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Posts posted by nixy

  1. you could always switch the snow button switch............. that might help......... :)


    Snow button?


    JDM + Tiptronic Gearbox + Snow Button = Lower torque & no sideways sliding. :teeth:


    Love it, works a treat with decent tyres & no problems yet. :thumbs:


    Really? Is that standard on the JDM Tiptronic?

  2. although I'm excellent at programming the DVD recorder, setting the oven timer and programming my stereo I think that may be a bit beyond me? What would you actually use the computer for - or am I being dumb?

  3. this is one of my big fears about changing from front wheel to rear wheel! I live out in the sticks where no gritter will venture. I have 5 miles of untreated road to tackle before hitting a main road. I used to have a bmw and that was bad enough - people don't seem to realise why you're going so slow and treat you like a moron by getting right up your backside and making you feel like Mr Magoo! Public transport is also non-existent for me to get to work. So is it going to be really bad for me in winter when i get one or will I be ok?

  4. It's a 53 plate registered sep 2003 and it's done 60k. However, it has it's plus points - no stone chips, Air con (which is not standard on CTR) and sat nav. And of course it's the best colour - black! I feel some points outweigh others as the car is immaculate but it's still high miles so I'm not gonna get the best price.

  5. Well like everyone I want the highest spec for the budget but that's the hardest job. I'd like leather if possible but am not too worried about the sound system as I assume I can always upgrade that later myself. I'd quite like brembos but I don't actually like the standard wheels so would probably change those later as well. I guess just getting a good quality car with low miles is my main aim.

  6. The reason I'm thinking of tiptronic is because i have a knee problem on the clutch side for which I'm shortly having a second operation - so to be able to get a car like that which will also be great for my knee is fab. If I see the right car in either format I will go for it regardless. When do people actually use the manual part on the tiptronic? I used to have an automatic x type jag which I could shift into 2nd 3rd and 4th (not sure if this is the same thing) and I used to do that on snow etc as I live out in the sticks where they don't treat the roads. Hopefully I can time it to miss out on the rest of this year's ice.


    And I do like the silver - just thought another colour would be easier to sell on in the future due to being less of them.

  7. What exactly do they do with the required fog light?


    Is it correct the underneath of the car is not sealed and does this need doing?


    If Jap cars are restricted to 112 do they de-restrict them as part of the importing process - if not is it worth bothering and how much does it cost?


    Are warranties honoured at dealers here on younger cars or not?


    Any servicing issues with tiptronic?


    Why are there so many silver cars? There seems to be so many that they are actually cheaper than the rest!

  8. Well I finally nagged victor meldrew into submission last night so now the tricky bit starts. I have a budget of about 15k depending on what I get for the CTR so realistically can't afford to trade in and would probably be looking at an import. I'm then in the age old situation of having to sell my car first and have nothing to drive in the meantime! I've got a few questions about imports so I'll ask in the relevant section.

  9. He already moans about my CTR guzzling fuel so I've tried to persuade him it won't be TOO much more. Official stats for the CTR are 30MPG - I usually get about 270 miles to 30 quids worth of fuel but I do like to put my foot down. I'm not sure how much worse 24MPG is in real terms but the above comments are very reasurring.

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