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Posts posted by GrahamB

  1. We are all very jealous Vestitas but maybe you can confirm a rumour.... apparently becuase of the PAG they have reused some minor parts from other Ford group cars and there is a Volvo badge on the underside of the wing mirrors... True or False, False or True....


    G ;)

  2. Guys (and Gals),


    I've had my Z for a week now and yesterday evening the radio went a bit weird on me. CD and MW reception is fine but there is a hard crackling on the FM channels with what sounds like other stations buzzing in.


    It might be atmospherics (I'm in the South East) but I wondered if it might be the tuning slipping. Anyone else had any problems?


    Thanks in advance,



  3. Mine is defo 12 mnths. I picked up the car last week and it runs out tomorrow. I'm just going for the Green Flag cover I get through my bank (isn't a cohesive services marketplace a wonderful thing)!



  4. Picked up my 55 plate GM GT on Saturday (in the rain of course). Been grinning from ear to ear all weekend :teeth:


    Just getting used to the power and keep short shifting from 1st to 2nd but I'm sure I'll get the hang eventually.


    On the trips I've managed so far by far the most impressive thing is the high end torque. Crusing along in the outside lane in 6th and then flooring it to pass a car that moves over (which most seem to do!) makes one feel rather superior...... well at least it does with my personality flaws.



  5. Thanks All!


    The only fly now in the ointment is that my insurance certificate hasn't reached my dealer yet so he can tax it! (it was on the forecourt under a SORN - is this legal I wonder) :unsure: .


    Hopefully it will make it there tomorrow am and I'll be a happy Zedder by lunchtime!

    (of course it will be raining by then - is picking up a Zed in the rain becoming a tradition?)



  6. To get anything out of them you need to rev them very hard. We have actually been told that optimum revs of fuel efficiency is 4,500 to 5,000 - just below where the "turbo" kicks in. Once you get above 5,500 (though you've only got about 1,500 revs left to red) it does get a lot pokier... just got to be a bit rough with it to get there.


    All in all they are quite a pretty sub sports but we only have the 192. There is already a 215 and now the PZ which claims 300 bhp equivalent.


    Personally I'd still rather have a Zed, since we got ours for the misses I still have a double take when I see a bloke "driving" one.




  7. Right then, now all insured and set to pick up my 55 plate GT early on Saturday morning. Since I'm a technical dunce just wondered if anyone could advise me on final checks before I sign off. Anyone got any views on what shouldn't be wrong on a year old car?


    Thanks in advance,




  8. I'm going through the insurance maze at the moment as well. From my experience (and in my particular circumstances) Privilege is winning but Adrian Flux (with the forum 15% discount) get pretty close.




    PS I feel a little silly saying welcome since I've only been on the forum for a few days and don't get my Z til Saturday but what the hell.... WELCOME (and have fun).

  9. Just done a quick head-to-head for Sainsbury's and Privilege and, for my circumstances, Privilege is 12% cheaper so that's where I'm off to. Let's hope I never need to take advantage of my cheap insurance!


    Thanks to all for the advice.



  10. Thanks for the offer Andy! I think I'll drop back to the garage and have a nose around myself, my other half has a Nokia so I might be able to try it out. The car is standard UK spec but the dealer said they "assumed" that it was factory / dealer fit.


    If all else fails I'll maybe take you up on the offer and make the North West my first run, I can drop in on my oldies in Cheshire...........





  11. Unfortunately my Blackberry is a work phone which I can't change as I use it for remote email etc. The BT integration looks like the way forward except for a slightly weird conversation with the dealer.


    I don't pick the car up for a few days so I phoned them to try and sort out the cradle stuff and from their description it appears there is an external speaker / and or mic mounted on the dash just below and to the left of the steering column. Is this normal? I was expecting a discrete little mic somewhere at eye level. I'm now wondering if the THB kit has been fitted as aftermarket rather than factory (and hence will give me more options / less cost for cradles and Bluetooth but might not properly integrate).



  12. I've been reading a few bits on the forum about insurance costs and thought I would pass on my experience since I'm currently issuring my Z for the first time.


    I've just bought a 2005 (55 plate) GT (Gun, StaNav, Parking Sensors) with a market value of £25k. I'm an old(ish) git living in leafy Surrey with lots of no claim but the striking thing wasn't the actual numbers but the range of them.


    I started with my current insurers (Admiral) and was looking at about £660 full comp with a £350 xcs, after shopping around AA etc I was still somewhere near £600 until I tried Privilege.


    If I buy online at Privilege the premium falls to sub £400 with a £250 xcs and protected NCD! I'm currently ploughing through the policy conditions to find the catch but haven't found it yet. If this works my new Z will actually be saving me money compared to the old Alfa Spider I'm trading in......


    This would probably be a good time to point out that I am in no way related to the above insurance company, I just thought I'd pass on the tip.


    G :blush:

  13. Cheers Andy


    I've just spent 2 hrs (when I should have been working) trawling through old post to find out what you managed to tell me in 2 mins!


    Nice to see that the manufacturer is treating its customer base so well by resticting supplyand then giving up on the technology (nothing different at Nissan than any other manufacturer I suppose).



  14. Hell All,


    I've just just bought a 55 plate GT (Gun with Sat/Nav and Parking Sensors) and am trying to get to the bottom of the hands-free integration.


    The previous owner has a Nokia cradle fitted but I use a Blackberry 7100v which is, of course, not a cradle Nissan support.


    I've looked at the THB site and there is both a Blackberry cradle and a Bluetooth option but I read elsewhere that Nissan have encrypted the integration software to only work with their cradles. I have spoken with two main Nissan dealers and they are both worse than useless. One (T H White in Slough) said that the unit isn't encrypted so an aftermarket cradle "should" work!


    Anyone got any experience they can share? The aftermarket cradles aren't that expensive but if it's not possible to integrate my phone (either on a cradle or via Bluetooth) I might still be able to have a "chat" with my dealer about other options.




    G B)

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