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From A to Zed

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Posts posted by From A to Zed

  1. Looking good buddy.... I like your sticker above the road tax, I couldn't face removing mine either and it's become a somewhat permanent fixture :)


    You front is crying out for a nice carbon splitter to really set-off the dark wheels and roof.



  2. Hi,


    If the scratches are quite shallow you can cover them up with a wax crayon. I have not tried this myself but I read a post a few months back and OP seemed quite happy with the results.


    It's obviously not a permanent repair but it might suffice your needs.




  3. Hi Jamie,


    Pop an advert in the 'wanted' section. Someone like Rob or Alex might be able to help.


    The same part broke on my car (before I joined the forum) and cost about 120, maybe 130 pounds from Nissan. It was a five minute job so the labour charge was only about 15 pounds.




  4. Hey maz77,


    Spill the beans ;) Any teaser pics, i.e. a rear light cluster so we can have a guess?







    its quite an easy one matt




    The white bit in the middle is getting me!!


    It's not a fiat coupe, or a corvette...

    I think the Ferrari 360 and 355 have a very similar cluster? However, I'm finding hard to put Ferrari and project together!


    Ok, my final guess is a Lotus Elise?




  5. Thanks for the encouragement guys!


    To be fair my purchase date is probably a year or so away. I am currently in the process of house hunting and I obviously need the extra space this will afford to take on a project of this nature.


    I might go old school for now and buy some mini magazines to get a feel for the scene :)




  6. Feel free to laugh but this is a serious post ;)


    For sometime I have considered buying a second car which is pretty basic, easy to modify and a good hoot to drive around tight lanes and the city. Ideally I want to get my hands dirty and build something without compromise or fear of devaluing it – an issue I have with taking the Zed further.


    I have considered my old flames (such as a 205 GTI) but that would inevitably become a track car and that is not my objective. Instead, I fancy something a little more classic and I have always fancied a 'proper' mini so my heart is set on it…


    Preferably I would like to start from a solid shell with a decent 1275cc or 1380cc lump as I will be sticking with the original engine. No bike engines, no VTEC conversions etc.


    Essentially my budget is open as I have not decided on a model, age or spec yet. I'm torn between buying a basic 1000cc (a blank canvas if you like) or possibly spending a few grand on a project that requires finishing. As previously mentioned I intend on this being a long term project as appose to a ‘throw cash at it’ project.


    As you can see my planning is very much in its infancy and more reading and thought is required on my part... Have any of you guys owned a classic mini? Can anyone recommend a good forum? There are so many forums and most seem to focus on the small BMW.




  7. Great news, I should be studying but this was too tempting to read!


    Based on the lack of sample size I would suggest it's pointless bombarding RS tuning with 'how much BHP will I make of I have a pop charger and stainless steel exhaust.'


    I envisage us (as a forum) knowing more and these gains becoming 'clearer' but never guaranteed as more and more members (with various levels of tune) post their results...


    - Please don't take this wrong way, I'm just trying to be helpful :)



  8. Sarnie – I can’t believe you wrote off a demo car, that must have been errr, awkward :lol:


    My creative writing is pretty poor so bear with me… Or read another thread!


    I passed my test in January 1998.


    After 8 days on the road I wrote off my poor old mother’s immaculate '89 1.1 Ghia Fiesta. I still feel bad about this eleven years on. The car had been in the family since new and had 17k on the clock. It was concourse.


    As I struggled with 1100cc I decided upon an 1600 'E' plate Orion for my next victim. I ended up being the victim this time…. It drove like a dog, the rear arches practically fell out, the starter motor went, the alternator failed, the distributor failed… I could go on and on. I hated that car. It always let me down at the worst possible moment.


    The onion finally died, and cash strapped at 18, I inherited a mint Y reg mk2 Cavalier from my great uncle. It was peach with 32k on the clock and it served me really well, the perfect college run about.


    At twenty, with some NCB in bank, I bought a 1.6 205 GTI. It was graphite grey with the red interior and it was my first proper car. I loved my 205, it was so quick through the B roads and a pleasure to drive, one of the few cars you would just drive for the hell of it. The steering was amazing and the chassis, engine and brakes were so well matched. I spent a few (borrowed) pennies on that car though… I went a bit 'credit card crazy' buying wheels, suspension, brakes, stereo, the lot…. Then, one dry sunny evening I over-cooked it into a 4th gear flowing left and learnt a lesson very quickly in lift-off-oversteer. I hit a tree at around 70mph and rolled several times, it was a humbling experience… My parents were in tears when they saw the car at the salvage yard. I still question how I walked away from that acciennt but it taught me a lot. The car was insured 3rd party and I lost the lot with a nice loan to be repaid on top :byebye:


    After the 205 I bought a little Citroen AX GT which was similar to the 205 - and also great fun. With it's tiny little tires you could have a great time sliding about at a moderate (and safe) speeds. I really learnt to balance a car in that little go kart and I have fond memories.


    Following the AX (with my debts cleared) I bought a brand new 106 GTI in 2001. I spent a bomb on the 106: ICE, body work, wheels suspension etc and I started to push towards the show scene...


    I loved my 106, it was a great all-round package but my life took a new direction in 2002 when the bank I work for offered me a two year role in Sydney. I sold the car and ended up staying in Oz for 4 years. I lusted after a V8 Monaro for those 4 years but common sense prevailed and I went without. On the plus side I saw England win a world cup and met my fiancée (read fiancée as – return visa to Oz) so life wasn’t all that bad :D


    I returned to these shores in 2007 and bought a little Clio 182 for a year to get used to driving again. I liked the Clio but I lusted for something a little more grown up and prestigious. After flirting with the idea of a 330ci, Porsche cockster, RX8 and Z4 I settled on the Z . I will probably keep the Zed for a while now, I still fancy something daft like a late Esprit Turbo, 996 GT3 or a Noble but it has to be house next and maybe kids in a couple of years.


    I hope that wasn’t too boring :blush:


  9. Hi Nurrish,


    I fitted my springs and ARB’s with the help of a friend who is a regular mechanic. We managed to fit them in a few hours in my garage with basic tools and a spring compression kit.


    You will need to release the front shocks from the top mounts (they drop out easily enough) and the rears are nice easy – no need to touch the top mounts.


    Please ensure the springs go in the right way around… They look symmetric but the bottom with have a flat edge so they sit right in the cup. I doubt ‘cup’ is technically correct name but you will get my drift ;)


    This guide is pretty hand too - the pictures are good for reference.




    Good luck.


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