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Posts posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. Chris, am I doing something wrong. I want to add modifications, and it allows me to choose manufacturer for, say, exhaust as NISMO, but then there is nothing in the product category and it won't submit without that (or let me add a product)?

  2. You think Yorkshires bad, I reckon you can fit a Lincolnshire meet in a telephone box. ;)




    I know, we're supposed to be getting one organised; just haven't had time recently.


    I'm up for a meet in South Yorks :thumbs:


    1) Mike - Halifax - Definitely up for meets!

    2) Roo - Chesterfield - Busy but up for meets.

    3) Jed - Leeds - Work shifts but intresred.

    4) ianphampton - Hyde (Gtr Manchester) - as long as you think my passport would be valid in Yorkshire

    5) Rothers - Chesterfield

    6) Lincolnbaggie (but be quick cos footy season starts soon and that's me out at weekends)

  3. Personally I think a P1 and coolant change would be fine - you can show that the plugs, brake fluid, air filter etc were done last time, so I don't think any potential buyer would be put off. No point spending money on a P3 anyway, and a P2 will only replace your air filter in addition over and above a P1, and you did that last time.

  4. Just to let those people that think nothing is being done to combat this know, the thread in the team area for this issue is longer than this one and it's full of geek speak and code too.....




    Tell me about it - pages and pages of stuff and no idea what any of it means :lol:

  5. My rock epiphany was listening to Iron Maiden in the late 70s (when Paul di Anno was still doing the vocals before the airline pilot got involved). That changed my musical direction from The Sweet and Slade that were always on the radio. Then bought an album by a band called Led Zeppelin (you've probably never heard of them) and that was it.


    Now got over 3000 albums on vinyl covering everything from AC/DC to ZZ Top (including Styx, Journey, Boston, Loverboy, Kansas - JetSet, I never thought anybody else would admit to that - REO Speedwagon, Yes, Wishbone Ash, Uriah Heep, Thin Lizzy, Gary Moore (RIP), Motorhead, Ozzy, Rainbow (Ritchie Blackmore was a God then), Dio (RIP, sorely missed), trash 80s stadium rock bands, Whitesnake, Scorpions, MSG, Def Leppard, The Kinks, The Byrds, Sabbath, Purple, Rush, and a little bit of Santana for those mellow moments, plus loads of weird one-offs from the prog rock era).


    Only modern band I ever listen to is Airbourne.


    Off to see Maiden supported by Airbourne (who'll probably blow Maiden off the stage) in Sheffield in two weeks time :band:


    Planet Rock is the best radio station ever - FACT :thumbs:

  6. Got to agree with the The G Man :thumbs:


    Northern Spain is ace; the area north of Madrid up in the mountains is also beautiful, and you could have a look at both the Pyrenees and Northern Portugal while you're there (the Douro Valley near Porto is also worth a couple of days).


    Nice and cheap in Northern Spain, and not many touroids, so open roads, cheaper petrol and nice locals. If you fancy going a bit posh try a few Paradores.


    I've done Europe twice now in the Zed and will be going back - it's what it was designed for. A real mile eater, and suprisingly relaxing (even over 4400 miles in three weeks).


    I went from Calais to Brussels to Germany to Austria/Switzerland to Northern Italy to Southern France to Spain to Portugal and back from Santander. Brilliant fun.

  7. Let's deal with the pension contributions first, it's true that only around £160 was paid in in 1976, but that money would have been invested into a fund


    Not too sure any pension contributions would have gone into a fund, they would have been used to pay the pensions of those people who were retired at the time. That's the problem - the money isn't accumulated and allowed to grow, it's used to pay the pensions of those already retired. That's why there isn't enough in the pot now to pay those who are retiring imminently and we have billions of pounds of shortfall. The payouts are greater than the income and that difference is growing all the time. That's why something needs to be done.


    I still don't get how people can't realise that the money has to come from somewhere - the outgoing pensions payments far exceeds that coming in and the situation is going to get a whole lot worse - where do people expect the money to come from :bangin:

  8. LGPS is not a 'fat pension'


    It's a hell of a lot fatter than anything you get with a personal pension :dry:


    Also, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), workers in the public sector are now being paid more than £2,000 extra a year compared with employees in the private sector. The average public sector worker was paid £23,660 a year, compared with private sector workers who were paid £21,528 a year, in the three months to the end of November.

  9. I have to agree with Chris Chesterfield on this one.


    I don't blame the teachers (or any others who actually do the work in the public sector) for complaining about the increased contributions and extended working life, but they have to get real. The country cannot afford to keep giving hugely inflated public sector pension benefits when there is no money to pay for it. Where do these people expect it to come from? I assume they think that my taxes should go up to cover it?


    All this rubbish about public sector pay being less than in the private sector doesn't hold anymore either. Most teachers, policemen, council workers etc get far more than the average salary in this part of the country. Council workers get time off in lieu for every five minutes overtime they work, plus most take far more sick pay than anyone in the private sector (you certainly couldn't go off with stress for 6 months in the private sector on full pay), coupled with far more holiday entitlement... Nobody I know in the private sector gets overtime anymore, and most do far more than their contracted hours and very rarely take all their holiday entitlement.


    I think the problem is that most public sector workers have never worked in the private sector and make assumptions that the whole country has the same benefits that they do.


    As a self-employed person I have to adjust to the financial situation the country finds itself in - if I put my rates up I lose clients; my pension pot is practically worthless even though I contribute over 5 grand every year; basically my income has fallen about 20% in real terms over the last 5 years. Do I go on strike? No, I grin and bear it, which is what the whole country has got to do. Otherwise we are going to end up flat broke (more than we are already) and nobody will get anything.


    It's a 3% increase in contributions FFS - mine goes up 5% automatically every year and it's still worth sweet FA.


    Get in the real world and stop winging that everything is unfair - it's the same for all of us :rant:


    (I do believe that the money wasted by the public sector/government/quangos etc on ridiculous schemes that never get launched coupled with the stupid number of people employed by the state doing jobs that shouldn't really exist and all the beaurocracy etc could cover some of the deficits and is a disgrace, but that's a different argument)

  10. Well, the results are back :thumbs:


    Basically, I've got three degenerated discs in my lower back with annular bulges :wacko: (L4-L5, L3-L4 and L5-S1) with narrowing of the nerve channel and compression of the root nerve on L5-S1 (which is what is causing the sciatica).


    No surgical intervention recommended (unless I insist on it, which I'm not) and physio is the recommended root with neural blokers if the nerve compression gets much worse.


    Arthritis is almost guaranteed at some point :thumbdown:


    On the plus side, no need to change my lifestyle :thumbs:


    About what I expected really.


    Time to buy some cod liver oil.................

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