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Posts posted by shire350Z

  1. But still no apology???


    It's also referred to as 'any work that you have thought to be our failing' no real acknowledgement there..... that sorry its our fault we'll sort it but that obviously what they know to be true or they would be doing the work again for free

  2. To be honest once is unfortunate, twice is unprofessional and in my book unacceptable. Would you seriously, and i mean seriously want to risk your pride and joy again for a third time. Gets to be a joke at that stage. I know my answer and im with Ian, i'd walk away, i wouldnt want to risk it and i would just want it fixed once and for all despite the extra cost.

    This is pretty much exactly what I had in my mind to write when I read Ian's original post.


    Every business makes mistakes from time to time, we're only human. As I've said time and time again, it's how those mistakes get dealt with that determine whether a business can keep a good reputation. Taras had an opportunity here to make things right, and give Ian the results he paid good money for.


    Looking at those results, let's not muck around here: Taras actually made things far, far worse, and the pictures speak for themselves. This kind of shoddy workmanship should never be tolerated.


    Arguing about whether Ian is right or wrong to not want to travel again is missing the point somewhat I think. Having given Taras a chance to make good (which is clearly the correct option), that has been thrown back in his face by someone who clearly cannot perform paintwork to an acceptable standard, nor perform basic paint care upon cleaning. No, I wouldn't want to take my car back for a third time either, and certainly not if it was to leave me hundreds of pounds out of pocket. Quite frankly, at that point I'd be happy to work through the legal system as it's weighed heavily in the favour of the consumer in cases like this.


    To me, it would appear that Taras has decided, for better or worse, that the bad press caused by this shambles of a job is cheaper than giving Ian what he wants. As the business owner that's his call to make, but if anyone even remotely considers using them for anything short of making a cup of tea (and even then I'd check the tea bag was fully inserted into the water) then they're incredibly short-sighted. I have no idea what RT prices are like, but they'd have to be pretty damn cheap after this to make me consider going somewhere who isn't prepared to warranty their own work.


    My feelings also ekona, seen the car in the flesh and its definitely worse than the pictures lead you to believe, hope you can get this sorted asap Ian without to much cost


    Also agree with rich, more needs to be said about traders when things go wrong, there's that much arse licking going on sometimes on here it gets a joke, don't get me wrong traders should be praised when they do good but some people act like they've just been handed a replacement organ when all that happened was they ordered a part and the part turned up

    • Like 6
  3. Been off that to Andrew with a prolapsed disc in my back!!!!!


    Must admit when the car is clean brings back a massive smile, this is just after clay barring on with the glaze, polish and wax now! My exhaust hasnt been cleaned either for around 9months yet with 10 minutes spent it just comes up looking like brand new just shows the quality of the DC sports system







    • Like 1
  4. Well I seem to have spent a lifetime away from the forum, most regular users now will probably not even know who I am! But as we get closer and closer to wales my enthusiasm comes back for the zed in bucket loads!!!


    I hate to say it but my zed has been neglected over the last 6months living outside hardly washed and not polished/waxed for months & months and my engine bay.... O dear looks a real sorry sight so here comes the hard work for the next few days to try and get her to resemble something of her former glory, iv left it a little to late really to do all the bits I really need to, just had a MOT and passed with flying colours even at 9years old in for a service next week and a few new bits to put on have arrived ... some carbon bonnet dampers as mine were way past there best and some new carbon wrapping!


    Really needed to have my wheels refurbed to before Wales but that won't be happening now, not sure wether to have them done as they rolled out the factory or go for something a little different


    Dare I put some pictures up of her now..... You guys won't like what you see

    • Like 1
  5. just Imagine what the pilot started to think as the plane started to dive!! The load master really screwed his job up! Terrible news but at least there were only a handful of people on board

  6. I had mine sprayed gloss black looked awesome but then alot started to follow suit ahem Hugh :lol: so went for the carbon wrap! Think the gloss black does look better but the carbon one mine helps tie in with my spoiler, mirrors, b pillars etc

    • Like 1
  7. I I, I won't be the only one!! Get these banned Chris lol!


    To quash any rumours you've not got a chance in hell of using the plate while driving as the motor isn't strong enough, main reason I bought one (mines been on around 3 years now) was to grab attention at shows, my zed could be parked next to some seriously expensive cars or ones that have had a fortune spent on them and as soon as I hit the button and the plate disappears everyone comes looking and is intrigued as a lot of people on here will tell you! Even got me in a magazine :lol:

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