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Emperor Ming

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Posts posted by Emperor Ming

  1. Bluffy

    Above all else DON'T DRIVE IT. Not until you have tracked down the problem. The oil pressure guage is there for a reason. To tell us if there 'aint no pressure and in your case THERE 'AINT.

    In a GTO this would be caused by a spun bearing (Caused by one of several reasons probably not appropriate to this board) and those that stopped driving ASAP saved a sh*t load of cash over those that 'ostriched' it and hoped it would go away - IT WONT!!

    I hope it isnt serious but dont risk it until you know!

    Cant stress the dont drive it advice enough mate

    Ming the concerned

  2. I think I am right in saying now that servicing does not need to be done by marque dealers so find yourself a GOOD local garage that knows what it is doing and use them.

    Only go to stealerships if it is a warranty issue and therefore FREE or if they come properly recommended. Their servicing prices will almost always be more expensive and there is no guarantee that they will do as good a job let alone better.

    I NEVER took my Mitsubishi GTO anywhere near a Mitsi garage ;) and the Nissan will go NO WHERE NEAR a Nissan garage I can guarantee that!

    Ming the Local Man

  3. Bloody hell Ming, Fantastic transformation :thumbs:



    What a brilliant restoration.


    How much dismantling and re-assembly was needed to transform the engine bay?


    The bits for the engine bay I loaned from a mate of my eldest lad - they are into the chav thing so know people with hondas :blush: - and I got them powder coated at a local firm I do a lot of business with. (The results are stunning and the colours are top notch - watch out for my PLENUM and Induction kit!!)

    All I needed was a new gasket which again was free and i fitted the lot and fully cleaned the bay in two days!

    Actual fitting time was no more than four hours. Having done it once I could cut that time in half.

    Its sad but I wont even drive a dirty car and once cleaned the engine bay of a £200 escort with a brillo pad and tooth brush!!

    Ming the slightly mad

  4. If this is a genuine 05 model for £18500 its not a buy its a bleedin steal. I looked at a standard britsh model 05 pate in black.

    Scruffy thing with over 20 thou on the clock and they want £21,000 for it.

    As for JDM models being difficult to sell - - we all bought them didn't we!!

    I bought it cos it was in good nick, at a good price and came with a 12 month major parts warranty.

    Ming the considered.

  5. been busy refurbing my skirts, washing the Z and using lots of G3 to get rid of the odd scratches on my baby. Skirts are not on yet, but at least the car is now well clean.



    'refurbing my skirts' Cheapskate.

    Marks and Spencers have an offer in sixe 14's at the moment. Go and buy some new ones.

    washing the Zed is fine but 'using lots of G3 to get rid of the odd scratches on my baby' Put her in a bath and use soap like the rest of us!! I might have to tell social services on you you cross dressing baby abuser!! :teeth:

    Ming the Slightly mad

  6. Also been out cleaning cars.

    Did mine yesterday and used the Carnuba wax for the THIRD time :teeth:

    The shine is now starting to really come through.

    With the wax now on in several layers I reckon I will not need to polish at all.

    Just wash and wax. Certainly for several months.

    With my lad and his mate we have washed and waxed two Corrado's and washed and polished a Toyota Celica. All three hoovered out and properly cleaned as well.

    Whilst my wheels were off for the pads being changed I cleaned the insides of the fronts!!

    It gets addictive.

    Ming the satisfied

  7. Sorry mods.

    Could not find a section for brakes and suspension so posted here.

    Please feel free to move as you see fit.


    My front pads have been a bit noise and seemed very hard on the discs so decided to go for a softer option. for all the car is a fast car I am as a rule a steady driver and am not a great fan of heavy accelleration followed by equally heavy braking so the heavy duty pad is not an issue for me.

    Went to a very good local auto spares place that can get anything. We tried all sorts for pads and FAILED.

    Went back with the car and the guy came out and together went through his book.

    Guess what fits 100%

    Nissan 200SX 1.8 turbo 91 to 94 :scare:

    ABTEX Front pads which a slightly softer compound than those fitted at present cost £30 for the set!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :teeth::p:teeth: Code ABTEX691

    I will give you a better update as they bed in but first signs are quite good.

    The other bonus is that by now there are LOADS of upgrades for the 200SX so in the brake department they will also all fit the early Zeds.

    If I remember correctly the 200SX upgrade was to utilise the 300Z brakes so it may be a route worth pursuing.

    Also there may be some decent aftermarket stuff available to avoid the prohibitively expensive brembo route.

    Ming the Hopeful

  8. Hi Mate

    I bought a GTO - I know I know WASH my mouth out - through an importer and I dic the same thing. Paid £500 up front and then we corresponded via email for quite a long time looking at cars for auction in Japan until the right one ropped. He then impoerted it and i only paid if it was what he and the auction sheet said it was.

    Good fun but long winded. Took almost 6 months in total. Thats good driving time.

    I was willing this time to pay a little more and see some 'landed' cars.

    I have no experience of either firm that you mention but the firm I used turned out to provide good service.

    I spoke to someone today who bought a 4x4 from them and he had a slight heating problem and for very little money they did good work AND sorted the problem.

