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Everything posted by 350ZORRO

  1. Is using a hairdrier to fix a plastic warp a possible job for someone like me? (i.e. little skill/knowledge about bodywork) Hairdryer thing really works. I went round to my dads once and his Rav4 had the corner of his plastic bumper pushed in. He knew nothing (mum looked sheepish) Next time I went round it was gone. He said he had sorted it with the hairdryer. I didn`t believe him at 1st. Well worth a try I say.
  2. Glad you think so. It was a bit of a step to go for yellow, instead of the safe red look.
  3. They`re the standard JDM issue calipers painted yellow. The discs are EBC Turbo Grooved Disc. The pads are EBC Redstuff Pads.
  4. Thanks 3FIDDYZ I`m a forum retard.
  5. I have painted mine red. http://s540.photobucket.com/albums/gg329/350zorro/
  6. Heres the other pics. http://s540.photobucket.com/albums/gg329/350zorro/
  7. I had 13 photos to post but can only post up to 2mb (6 photos). How does everyone else do it?
  8. Its been a while since I`ve posted any pics. So, here goes.
  9. OMG! Some people! I get so angry when people make stupid mistakes (4 seats) MY ARSE.
  10. 350ZORRO


    Thats only £19,057. I`m off to get mine 2moro.
  11. The blood on the floor in the video makes it too real. OUCH!!!!!! What a prize nob.
  12. 350ZORRO


    O.M.G.! Hope they`re ok. Makes you think.
  13. Just took me over a year to notice.
  14. Whoa! I didn't realise you were a girl - I called you "fella" in your welcome thread, a term of endearment, honest! Sorry! Hi, this is Adam. The real 350zorro. My wife has obviously been posting under my name. Just went though previous posts and found this one I didn`t write. As for the shouting, she does a lot of that. The more I tell her, the more she does.
  15. You do what u want to ur car. After all u obviously like cars more than the "it gets me from a to b" type. I love to pesonalise my cars and am always looking for the next mod I can do myself. The fact that ur on a forum based CAR website says that u like cars. Do what u like doing, while we can still legally modify our cars. Looks like ur going down the tastefuly modified route. I sold my vtr over a year ago, but I still love it. I spent over £5K on it, which I got brand new for £10K. I had it for nearly 4 years. The book price was £3,400, but I got £5,000 for it. Its not about the money though, it should be fun modifying/personalising it. Most people say u de-value ur car modifing it, but someone will appreciate ur mods. Stick at it. Ur doing a great job.
  16. not a lot.... £25 iirc off bigphil Whos big phil?
  17. Top gear was great. I knew Audi drivers were cocks. I could have told em that years ago.
  18. Halfords surface cleaner. I loostened the 1 of the 6 centre bolts at a time cleaning around them with a brush. Disconnected the air intake and all the rest of the lines etc... Plenty of masking tape and news paper to avoid overspray. Didn`t require any primer so it was quik to do.
  19. used the same stuff before, gives a matt grey/black finish Yeah, could be one for the trades discription act that. The grey/black looks cool though.
  20. Yeah its spray paint. Plenty of masking off, disconecting tubes etc. Halfords own black high temperature paint. Plenty of surface cleaner spray first though. Nice quick n easy for a great finish. In my opinion it looks far better than standard.
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