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Posts posted by ab350z

  1. Good thing about the HPi is that you keep the certificate, so its always a bit of an added bonus when selling on, obviously people do their own research but it shows an example was well sought by yourself aswell. I've HPi'd my last two cars and you cant really put a price on piece of mind. Looked at a Fiesta RSTurbo years back that read 56k miles on the clock but the HPi check had a last recorded mileage at over 100k. Not sure if mileage is recorded and reported back to an organisation but it was a bullet dodged.

  2. BTW, the rev settings on the centre console only make the warning light come on earlier/later... They dont alter the rev settings. that is unless you have had it connected to a piggyback or something!


    Yeah I thought that when I was reading it, doesnt alter the limiter, just changes when the flashing red light comes on.

    Looks brilliant!

  3. I've had Falkens on the Z and my previous car, Civic Type R and cannot fault them, wet or dry. And they have a really sporty looking tread pattern. Plenty on here use them and highly rated. I swapped Michelin Pilot Sports for them and am very very happy and my wallet thanked me for it.

  4. Folks, thought about this the other day when I was having a sit in a workmates S2000. I've never seen anyone on here do the Push Button Starter mod, I remember a few CTR's having it when I used to go on their forum. Doesnt realyl serve much purpose as I think you still need to have the key in the ignition, just wondered if anyone had done it, thought about it etc??

  5. Thanks for all the kind comments guys. :)


    The second day I had it I went to my local Shell to fill up. The spaces were all full and about 20+ people were gawping at it (such a good feeling), whilst I was waiting to fill her up. I then went in to pay and some dude walked up behind - convo went like this:


    Guy: "Damn mate - that's such a lovely car"

    Me: "Thanks, its my new pride and joy"

    Guy: "what the make and model is it? Never seen one of those!"

    Me: "It's a Nissan 350z with the full Nismo bodykit on it"


    The cashier lady now starts talking


    Lady: "How much does that cost to insure?!"

    Me: "It's not too bad - well, not as bad as you think"

    Guy: "What engine size is it?"

    Me: "It's a 3.5 V6"

    Guy & Lady: "Woooo!"

    Guy: "That must shift mate!"


    I turn after getting my card back from paying and the next chap walks in;


    Guy 2: "That's such a nice car!"


    Summed up in a nut shell; its awesome! :D Getting lots of good attention from it and the great thing is, I don't even feel the need to go fast - people just look at it and know it has nothing to prove. :)


    Where on earth do you live? This never happens to me!

  6. ...sorry for not replying sooner but had to drop 2 blonde hotties off at uni :dance:

    ha ha


    How you do that? Strap one onto the bonnet texas rancher style?



    The one that he didn't get in the pants of got the front seat, as he is still trying to woo her,


    the other one who put out, got shoved in the boot!


    Nah nah I think he means he was dropping two blow up dolls off, the boxes will easy fit in the boot, so I'm told........

  7. Folks,


    While having a play with the car on Sunday I dropped a spanner into the wirey mess behind the plenum, could see it but couldn't reach. Jacked the car up and got it from underneath, but while I was under there I noticed the casing of the cats had rusted in a strange spotted pattern, like a honeycomb. Was going to take photos but didnt have my camera at the time, will get pics when I've got the car back. Odd request, does anyone have a photo of the underside of their car in particular the cats, or can anyone nip out and quickly take one?

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