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Posts posted by davetstan

  1. Good idea, Tims looked smart, can't see much of yours from that pic but what I can see looks superb.

    Thats what made me think it was his old one.


    My old man bought his Jag off him a year or so back. So clean you could eat your dinner off it.


    Dudey looking Nephew to,,, :D

  2. Thats too kind Dave, :#1:


    I can only accept that the guy responsible should pay - The police officer spoke to soco and we need permission from the owner of the punto to do the paint analysis..should hear something on Monday!


    Fair do's. Good luck and keep me posted. Can't be doing with people not respecting other peoples property.

    Check ths out!


    I was walking towards my car earlier today and spotted some prescription glasses on the floor that had been dropped. I asked two ladys in front of me if they had dropped them. They said no they were't theres.

    You will not believe what one of them suggested.

    "Leave them on someones car bonnet near where I found them as the owner might walk back and spot them" :angry:


    Some people :scare: not got the brains they were born with.

  3. Mate, totally gutted for you. I had my bonnet done and its so bloody annoying and just impossible to get them out. I'm afrad thats a three panel spray job.

    Bite the bullet and get it done when you can afford it.

    You have a nice motor there so it will look as good as new once its done.

    You could go through the insurance but it will cost you a claim and if your excess is big might not be worth it.


    I feel your pain, hope you get over it soon....



    Dave :thumbs:

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