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Posts posted by stevie_350z

  1. Anyone gone larger than 285 at the back? I saw the rear of my mates new 911 with 305s on it and it looked real dirty - love it!


    Decided to keep the car at the end of my 3 year PCP - even though I've got a kiddie on the way, I reckon I can keep the Z and buy a new car for the same cost per month!


    I don't want wheels with a lip - ideally, they'd be no-lip black wheels, with the silver rim showing.

  2. http://www.dpccars.com/car-videos-08/10 ... antage.htm




    BTW I had a trip in my mate's new 911 C2S and all I can say is WOW!


    What a motor - the price is huge, but bloody hell what an awesome car - we blew off a Supra in a race up the A30 - in fact, I didn't even feel a gear change all the way up to 130...


    Put it in Sports Plus, the revs go up to 4k instantly and the thing is a beast!


    It sounds heavenly from inside the **** pit, and next year he gets the sports exhaust added... tissue, sir?


    Proper quality inside it (coming from a Z), and, well, if it was in my price bracket I would buy one, no questions.


    Love it, wish I could afford one, and with the 305 rears it looks like a right dirty bastard!




    PS If you want pics I'll get some next week when I'm in the office again

  3. I still find Nissan's stance a little strange.

    At the end of the day they are still selling cars regardless of the source.

    The only reason imports are being bought is because of the extended waiting list, no saving is being made by importing.

    The same situation exists with the 350Z and yet they have not taken the same position and imports have had no effect on the UK market.

    Nissan have taken a god like position with regard to the GTR in the UK.

    We still have a UK car on order and have asked for the car to be unregistered when it arrives only to be told that if this is the case they will withold the car and retain the deposit, as far as I am concerned if we pay for the car it should be our choice as to whether or not we register it.


    It's global enterprise business 101 - brand, brand, brand, and I don't mean Russell Brand.


    None of you appreciate it now (nobody in support so far?) and nothing I will say will make you change your mind because you will never understand it until you deliver a world wide product to market - I've done it twice, and I'm currently doing my third WW delivery - I never believed it, either, but once you've worked with finance, legal etc you soon learn. Do you think Carl Goshn and the rest of the Nissan enthusiasts are doing this to **** people off?


    At the heart of things, Nissan are creative, delivery people and they love their product even more than we do - so separate them from the dealers (not all dealers, some are good) and give them some respect.


    It may seem a weird way to work from your small corner of the planet, but hey, who cares about you? In the market segmentation analysis you probably didn't even turn up, so all you're doing is burning the airwaves on 350z-uk.com which is off topic?


    End of? Was it the wales run last weekend or the next - I've been in the US so missed it, but I'm there in spirit after being there for the first few... B)

  4. So surely by that logic, there should be no second hand cars sold, ever.


    I wonder what Levis motives were to stop Tesco selling £20 jeans in the UK - was it to protect the "brand" or was it to ensure they could keep retailing them at £50 and milking the UK public?


    GTRs in the US sat in showrooms at the equivalent of £40,000, imports of right hand drive cars available to the UK earlier and cheaper than the UK retail price... Smells like protecting a gravy train to me.


    My God, what a drama queen, you should go on X-Factor! :lol:


    It doesn't matter what the vendor's reasons are for protecting their product, it's their legal right to do so - if you are ever in the position of developing something valuable and wanting to get maximum $$ for it, perhaps you might one day understand...

  5. Nissan are right to do this - if they don't, then the law see's that as a precedent and anyone can resell their cars in this country. It's the same for any product, as one of the thread responders says about Levi's not at Tescos.


    They spend a lot of money to market their car and deliver their product in the way they want to, and don't want a load of herberts selling their product outside of their control.


    100% with Nissan on this, even if it's a pain the wotnot for those of us wanting to buy a car early.

  6. Hey DIgsy, I thought they changed the rules on PCP so that they can't hammer you anymore - yes, it will cost you something, but not the huge hammer blow it used to be.


    This is because of the FSA rules... have you even asked for a settlement figure? I dont think they can penalise you more than a couple of months payments?

  7. Install a camera, film this crap, then play it back constantly on TV... a pub in Hull used to do this to shame the idiots from ever coming back in - one particularly memorable video had a bloke walking around dancing with his knob out - doubt if he ever came back in!

  8. Hey Stew! VMware is quite simple...


    ...imagine a datacenter full of computers, sucking up power, pumping out heat, destroying the planet and only being used for about 6% of their actual power.


    That is the industry standard - around the world, the average CPU utilization is 6%, meaning that a lot of power, cooling and cash is wasted.


    Imagine if you could reduce that number of computers, therefore reduce the power used, the cooling required, and the cash spent... how could you do it?


    You can turn computers off, but for those still required you can VIRTUALIZE them with VMware. And for any new requests for computeres, you can VIRTUALIZE them.


    What virtualization does is let multiple virtual machines run on one physical machine - they share the physical machine but they are kept isolated, well they are with VMware but not with our competitors.


    The end result is: much less space used in the datacenter, much less power used, smaller carbon footpring, less cooling (=even less power) and cost avoidance (capital expenditure and operational expenditure) = no brainer.


    For home / desktop users, things are even more exciting. Do a google for VMware Server, Workstation, ACE, ThinApp and VDI.


    If you're still awake, well done


  9. I remember working on a VISA processing system back in my youf and missing a ".R" off a command, which had a weird effect that took us eight hours to work out what was wrong - I worked it out and sheepishly held my hand up (after eight hours with no VISA transactions through our bank - not good, quote from the Treasurer "remind me why you work here..." )


    My boss was ace and said "Well done for holding your hand up... bet you won't make a mistake like that again".... if only he was there six years later at 2am when I did an "rm *" in the wrong directory...


    Happy days!

  10. The last time I went, I think I filled up once before I left (80 squid) then three times whilst over there (call it 300 euros / 240 squid) so that's about 300 notes in fuel give or take a few pepparamis from the shop...


    Our accomodation was a very reasonable 40 quid a night for three nights.


    Beer and food very cheap, between 50-100 euros a day.


    Ringadingaling tickets, I did eight laps in one day - 140euros


    So all in all, around 600-700 quid.


    Worth every penny.

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