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Posts posted by Chris`I

  1. Such terrible terrible news. Saw it on Facebook this morning and only managed to get on the forum now. For all the old timers that know me, you know I'm not an emotional person (Amanda fequently questions if I have any) and I well up every time I read something about this such sad news on Facebook or the forum. Amanda was shocked to hear the news too.


    I think I'm not stretching any truth in any way saying he was a legend in his own lifetime.


    RIP bud :byebye:

    • Like 11
  2. All works fine on Chrome, just downloading FF to take a look. Maybe we should mandate the use of Chrome :lol:


    EDIT: OK maybe I wont bother - looks like pilot error :p


    IE is a right pain in the butt, usually you can enable "Compatibility Mode" it sorts out most gremlins from what I remember. If not - get Chrome!

    • Like 1
  3. Sure someone on here had a BIrd bike rack fitted, might even be in this thread somewhere. Seemed to work ok. I had one way back that attached to the towing eye, but I was never sold by it, was a good design but just not solid enough for me.


    As for fitness, go out for a ride with Mr AK and you'll always feel unfit! :lol: Unfortunately in the summer I'm riding with him and his even fitter mate, so I'm screwed no matter how much training I do!!!

  4. Very good sir. I'd heard on the reviews of the Process 111 that it feels like it should have more travel, which is ironic as they seemingly designed it as it is to prove you dont need more! Maybe you need to give the 134 'tweener a go? Even I would say the 153 is probably overkill for the UK. How did it feel on a 29er?


    How did you find the X0 trail brakes and Pikes?

  5. As AK said, the black downs arent really blacks at all, you can easily roll 98% of it at 2MPH. The bits you cant, you can stop before you go over them, so no commitment required at all. The black bits are definitely black for their ups rather than downs, after 2 days of riding my legs were nicely warmed up and this killed them! Even AK had to put some effort in which is saying something! A novice can easily roll nearly all of it, just scope if out before you got hitting it at any speed. Lips are all pretty mellow, so even if you do over-egg it then theres no real harm going to be done.

  6. Despite N. Wales best efforts to destroy our weekend with rain, I think we did rather well! Saturday we were at Coed-y-Brenin, got a dry ride around a mix of the blue and reds in the morning, headed out for another red in the afternoon but got rained off (or should that be washed away). I bottled it with the girls and headed back to the B&B but AK pushed on and added another 7 miles cos he's a real man (read: nutter) :p Sunday we headed down to Machynlleth to hit up the Cli-machX trail, which was a nice little outing. Heading down from CyB the weather was pretty awful but on arrival at the trail head the weather cleared and it was all round very good. Monday again we were greeted with torrential rain, but on the advice of the Met Office, we headed over to Llandegla, where after a small wait the weather cleared again and got in another cracking ride.






  7. Hope the weather holds for you, dont want what ToB have had today thats for sure!


    No news on the forks, doesnt look good for today. They are open til 5:30, but as tracking says "NO" I think they are lost in the system somewhere. Next chance to get up there is Friday. Certainly takes the shine off getting your dream bike huh. Thanks Mojo :dry:

  8. Good work bud. I have it on the TV in the background, waiting for the call from the bike shop that my forks have arrived and I can go collect it all. F'in Mojo said they've sent the forks out, but the tracking that the bike shop have is showing "unrecognised" and no tracking detail. Mojo said they've gone out but havent told them when. Not happy I've worked from home and started early so I could go collect it to find Mojo havent sent the forks :angry:


    Weather looks aweful on ToB :boat:

  9. So appears everything is at the bike shop bar the forks. Taking longer to get them as they had to be lowered apparently - guessing they are 160's and need lowering to 150's. Bit **** poor by whoever the bike shop is getting them from that its taken a week to lower some forks which I know is about a half hour job going by Mojo's vid. Upside is that if they are 160s I can raise them for Alps trips etc.


    Cant wait to get it though, should be here Monday, maybe Tuesday :bounce:

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