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Space Cadet

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Everything posted by Space Cadet

  1. Had the Nismo exhaust (and Nismo brake pads, lines and fluid) fitted at the weekend by RJN, sounds wicked!!, just right and in my opinion how it should have sounded from new, it doesn’t sound much louder at idle or crawling around - but when I boot it!!!
  2. May be I’m getting paranoid, but I’m sure the Z has started to judder slightly when pulling away, only very slightly as the drive train pulls up the slack. Now this may just be normal, the car does have a big engine and therefore probably heavy duty running gear, but I can’t remember it?? Anyone else?
  3. Seems a big claim just for replacing the grounding leads? Could appreciate the aesthetics side of thing if people are doing up the engine bay.
  4. Seems to be a popular upgrade, is it just cosmetic?
  5. Thanks, might have another listen, may be mine is un-normally wind-noisey, will talk to the dealer some time.
  6. Thanks Do you mean that they just temporarily wind-down, i.e. that they rise again, or that they permanently wind-down slightly? No, haven’t spoken to the dealer yet, will do so when I next go in, but it’s not a big problem and I normally have the wicked Bose stereo on or am booting it around somewhere enjoying the engine and exhaust. It’s just a bit annoying and unexpected on a relatively expensive car when cruising on the motorway. Just wondered if anyone else thought they were hearing unacceptable wind-noise, may be it’s just all the Z’s in general or may be mine has a small fault.
  7. Thanks Kuro, thought it was just me that was so fussy about weird noises!! Anyway, am surprised at just how much wind noise I get from around may be the window, or door, or possibly the wing-mirror area, can’t place it, does anyone else hear wind-noise above what they'd expect? The cars is relatively new and only done 5k, therefore presume it to be 'as new', the windows drop and raise as they should and the seals look fine.
  8. Now I for one would be interested in a re-map, of whatever sorts, i.e. like from WRC (I almost bought an STI and had planned to take it there, but style got the better of me!!) especially one that is tailored to my car and the upgrades I have already made, in my case the exhaust and filter. But there seems to be the thought/idea that the car’s ECU effectively changes the re-map back to standard, therefore wasting money and time. I obviously do not know either way, but surely this needs to be resolved before I and others pay what is quite a few quid for a re-map for it to be put back to standard within a short time. I’ve had re-maps of all sorts in the past on NA and FI cars and have been happy with them all, none have been over-ridden by the car’s ECU, but obviously I am not an expert and have no real knowledge yet of the Z. Please advise. Thanks.
  9. If the cams are not too extreme then the standard ECU normally works ok. Poor example I know, but with my first car a Saxo VTS it was happy with some mild cams (and pulley wheels), with approx. 20% increase in BHP (But with gradually higher lift cams the car would be virtually undrivable until I needed a stand-alone ECU and end saw approx. 60%, but with a full engine build). Nismo do various cams for the Z and with an experienced garage I wondered if it would be fun having a mild set put in, I think the car feels a bit lethargic, I don’t mean lacking in power but needs it to rev more and more freely. Anyway, just wondered if anyone else had fitted cams rather than going forced induction which I don’t want to do.
  10. Quite fancy keeping the Z normally aspirated, have had a few turbo’d cars and fancied a change with the Z, anyway have messed around with cams in the past on NA cars and if it’s set up properly can be wicked. It seems to be the trend on the site to go down the supercharger or turbo route but has anyone fitted for example the Nismo cams or any others? Thanks.
  11. Thanks. I think its going to be one of those problems where I’m just not going to get to the bottom of it, have taken the phone cradle off and will cut a bit of mat to fit over the whole floor. At the end of the day we're only talking about a cubby-hole floor after all. Thanks for all your help, Mark.
  12. Thanks, realy appreciate all your help. In the end I think they're totally different pieces after all that, will have to just resort to plan A and cut a bit of rubber mat or something to go over mine. Thanks again. (At least we know now for the future)
  13. Thanks, really appreciate your help. I've a feeling they are the same piece, has yours got a hole in the middle to screw something i.e. the phone cradle into? The piece we ate talking about (hopefully) is the floor of the cubby-hole and it just lifts up in mine and yes is material (felt) lined on one side, it has the 2" piece cut out for the phone cable in my case and that is presumably what you 'broke' off.
  14. Thanks guys, it’s booked in at RJN next Saturday to have it fitted along with a few other Nismo bits.
  15. Thanks guys, but was after (if possible) the whole floor as opposed to just filling in the little 2" square hole. May be I’m at cross-purposes - is the roadster's floor piece the same as the coupe but just without the cradle?? In which case the only difference is the 2" hole where the phone's cables go which in the case of the roadster is filled in with the 2" square piece.
  16. Much appreciated, my local dealer is pretty useless and thinks the Coupe is a UFO let alone the Roadster. Apparently the UK Coupes come with a mobile phone cradle piece as the bottom of the cubby-hole floor; they couldn’t even find that on their schematics but found a replacement cup-holder piece!? Talking on the site, apparently the UK Roadsters don’t come with the phone cradle piece and just have a plain piece as the cubby-hole floor, hence if I can get hold of that plain piece then I can make use of the cubby hole. Many thanks, Mark.
  17. Could somebody with a UK roadster please do me a massive favour and give me the part number that appears on the underneath of the floor piece of the cubby-hole in the centre consol by the handbrake, i.e. where you rest your left elbow. I have a coupe and want to replace the mobile phone holder piece that’s in there, I know I could obviously cut a piece of mat etc to fit, but for the sake of £10 or so would just prefer to do it properly with an OEM part. Many thanks, Mark.
  18. Is it worth doing - either as standard or with exhaust/filter etc?
  19. Thanks, wonder why it’s red in all the pictures, the red one also has ‘Nismo’ on the bottom edge, although mine doesn’t?? Anyway, It didn’t break the bank and even if it only adds a couple of BHP - Nismo can’t have bothered to have developed one if it is no better than standard. I just bought it from the dealer while picking up some OEM bits, bought the radiator cap as well. Have also booked the car in at RJN to have the S-Tune exhaust, break-lines and pads fitted so just want to keep it all Nismo and OEM’ish.
  20. Have bought the S-Tune panel filter from a main Nissan dealer, came in a Nismo box with Japanese instructions and a Nismo sticker etc, the only 'problem' is that it is white and all the pictures on the internet show the filter to be a K&N looking red one????
  21. Thanks, sounded ok on that clip, would you say it was much louder than standard?
  22. Am seriously thinking about the exhaust, but since I haven’t heard it yet, just wondered if anyone else has had it fitted or has heard it and could describe what it sounds like. I.e. dose it sound good, bad, is it loud, subtle? etc, I don’t want to spoil the car or sound like a chav, am hoping for an Aston/Ferrari metallic sound. Thanks.
  23. Thanks guys, have spoken to RJN and am due to go and have a load of stuff fitted soon.
  24. Thanks, it’s obviously not a massive problem, I had already thought about taking the cradle off and then putting a piece of mat or something in there, but just wondered about buying an OEM piece. The car is an ex-demo UK car, the steering wheel actually has little buttons for the hands-free set-up so I assume it came with at least the loom for the phone cradle if not also the cradle itself. Like I said, apparently the only thing appearing on the dealer part-department schematic is a cup holder arrangement, not even the piece that the phone cradle attaches to. So do all the UK cars come with this phone cradle piece, or do some come with the cup holder or do some in fact come without either and hopefully the plain piece I need? Thanks for your help.
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