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Posts posted by bronzee

  1. This is always a cool thread to visit, some talented photographers on here!


    This thread doesn't seem to have been updated much...


    Some shots taken with my iPhone after going on a quick Sunday morning drive....So let's see your winter pics :)



    ^^ Great picture. B)

    Really lovely shot imo. ;)

    Whole heartedly agree!!! Lovely shot!



    Did think about replacing my ageing Canon 550D this Xmas, but after looking at some of the shots I got on a recent trip to India cannot honestly say I need to....Amazing just how sharp the images are given it's now a 5 year old design.


    I'm still using my Nikon D80 which is 8 yrs old now and have no plans to change it. Why bother when it does the job



    Llangranog Beach - Pembrokeshire


    (Mind you, I did treat myself to a quirky Sigma Merrill DP1 compact with foveon sensor)

    I hope you've framed that pic! It's gorgeous!

    • Like 1
  2. Getting out for a regular walk a few times a week will do you good without pounding your joints as much. Obviously this will become a little more challenging with your lovely winter climate. A good way to motivate yourself if motivation is an issue is team up with a friend for gyming or walking, double bonus as it will pass time more quickly, you'll probably enjoy it more.

  3. Petrol over here has dropped about 30 cents a litre which is a massive drop, back to where or nearer where it should be. Example the daily was costing about $90 clams a week to fill even with 1/3 left in the tank, can now be nearer empty (rare occurrence not good to run it low) and fill for $80. :teeth: $$ better off in my pocket than the governments.

  4. It's not a thing that's unique to the UK, over this end of the pond, in the biggest city here, our delightful :wacko: council have artificially increased the value of houses, to grasp more rates from us. Not unusual for someone's council valuation to have increased 100k or 5 times that in a year. Average house price in my city is 750k at the lower end of the scale, anyone buying in a reasonable area is probably looking around 1 mill plus, unless you want to live in a gang infested area of town, even those are still around 300k +. Being heavily driven my influx of imports pumping up the market, and borrowing overseas to buy property here, and only paying 1%, unlike your poor Kiwi here at Kiwi bank rates. You go to an auction and 9 times out of 10, you will be beaten...... Unfortunately successive governments here have encouraged it, we do need more population here, but the right sort that pump money back into the economy, not send it straight back off shore.

  5. OK then,


    Bronzee - because I fancy cruising round NZ in a Zed . . and she will know all the good places to go B)

    Leon - to help with his Jag B) might get an update sooner :stir:

    Ricey - just for shits and giggles :lol:


    I would also like to add Nixy as I know how much she likes Clowns :lol:

    Way too many good roads over here with the most incredible views along the way, mostly sea vistas too. B) Even better as it's Spring here and everything looks amazing.




    I'd spend a weekend with DoogyRev. Simply because he lives in Canada :thumbs:


    I've got a feeling a lot of people will say that :lol:


    Well it was either Jim or Bronzee. :lol:

    I'd pick Jim - because Canada is an awesome place to visit, lots to do and it's a beautiful country.

    I'd also pick Mart as he's always been there as such a strong figure in the community.

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