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Posts posted by get12

  1. strange thing is the camera did not look like a camera - more like a rectangular black box on a tripod???




    Sounds like a camera 2 me :lol:


    +1 :lol:

    "rectangular black box on a tripod" erm it doesnt sound like it was wearing a disguise :blush:


    :lol::lol: Sorry Graham :lol::lol:


    No worries - I was kinda hoping you guys would go - "thats not a camera, thats a tax disc reader"! :blush::lol:


    Oh well - i've just moved so getting addressed changed on Licence so I'll find out sooner or later as to whether some points are coming me way :dry:

  2. Just to let everyone know, we now have Cusco strut braces and anti roll bars in stock.

    Will put some pics up later.


    Would I be right in saying that you would go either a decent damping system (tein etc) or these braces i.e. installing both would be a waste of money in the persuit for performance?




    no comparison between damping and a stut brace, damping is much more critical


    you could take your strut brace off and unless you're on a track you would be hard pushed to notice


    Cheers for that :thumbs:

  3. thx man, u got anything for around 150 mark?








    :lol: See what I mean straight to the point no messing :thumbs:


    Yep, he tells it as it is:


    Me: "So how much for the Nismo zorst Phil?"

    Phil: "£*50.00"

    Me: "Any discount?"

    Phil: "That's the best I can do"

    Me: "So, £*00.00 for the zorst, do you want a deposit?"

    Phil: "You can keep trying, it's still going to be £*50.00"




    with the package put together it's still a bargain Phil :thumbs::teeth: [/i]

  4. Bad luck mate if I was you I'd lock myself up in a padded cell :lol:


    Nah I'd say your safe mate, maybe just checkin tax!!!


    You're giving me hope now! I make a regular trip down the M23 and just when you enter onto the A23 there is normally a camera van with it's set-up outside the van, situated on an overpass. When I started doing this journey I got caught out twice doing 80mph in the middle lane - failed to spot him :dry:


    On the first occaision it was not being monitored by man - on the second occaision the man was looking through it - strange thing is the camera did not look like a camera - more like a rectangular black box on a tripod???



  5. Just to let everyone know, we now have Cusco strut braces and anti roll bars in stock.

    Will put some pics up later.


    Would I be right in saying that you would go either a decent damping system (tein etc) or these braces i.e. installing both would be a waste of money in the persuit for performance?



  6. Came back to my car after lunch and someone had put 3 X's in the dirty boot lid. I think someone must love my car. Ain't that sweet :D


    .......yep I won that game of noughts and crosses :lol:

  7. Thanks for the advice guys, i will let you know how i get on!!! Now i need to go 2 class lol. Speak to you all later. Oh and meant to ask is there any chipsaway in scotland? pref near glasgow?


    Do yourself a favour and steer clear of ChipsAway if the work involves paintwork!!!


    I understand you have a had a bad experience but not all chipsaway outfits are the same. Best to go on a individual basis as they are all franchised operations anyway


    Yeah I know that Mike but I disagree with the whole working methods of ChipsAway - when you do some respray touch up work out in the open then you know you are not going to be able to control where the overspray goes but yeah I got a duff one as the saying goes and im sure there are some ChipsAway guys out there that are diligent in their work :)


    On previous cars I've had no problems whatsoever with Chipsaway having used the same guy twice..... What people need 2 remember is tho this is a franchise company so no doubt there are many cowboys around as get21 has experienced!!!

    +1, i had one repair a scratch on my MG and the finish was amazing, in fact it was better than the original paintwork :thumbs:


    some chipsaway outfits have workshops. I know of two


    ...Jeez Mike - do you work as a libel lawyer?! Enough now - I get the idea - I'll publish a retraction statement in one of the broadsheets!! :lol::lol::surrender::thumbs:

  8. Not far from Crawley :)


    I work in Lewes and live near Woking so should be able to collect if I decide to purchase - need to do some research into it as was not expecting to start this project until my other project has settled :)

  9. Big money for Nismo ones?


    No figures required unless you desire! :D


    Been sworn to silence on price but yeah very good deal taking into account fitting as well - Nismo exhaust, hi flows, MREV, Motordyne - very competitive quote from RJN - you could do a lot worse!!!

  10. Got Kintetix hi flows.. sounds amazing when combined with Nismo Exhaust.. (Pingu also got that combination since last yr and no probs reported).


    Still reasonably quiet at lower RPM's but when accelerating all hell breaks loose!! - sounds more like 911 Turbo


    .........Gone Nismo hi flow cats courtesy of RJN Motorsports.......yum yum :lol:

  11. Thanks for the advice guys, i will let you know how i get on!!! Now i need to go 2 class lol. Speak to you all later. Oh and meant to ask is there any chipsaway in scotland? pref near glasgow?


    Do yourself a favour and steer clear of ChipsAway if the work involves paintwork!!!


    I understand you have a had a bad experience but not all chipsaway outfits are the same. Best to go on a individual basis as they are all franchised operations anyway


    Yeah I know that Mike but I disagree with the whole working methods of ChipsAway - when you do some respray touch up work out in the open then you know you are not going to be able to control where the overspray goes but yeah I got a duff one as the saying goes and im sure there are some ChipsAway guys out there that are diligent in their work :)

  12. Thanks for the advice guys, i will let you know how i get on!!! Now i need to go 2 class lol. Speak to you all later. Oh and meant to ask is there any chipsaway in scotland? pref near glasgow?


    Do yourself a favour and steer clear of ChipsAway if the work involves paintwork!!!

  13. Why not? I'm guessing that they'll take the enterance ticket off us at the show leaving us with just the GTR lounge ticket. I've already printed a bunch so's I don't forget it.


    Not really expecting much from this VIP thing. They did after all send out an invite to every person that registered on that site.


    Yeah I figured that it may not be as exclusive as it implies! You the same guy on the other site that was teasing me with the fact that you have a ticket spare?! When/how you travelling up there? I plan on driving/hotel just for a night.



  14. I have to remind myself the hard way that you get what you pay for :dry:


    Got ChipsAway in a couple of weeks ago to remove minor scuffs from rims and scuff on rear bumper.


    Today was the first chance to check out the work when I washed/waxed car. The guy has got clear coat spray everywhere - feels like i'm trying to polish up sandpaper :rant: The most noticeable part is the zorst - he must have got loads on it as the heat has transformed the chrome surface into a matted finish - im replacing the zorst in couple of weeks but that is not the point! Anybody know what'll remove it - paint remover???



  15. Been looking at the cossie myself and you're right, more gains are achieved through FI than NA (been looking at some threads on my350z.com) and im starting to think that a spacer would achieve the same results and cost 2/3rds less! Lets see what the dyno says though.:)

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