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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. actually they did an experiment that a 2 litre diesel engine produces less harmful pollution than 3 cigarettes being smoked, check out Dr Giovanni Invernizzi research on google
    What about a de-cat'd 3.5L V6 :blush::lol:


    :lol::lol::lol: Was a fun debate though :lol::lol::lol:




    PMSL :lol::headhurt:


    :console: > sungodra

  2. Now this is a tough call...... support the germans........... or support the ingerlish. hmmmmmmmmmm. If the germans win........... well I wouldnt really hear much about it....... but if the English win....... its all I will bloody hear. If only you mob could just win gracefully :lol::blush: then I would want England to win.......... but defo not to win the cup :lol:;)


    Why don't you go and do something useful and update your Sig :lol::lol:


    HAHAHA meow :lol: IF i could............ I would :lol:;)


    Dont mention it old buddy old pal ;)



  3. this is an old article (1998) - but it basically says that smoking costs the NHS £1.4-£1.7 billion a year, yet the revenue raised from taxing cigarettes is £8.7 billion a year. This was over 10 years ago when cigarettes where half the price they are now. So basically smokers more than pay for there own health care!! I smoke, and I agree its a bad habit and I would love to quit and probably will soon - but this article does floor any arguments you have put forward! ;)


    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/backg ... /86599.stm


    but you also have to take into account of advertising detailing the health issues of smoking, cleaning the streets with wasted cigarette buts, building locations to shelter outdoor smokers, smoking disposable units all add up on top of the medical costs as well as the health implication to those who are passive smokers and also pollution.

  4. a bit of a different debate but smokers have paid for their health care ten fold in the amount of tax they already pay on it. if it was such a major health concern then why haven't they banned it altogether. oh hang on that will be because they'll loose a massive chunk of tax gain they get from it already.


    +1 A 20 pack of Marlboro is over £6 now - £5 of that is tax - its ludicrous enough as it is thank you very much! :angry:


    i still think they should put it up. yes your paying for it but as stated above its a luxury and benefits no one, seeing as some one has got to foot the bill why not this instead of the nhs workers as discussed above.


    Chocolate is a luxury - lets stick £5 tax on that - Mars bar £6 - would that be fair?


    If I eat a bar of chocolate does that effect your health?


    If you smoke a cigarette and Im standing near by, does that effect my health?


    Is chocolate a luxury that kills?

  5. a bit of a different debate but smokers have paid for their health care ten fold in the amount of tax they already pay on it. if it was such a major health concern then why haven't they banned it altogether. oh hang on that will be because they'll loose a massive chunk of tax gain they get from it already.


    +1 A 20 pack of Marlboro is over £6 now - £5 of that is tax - its ludicrous enough as it is thank you very much! :angry:


    i still think they should put it up. yes your paying for it but as stated above its a luxury and benefits no one, seeing as some one has got to foot the bill why not this instead of the nhs workers as discussed above.


    because they are already taxed to buggery


    Had this argument with my friend, I said to her that she theoretically costs us more in taxes due to nhs medical bills to cure people with illnesses caused from smoking, she turned round and said, smokers dont live as long as non smokers, so theoretically you cost the nhs more complaining about your back and old age and hip replacement than me who will sit quietly in my coffin happily looking like a cuban cigar... :scare: I was erm speechless :blush::lol:

  6. Cracking performance !!


    I ended up on a sesh in derby town centre , got back home at 12, mrs is not happy, I've got a banging headache but it was worth it. Plus I don't have to post a pic of my hairy butt in the green room !!


    Good times. :D


    PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol:


    Germany next, how do you think you guys will do against them? Then if you beat them Argentina ? :headhurt::headhurt::headhurt:

  7. tried getting my dad to order under his account another contract to I could get the iphone on 02 contract but they told him he can only update his current contract, not buy another contract and keep existing, so then tried orange to upgrade my existing contract, the automated machine said they have extremely high calls, waiting time 57 mins if I hold :wacko: So just got fed up and bought the damn thing from apple. Hopefully cutting simcard into micro size should work, if it doesnt ill keep you all updated.

  8. just realised that the iphone4 doesn't have FM Radio - something I thought they were supposed to be implementing this time around!


    Gunna have a wee look at the Desire and see how they compare, although I'll still probably go for the half eaten fruit!


    i have a desire, i believe for definite that its better than the iphone. my sister has the wonder dog and its always dropping calls and crashing.


    i love my desire and its about £250 cheaper, plus with a bit of haggling can get some really good price plans.


    i love my desire, plus, soon they will be releasing android 2.2 firmware which is supposed to be awesome.


    Is it any different to HTC hero, cos thats what I have and hate it with a passion

  9. :blush: sorry didnt know how much a pack cost, thought it was like a £1. :scare: how much does the company get of the £5 and how much is tax? Also how much does the government spend on advertising on the dangers of smoking? And be interesting to note how much does it cost the NHS to help those with medical conditions caused by smoking. Be good to find out how much of the taxed cigarettes are used up on these two sectors alone as well as providing outside ashtrays, designated smoking areas, cleaning cigarettes butts and packaging from the streets... e.t.c
  10. not sure what the figures were but I know I had the camber adjusted as well as spacers.






    wheels and tyres purchased from Adam at z1auto at an amazing price B)

  11. my upgrade cost is 20 quid, am very tempted to go ahead with this and upgrade to the new iphone. not seen anything out there that offers anything i like.


    internet limit doesn't bother me as i don't think im a heavy user. just wondering if i go for 18 or 24 month contract


    I'm going for it, but will go with an 18 month contract just in case anything better comes up in next year :teeth:


    is it still scheduled for 24th June release?


    o2 only selling to current o2 members up to end of July, :dry:

  12. i'm probably going to get flamed for this because its a bit biased as im a non smoker and a only drink on special occasions.


    I cant believe they havent put the tax up on booze and fags. Why should everyone suffer with a 2.5% vat increase and public sector workers have there pay frozen when a luxury which no one any good goes untouched.


    i.e joe bloggs who is a nhs worker giving his 110% everyday helping needy people has a pay freeze no matter how hard he works and how much he deserves it but people who smoke and drink for the better of no one doesnt suffer in anyway. i think that is crazy.


    In the most part i agree but i would have thought they would have looked at luxuries first before anything



    I think you are right, on tobacco especially they should of put the tax way up, all smoking does is cause more problems to the individual and NHS end up getting the back end of it when people have lung problems and other health problems due to the cause of smoking. I wonder if no one smoked how much would be saved in the health sector?



    I saw the news last night and it had this chavy mum pushing baby in pram saying how she is upset with the budget because she is going to get less, she doesnt work nor does her husband, all I could think of was... GOOD tell your husband to get a job like everyone else you lazy waste of space !!! About time these people were put out in the real world instead of sitting in the park with chavy mates pushing a pram and drinking cider, scum bags !!!

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