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Posts posted by AndyC

  1. Nikos, mine's just turned up this morning and it looks like a class match - thanks very much.


    I'm prob going to have to get a new bumper or some repair done to a bit of a mark on it and I think it'd prob be worth using your paintshop as they seem to have the match worked out - can you PM or post me the details?


    Thanks again mate :thumbs:

  2. Guys, I'm going to have to decline I'm afraid. Because I'm a (and I may have mentioned it before) lazy swine I still haven't sorted out any tyres. Considering my first post was some advice about this I'm a complete disgrace!! I'm gutted cos I was looking forward to this and meeting you all, I will definately be there if & when theres another. You are, of course, all free to ridicule me in my absence!!! :D


    Awwww Andy! :yuck:


    Does your tyre place not open on Saturday?? ;):)


    I know mate I'm shocking, I'm ordering them through the net and just haven't got round to it. This is going to give me the kick up the arse I need now though, don't want to miss out again

  3. Guys, I'm going to have to decline I'm afraid. Because I'm a (and I may have mentioned it before) lazy swine I still haven't sorted out any tyres. Considering my first post was some advice about this I'm a complete disgrace!! I'm gutted cos I was looking forward to this and meeting you all, I will definately be there if & when theres another. You are, of course, all free to ridicule me in my absence!!! :D

  4. :welcome: mate!!


    Theres lots that try and fail believe me, you find that everything on the road wants to race you. Had a bash with a Carrera 4S and I wasn't that far away from it, had to back off at 100 cos was getting peppered with stones. My mates got an A3 3.2 and I struggle against him in the wet purely down to traction (he's got the quattro) but in the dry he's no chance.


    My most entertaining incident (although obviously not for the other party) was going round a wet bend at about 80mph with a Punto trying to follow me and watching him in my rear view lose it, get a tank slapper on and end up going into the wall big time! He was ok so I can laugh about it and serves him right for being so stupid!


    If you get the chance to get it on the track do it, its really really good. All in all mate you'll not regret it and you'll find that you've got a big :teeth: permanently etched onto your face!

  5. no probs mate, a guy round the corner from me has an 06 too, he must be working for a dealer as he's got diferent nissans all the time, but he now seems to prefer the new silver 06 Z :) will have to go around and introduce myself ;)


    Bet its the same one - the only dealer round here that seems to have one in is Stockport and its the Sales Manager's car, when I rang up they said it was a silver so bet its him. Get yourself round there mate and lets get a group discount organised!!! :teeth:

  6. For those of you who noticed I said that I was gonna get a drive of the MY06 at the weekend and post some pics & views, I've not forgotten!! I was supposed to get there on Saturday but called the garage before I went down and they'd lent it out to a company for the weekend :thumbdown: , hopefully I'm gonna get a go this week/this weekend and I'll post my views then!!

  7. Not sure mate, I'm thinking that I'd poss go for the Nismo (is that whats on yours?) and just get it factory fitted. I'm a lazy swine and if I don't do it straight away I won't get around to doing it, if I've gotta source a kit then get it fitted and painted it'll never happen!


    Plus if it comes out the factory the match is gonna be spot on. Had to have a new bumper on mine after some mong reversed into me and the match isn't bad but it certainly aint right and it pains me every time I look at it.

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