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Posts posted by AndyC

  1. Was good to see you! When I saw the reg, I wondered if it might have been you cos of your sign on :D


    I'd just been to pick the missus up from Mosside (yep, made sure the doors were locked). Gutted a Sat night without drinking but at least I'd managed to get out on Friday so wasn't so bad. Where'd you been?


    Thanks for the convincing the missus too - I'd told her I was thinking about chopping mine in for an 06 with a kit and she told me I was a boy racer. I pointed out it was nice and subtle but she wasn't having it till she saw yours and said it looked cool, she obviously hasn't admitted she was wrong yet but, hey thats just women :teeth:

  2. Sweet Jacko, cheers for the tip :thumbs:


    Just spoken to them and you're bang on, they'e got 1 in. Its a coupe which is what I'd be looking at anyway. Just booked my test drive for Saturday so I'll let you all know my thoughts next week, if I think on I'll take the camera and post some pics of those new lights!!!



  3. Nice one guys, thanks for setting my mind at rest!


    Chris - apparently there's around 20k of them camped up in Kirkham so the local dibble were obviously trying to nick as many of them as poss while they were in 1 place, which is quite right!!

  4. Was belting it down the M55 towards Blackpool on Sat night and didn't see the 3 dig cameras sat on the bridge (1 covering each lane). Fortunately I'd backed off a good bit by then because of traffic but was still over 80 at the time. A couple of my mates have told me not to worry as they're just there to check regs as theres been a shedload of gypsies come to Kirkham but I'm not convinced. Anybody any ideas? Can I expect a ticket soon or what?

  5. TBH I've not got a problem with it, yep £630k is a nice fat salary but think how long he's had to go earning next to nothing, plus it isn't everyone that ends up with a national breakfast show. If he lost ratings he soon be out of a job and I think that if your in a job which is as fickle as that then you deserve to get paid well for it. Bloody hell, I'm sounding like I'm related to him! Sorry all, he's a fat b****** :teeth:

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