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Everything posted by Spitandhurri

  1. Really good buy same and they looked pretty impressive driving behind you the other night out of the garage. From : Blue Z owner with private plate
  2. Morning all, any further news on the final numbers for this Sunday and also details of the route? Cheers guys - Spit
  3. Nice pics Clarkie Just editing some video footage from the run for Youtube and will forward the link once posted.
  4. Hi Zedrush, new to the site and meets and would love to add my Zed, so count me in. Anymore info on the route or will that come later?
  5. I know this may sound wacky at such short notice but maybe Fifth Gear would be interested. Both Tiff and Plato loved the Zeds both hard and soft top in previous episodes
  6. Hi all and sorry to jump into the conversation but just struggling a little to find out more about the meet. I've read through the threads but is there an actual link as I'm very keen but need to know exactly where, times, who to register with et cetera. Thanks - Spit
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