like one of the rods had disconnected or something? but since last night it just wont open at all. he didnt have time to get the door card off sotook it somewhere else but we just couldnt get the bloody thing open to get the door card off!!


this happened last winter but after turning the key in the lock a couple of times it was fine, as if it seized up with the cold but after that it was fine.


have arranged for nissan to call me 1st thing on monday but is there anything else i can try? or has any1 else had this or heard of a similar problem?

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lol tell me bout it


anyway can any1 shed light onto this? one guy said they might have to disconnect the battery then remove the seats to get the door card off


its not often i get pi**ed off at my car but today i feel like fly-kicking it

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