    Hope this helps

    Ming the satisfied

  9. Looks great mate. Excellent result and the paint on the plastic cover brings all the shiney stuff out well on your engine bay








    I got plans





    two words




    Cadbury's purple ;)




    Its coming to engine bay like MINE soooooonnnnnnnn!!

    Ming the Colour blinded

  10. The actual spacing and sive of letters is on the DVLA web site and technically UK cars should not deviate from that.

    As far as I know surrounds and borders are not illegal - I will stand corrected on that but I have never heard of a prosecution, ticket etc for the surrounds!!

    Import cars can have smaller lettering - again sizes are on the DVLA web site - but if the number plate space could support proper lettering there could be an arguement for normal sized lettering.

    The rule of thumb my traffic mate Vin (Short for Vindictive if you must know :D !!) and several of his buddies use is that if a speed camera could read it and if they can read it whilst following the car it is not gonig to be the subject of process.

    Suffice to say if the driver fails the attitude test with an opening question of

    "Shouldn't you be out catching burglars/rapists/druggies/muggers"

    Then its going to get a ticket.

    Hope this helps

    Gotta dash as i am playing poker in 15 minutes and the venue is 20 minutes away.

    Lucky I gotta Zed eh :teeth:

    Ming the busy

  11. Young lad in town applies to join the special constabulary - my town this is - and is accepted.

    Goes through all the selection process and is due to collect his uniform TODAY!!!!!!!!!!

    Went out last night and got slaughtered. CCTV picks him up walking out of town at 3:30am and not knowing who he is follows him with the camera to make sure he gets safely out of town.

    He passes the underpass and gets up onto the main dual carriage way out of town and is making good progress. (Great lighting and several CCTV cameras in plain view.)

    Suddenly he stops, turns around and leans face in onto a lamp post.

    Fidgets around in his pants and pulls out his little man.

    I know what you are thinking. Leave the poor lad, he is pi**ed and having a ****, but, oh no.

    He proceeds to have a quick tug or ten and empty's his man juice all over the lamp post - oh and all down his trouser leg - just as a panda car arrives. :scare::scare::scare::scare::scare:

    Guess he wont be getting his uniform today - well not until after he leaves the cells!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ming the gobsmacked

    PS It is all saved on camera for posterity!!

    He is arrested GLAND IN HAND

  12. Buds

    As they said in the film "You have mail"

    Have a look and give me a call. It will be of a distinct advantage to you I can assure you.

    To other potential buyers.

    All I can say is 'Err on the side of caution with this firm'.

    Ming the Careful

  13. claybar doesn't have any "abrasive " effect as such. It does cleanse the surface off any dirt that is even invisible to the eye but that you can feel if you pass the palm of your hand on the car, after washed.


    You can wash the socks off your car but the first time you clay bar it you will be stunned by the amount of dirt that comes off. The bar goes brown several times during the process and it is all contaminants from the paint on your car.


    Ming the Shiney Man


    Ming I believe your services are req'd on other threads you cleaning maniac :blush:


    Mrs Ming called one of my previous cars the Mistress because I spent more time money and effort on the car than I did on her.

    I offered to let her stand, stark naked of course, on the drive on Sunday morning whilst I washed, clay barred, scrubbed, polished and then waxed her.

    She turned me down.

    can't think why.

    Ming the Obsessive

  14. claybar doesn't have any "abrasive " effect as such. It does cleanse the surface off any dirt that is even invisible to the eye but that you can feel if you pass the palm of your hand on the car, after washed.


    You can wash the socks off your car but the first time you clay bar it you will be stunned by the amount of dirt that comes off. The bar goes brown several times during the process and it is all contaminants from the paint on your car.


    Ming the Shiney Man

  15. Bought P21 delivered to the door for about £25 or £26. Have used it twice on the car already and once I worked out how to use it it is really quite easy to put on.

    The effects were Ok the first time and better the second. This is on an already VERY clean car.

    I am sure with another three or four coats the reslutls will be outstanding.

    I agree though to avoid too much polish on decent paintwork.

    I now wash, dry WAX. :thumbs:

    Ming the Obsessed

  16. I couldn't work out why your fitment seemd so easy and then I realised that JDM cars have totally different rear bumpers the number plate area being SQUARE.

    This is going to make the fitting of a strip a lot more difficult.

    I have had another look at my rear end - so to speak - and the space between the outler skin and the metal cross member is filled by a piece of polestyrene and as such the fitment may yet be possible.

    Does anyone know how easy or otherwise the removal of the rear bumper is??

    ming the hopeful

  17. I installed it just below the level of the rear indicators. As far as I remember, this was over the cross member, but it was not too close to affect operation. The only time I get false readings is when reversing over a manhole cover or drain, but I can put up with that, rather than having 4 ugly lumps on the bumper.


    I would guess from memory (I installed it about a year ago), that it is where the green line is on this picture:


    thanks mate

    Did you take the rear bumper off or did you fit it through the spaces left when the rear lights are taken out?

    I agree I really do not want holes in my rear bumper!


    Ming the greatful

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