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Posts posted by gangzoom

  1. Do they not come with an LSD as standard then?


    If you didn't keep spending money on things like that you could probably have afforded an M3 y'know :lol:;)


    Its a pain, apparently a bit of a marketing thing so that BMW can charge lots of $$$ for a M car with a M differential...went out for a 2 hr drive at 7am today, the car defiantly needs a LSD, the TC was blinking constantly when exiting corners in 2nd gear. The auto-box in manual mode is great, hold on to gears and doesn't kick down either :) Brakes don't seem as strong as the Zs but were adequate, managed to see single digit consumption figures today...completely forgot i was driving a 4 door saloon :D


    Great cars, I test drove one before the M and was really impressed, my only issue as I found the flappy paddles a bit slow to respond. Im sure there is a setting somewhere for them though. Brilliant replacement for the Z, just promise you wont tart it up with fake msport tat, keep it a Q car :D




    I really don't think i have the skill to drive anything faster than a Z or 335i on public roads without been dangerous, cannot even imagine how fast a M3 / M5 must be in real life....one day I'll have one B)


    Heres some pics of my new ride...she's defiantly a keeper, may even out last the Z ;)





  2. Been doing some cleaning, and came across a blank uncut Nissan Key fob. I think i bought it about 12 months ago, the plan was to get it cut and coded so i had a spare key for the 350Z. As far as am aware it's the right fob, took it my dealer and they thought you could code it, but wanted silly money with lots of conditions attached ( booking the car into their garage, V5 document, I had to be there with a passport) so never got around to it..i'm pretty sure your local indepent keycutter could probably be much more helpful ;)


    Since I no long have a Z some one else might as well have a go at getting it coded :) I have no idea what i paid for it, but on ebay these are going for £30, I'll take £17.50 including P&P..






    Thanks for looking :)

  3. Just picked up the 335i today...was a bit sad seeing the Z been driven into the storage yard :headhurt: Waited around for a bit whilst they were prepping the 335i, had a seat in a M3 saloon which was lovely but running costs are simply too much for me to justify at the moment...maybe in another few years when i've paid off the mortgage :lol:


    I know the 335i have had problems with injectors and fuel pumps but its a risk am quite willing to take, hence buying it from a dealer and paying a bit extra :)


    Managed to do 38.1 mpg on the way home from dealers, it was mainly motorway but also had a little blast down my favourite B road :) Still amazed at how good the twinturbo engine is...the TC was abit too keen to engage on damp roads, and I was too sacred to turn it off..instead i've already arranged to have a Quaife LSD fitted by Birds in London next friday :yahoo:


    I've loved my Z for the last 4 years but it's simply time for me to move on, the 355i isn't the ultimate performance car but a fantastic mixture of practically and performance....i'm certainly cuffed with it, infact may go for another drive now :lol:


    Hopefully my Z will turn up here again shortly :thumbs:

  4. Hello all, ive been hunting for a car to replace my Z for a while. Initially I had ruled out a 3 series BMW due to the fact there's one round every corner, but after been advised by more than a few people to look again I ended up putting a deposit down on a 335i without even test-driving one B)


    Yesterday I finally had a chance to go for a drive, and I have to admit BMW have done well with the 335i...


    Initial impressions weren't good, it was parked next to 320d with a M sport kit on, so actually I had to check with the dealer which one was my car (both le-mans blue) :lol: The interior was nicely put together, but didn't really feel any nicer than my Zs. I played with all the toys, the idrive system seemed ok, but overall I wasn't impressed, the car lacked a sense of occasion and character. The driving position however was spot on, so after running through some basics on the autobox we hit the road....


    At this point I was trying to think of how to get my deposit back from the dealer, but as soon the car started moving I forgot all about that :D


    On the move the car seemed to shrink around me in a way the Z has never quite managed, feedback from the wheel was spot on, and there was no hesitation with turn in. Infact 10 minutes into the test drive i had so much confidence in the 335i the TC had go kick in a few times. The ride quality was fantastic, even with run flats on, it was more composed compared to the Z. There was minimal body roll in the corners, and the brakes seemed as good my Zs. Than I had a chance to open up the engine...30 to 100 seem to take no more than few seconds, the noise from the exhaust was perfect, you can hear it but its never over overwhelming. Than had a go at pootering around in 6th doing 40, no problems, put my foot down and we're at 100 again...no drama, no fuss, just amazing composure, performance and fantasic handing :#1:


    At the end of the test drive i parked up next to my Z...I still cannot believe how BMW has turned such a ordinary looking 4 door saloon into a better sports car than my Z!!! Overall i would say the 335is handling isn't far off my old Integra Type-R, and that had no sound insulation, radio, air con, leather, etc...Needless to say I completed on the deal there and than...picking her up in 7 days :thumbs:


    Anyone looking for a more sensible car than the Z really should go and drive one, if only I had followed people's advice earlier and test drove a 335i 3 weeks ago it would have saved me alot of headache about what to replace the Z with :blush:

  5. Just got home from the stealers, money has changed hands, paperwork all done....next week this time I'll be Zless :headhurt:


    It's been a great 4 years with the Z, and she's been perfect through out, performed especially well at my wedding :D

    But its finally time to move on, big thanks for everyone's help on the forum, especially Mitz + Andy from Cougar sports for helping me out on more than a few occasions :thumbs:


    Anyways heres a few pics :D

    How my Z first looked when I first picked her up 4 years ago...



