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Englishman Irish Scot

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Englishman Irishman and a Scotsman pull off a bank job and are trying to escape the local fuzz.

They dash down an alley behind a pub and all jump in a large wooden beer barrel each.

The police charge down the alley and start kicking the barrels to see if the criminals are hiding in, behind, or near them.

The first one has the englishman in it, and in a quick thinking response starts barking like a dog.

Satisfied with this the police move onto the next barrel and start shaking it from side to side, the scot starts shrieking and meowing like a disturbed cat.

This also satisfies the police that no criminal would be hiding here.

The police move on to the final barrel that the irishman is hiding in and start beating the sides with their truncheons, the irish man does first thing that comes into his mind in a desperate attempt to evade jail and says..........'potatoes''''. :teeth:

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