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Posts posted by polarbear

  1. Two opeions:

    1. 1978 1300cc Lada!!!

    Bright green - any I mean BRIGHT GREEN.

    Russian build quality with 60s Italian "style".

    Nice :blush::blush::blush:


    2. 1976ish Lancia 2.0 HPE Coupe

    2 litre twin cam, sporty looking and the biggest pile of rust you ever saw.

    Even the floor pan rusted out above the exhaust routing.

    The car that did for Lancia in the UK???

  2. When we are on the subject of dealers I've just spent 3 weeks trying to get the financing sorted on my new 07 Z. The damn thing has been sat in the dealers for 3 weeks (see pics below) and I was even ready to take the resale hit and collect it in early August, but they couldn't value my 05/55! :angry:


    All we need now is somebody posting to this thread "well, if you got BMW/Audi/Porsche (delete as appropriate) service you would be paying (...) prices"


    Personally, I blame the cheese eating, surrender monkeys over at Renault. ;)

  3. If you don't mind me asking did you get any discount at all on new or freebies thrown in?Cheers


    Let's just call this "under negotiation" on the settlement for my 05/55. TBH they could sell it 10 times over so I don't expect much other than some new mats and maybe the tonneau cover.


    Still waiting for the lazy gits at the DVLA to return my retention certification for my reg so haven't picked it up yet :angry:

  4. Very nice. Gunmetal is my fave colour for that model year.


    You've done a neat job with the Garmin. I've done the same with my Navman, but nowhere near that tidy. What did you use to fabricate the bracket???

  5. There are some great resources available on "Career Anchors". Most I have seen (and done :blush: ) ask a whole load of multiple choice questions and then give you a ranked set a preferences for the type of job/career/idling you should be looking at.


    It doesn't try to tell you what industry/sector/role you should go for, but what you should be looking for in terms of split between say being entrepreneurial versus safety. Sounds bleedin' obvious, but very helpful IMO if you are not sure about your next step.


    Whatever you do, best of luck :)

  6. Economically unsound but exactly what I would do. I had a deposit on the car for weeks before I could transfer money from aborad to pay for it an sad as it seems, I used to go and visit it.


    Look forward to picks when you get it.



    Yeah, I know, but what the hell. Dealer originally told me it would be delivered mid/late Sept then I get a phone call out of the blue say "it's here!". Thought about it for a bit and considered it sat in their compound doing nothing other than risking damage and thought I'd better go for it.


    I also had to pay out £105 to put my reg on retention as the dealer said it could take weeks and weeks to transfer if I didn't, especially in the run up to 1st Sept.


    Counting the days....

  7. I got KT55 ZZZ for £299 and as my initials are KT, well.......


    If I had the money (or weird initials) I'd go for an Irish plate ending in 3502 for obvious reasons.

  8. so will they actually let you have it before sept 1st? Cool!


    Yeah, but not on '57. I've got a cherished plate so will take the hit on a few hundred quid residuals just to get my paws on it early.

  9. Mine's on a PCP. £5k down 2 years ago and about ~£550 month. Just about to chop it in for an '07 and I reckon it'll cost me <£2k to swap.


    My advice is to leave the calculator alone and go for it. The Z residuals are still pretty good and just look what you'll be driving :D

  10. Just been down to the dealer to see my lovely new Temper GT fresh off the boat from Japan. Still covered in the usual shipping protection stickers and gunk, but the colour is amazing even without a good polish and wax.


    Was going to wait until 1st Sept, but as it's going on to a cherished plate I just can't wait any longer.


    Some pics to follow....


    One happy person :teeth::teeth::teeth:

  11. Idiots - bring back the birch, etc, etc. Gutted for you.


    I'd always thought that the Z had less "idiot chav vandalism" appeal than say a Porsche as these pillocks could actually aspire to owning one and were busy thrashing them on their X-Box or PS3s.

  12. Wiltshire/Gloucestershire isn't too bad if you like 2 feet of water on A-roads, abandoned cars in the middle of the street and a new lake at the River Thames in Lechlade.


    Been away for the weekend (Barnsley House nr Bibury in Gloucs :teeth: ) and left the Z at home. 'fraid the wife's Focus had to bear the brunt of the water. Didn't fancy drowning the poor girl.


    ...slowing growing webbed feet down here!!!

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