    How she looks now, hopefully going to make some one else happy..



    Been replaced by this, may not be much of a looker but by god does it go like stink :lol: ....335i M sport with all the goodies :D


  6. Do you have some kind of insurance for using your bike on the road?


    I have no insurance, because its no theres no law for it. Just like I have no life insurance, income insurance, never take out travel insurance etc.


    The 3 times I got knocked off the bike I simply walked / limped away, I'm sure i could have got all excited and called the police / amublance / and "injury lawyers for you", but life is far too short for that kind of stuff...accidents happen and we all need to deal with it like grown ups. In all 3 occasions i was knocked off the drivers were all very sorry, and recoognised their mistakes, i was largely fine, and a broken helmet and bent front wheel is nothing compared to what chould have happened so why bother making a huge fuss :wacko:


    If i do ever damage a car though my own fault I'll be more than happy to pay for the damages my self. But since my bike weights 10Kg and I weigh 80kg any damage will probably be due to me hitting the car, which could happen whilst just walking across a road. Granted kinetic energy is more dependent on velocity than mass, I would hope in any collison with a car my speed would be <5mph, and any kinetic energy is going be with the car.


    I do see why motorists get angry at cyclists who jump red lights all the time, cycle down one way streets etc..but the biggest danger on the road are careless drivers. Most people don't cycle through choice ( I was carless for 18 months at one point) and are just trying to get from A to B as quickly as possible. I remeber foundly the time I was caught out in a thunder storm whilst on my bike, and been heckled by some kids in the back of a massive 4x4 :thumbs: . As a car driver your in a rather previlaged position of comfort, so why bother getting annoyed at cylists at all, just enjoy your air-con, stereo, and the fact you can go over 40mph without breaking a sweat B)


    These days when i see cyclist / motorbikes whilst in my Z, i give them plenty of room and they never bother me.

  7. number is no where near for cars in fact I would say again from experience that 70%-80% of cars drive from point of departure to point of arrival without breaking the law and using the roads sensibly.


    Really? 70-80% of drivers never break the 30mph speed limit, signal every time they want to turn, leave enough space to the car in front to stop, don't talk on their mobile phone whilst trying to eat their breakfeast?? London drivers must be much bette than people here in Leicester :p

  8. If I am driving at 20mph and a cyclists comes up the inside of my car and my car moves three or four inches to the left due to a road situation ahead of me I am sorry but bang on my window at your own peril. Like any overtaking (or dangerous undertaking) manouvre it is the responsiblity of the cyclist to make sure its safe to do so - if its not, then wait.


    So you're happly run someone over if they bang on your window to let you know their road position... isn't that close to manslaughter :scare:

  9. I've been hit by cars whilst on my bike 3 times in roughly 3 years. All 3 occasions occured at junction wheres the car driver decided i wasn't there. Luckly all three incidents happened at low speed, so apart from 2 new front wheels, 3 cracked helmets, one scar down my left arm, and one on my left leg I've got nothing to show for it :angry: ....I've lost count the number of times i've nearly been hit or run over, this is despite me wearing a florescent jacket, lights etc :headhurt:


    Yes i run the odd red light, and occasionally will take to the pavement to avoid traffic etc....but before every one decides how bad cyclists are at following the highway code, you should all spend a few days commuting on a bike and your see how many bad car drivers there are on the roads, all of who I assume have passed their driving test....infact the last time i was knocked off my bike, it was by a car running a red light because "he didn't realise the light had turned red" and had the "shock of his life when he hit me" :rant:


    These days I cycle as aggressively as I can..I'll quite happily up hold up traffic if I feel there isn't safe space for a car to over take...my logic is simple, why should i be pushed into a kerb and fall off (which I've seen happen to other cyclists) just because some idiot wants drive a bit faster...Infact when ever I cycle I'm pretty much in "survial mode", I see every car as a potential threat to my life, I will happily shout at people, tap on windows, and generally do what ever it takes to stay alive...


    So as much as cyclists seem to annoy alot of people, just remember your surrounded by 1.5 tons of metal when you have an accident in you car, and the worst most you will ever have to deal with is phoning the insurance company or lossing your no-claims discount...but for a cyclist, skin/bone is very weak compared to tarmac and metal :scare:


    For the same reason I would never willing ride a motorbike on british roads...theres simply too many idiots driving around on the roads :angry:

  10. Just think about it do you really want to buy a car from a guy who's willing to drive around with "bald" tyres?? :scare: If the owner cannot be bothered to replace illgeal tyres just imagine how well the rest of the car has been maintained... :headhurt:

  11. Actually thinking of getting one to replace the Z...260bhp standard, a £500 remap and they are upto 310, and than apparently anything upto 350-400 without needing to replace any internals :scare: Ofcourse how all those horses are going to get from the engine to the road via it's front wheels without even a LSD is another matter :lol:


    Has got 5 doors, 5 seats, lots of gadgets, 34mpg, the ones am looking at are <6 months old and £20k. Ofcourse it's a down grade from the Z :)

  12. Been visiting car dealers for the first time in nearly 5 years and i wish i hadn't :wacko:


    Went to see a Cupra R at £26K (brand new), sat down with the sales women, give her the details of my Z, she went to speak to her boss and came back...


    Salewomen: "Would you like a test drive"


    Me: "Yeaph, but first how much can i get for my car"


    Saleswomen: "We cannot tell you that until you can commit to buying, why don't I put your name down for a test drive"


    Me: "Hold on, what's the point of me test driving the car if you cannot offer me what i want for the Z, it'll be a waste of time for us both"


    Basicially this went for about 5 mintues till I had enough and left :bang::bang:


    The Ford Dealer had valued up the Z whilst I was sitting in the RS, and the Renault guy gave me a value over the phone without even seeing the Z.... :lol:


    So can anyone explain to me why this Seat dealership was so keen to drive away their customers :rant:

  13. Went to see a Megane 250 over the weekend...seems well put together but was disappointed how cramp it felt inside. The back seats were also next to useless when I had the drivers seat in position. The boot also seemed only marginally bigger than the 350z.


    So in the end didn't even bother with a test drive....shame really nice looking car. Also had a look at a 335i, but park next to the Z it looks so dull....It almost seems like the Z is too good a package to replace :yahoo:..so I've upped the budget and off to look at a S4 and XF diesel S next :lol:

  14. £9.5K dosen't seem to be that cheap, my 05 Z has 57K on the clock when i take in for part exchange I'll be happy to get anything near £7K. Your buying a 3.5L, 25mpg (at best), 2 seater sports car, at a time when the price of super-unleaded is heading over £1.40/L...so go and haggle that price down!!! Theres plenty of black Zs around :thumbs:

  15. After performing beautifully in my wedding i thinks its probably time I changed the Z for something more sensible :blush:


    Got about £20-£22k to spend in total (assuming I get about £6-7K trade in for the Z).


    Needs to have 4 seats

    Needs to be have better mpg

    Wife has be happy to drive it (rules out scoobies, evos, focus RS)

    Relatively new


    Been looking at 335is, but to be honest no matter how amazing they are suppose to be to drive they look so boring and dull :yuck: ...the new S4 is very tempting but just over my price range and really don't want to go down the route of finance.


    Than this caught my eye, don't mind its front wheel drive since my old Integra type R was actually more than to drive on the public roads than the Z...Meganesport250.jpg:thumbs:


    Anyone got any other suggestions???

  16. Need some quick help...getting married in a couple of weeks, want to be cheesy and write the old fashioned "Get married" on the back window :teeth:


    Anyone any idea what paint to use or where to get it from, dont want to end up with a permanently scarred Z :lol:

  17. I notice alot of people seem to be concerned about running costs of the Z due to petrol prices, and people are talking about getting 2nd cars, so I decided to work out some costs...


    Z = 26mpg, daily miles 46, petrol 1.33 = £10.66 per day or £2550 per year (5 day week, 30day leave)


    2.2 diesel = 44mpg, same miles and diesel price = £6.18 per day or £1550 per year


    So driving the Z costs me about £1k a year extra in petrol, which when u consider all the hassell of running a extra car, extra insurance, tax and servicing costs, would i actually save any money?? More importantly the smile driving the Z gives me is 'pricelss' B)


    On the otherhand if petrol prices hits £2.00 per liter (probably in a couple of years), my petrol costs would hit £4k per year, and even with a 45mpg car that works out as £2100 per year, hopefully by than the electric cars will be able to do more than 100miles per charge :wacko:

  18. When i was 9 my dad bought our first mac, a mac plus (it appeared in Star Trek IV!) :teeth:beige-mac-plus-208.jpg


    Been using Macs ever since (including buying a Umax Pulsar 1500 clone in 1997..Apple share were literally worthless back than), but in the last few years i've been thinking about switching to windows...used windows 7 at work and to be honest theres hardly any difference between Windows 7 and OSX i find it hard justifying paying over the top for the same hardware just because its made by Apple....


    if you really want to use OSX you can always build your own "mac" for half the price of a Apple machine..http://lifehacker.com/#!5672051/how-to-build-a-hackintosh-mac-and-install-os-x-in-eight-easy-steps..of course you wouldn't get the "Apple" logo with the machine..which i understand these days are worth nearly the same as a Audi badge gram for gram :lol:

  19. Another daily user, did think about a shed once but why bother, when the Z starts going wrong it'll be perfect excuse to trade up :D...only problem been in nearly 4 years the only thing to go wrong was a cracked exhaust, at this rate i'll be in the Z for a while yet :lol:

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