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Nick U

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Posts posted by Nick U

  1. So...JDM isn't much of an issue apart from insurance, good. I was nosing around the Nissan site earlier and was susprised to see a combined MPG of 32.5 stated! Can someone look up the stated figure in their handbook, as that is the figure my personal fuel deduction is taken from. If it really is 32.5 then that's sealed the deal for me :>


    I,d take that figure with a huge pinch of salt :p if your looking for economy buy a mini ;)


    Yeah :D:D i dont think mine has ever been above 25mpg, apart from a boring motorway journey!!!!! ;)

  2. hold your horses, with the heavier duty clutch remark mate....... a few have failed within the fist 20k miles (or earlier)... :) Clutch is not the strongest part at all, on our Z :dry:


    I mearly ment heavier to push down, not heavier duty. :blush:

  3. I assume the back can be delicately provoked with the right foot ala S2000 ?


    When pushing on through winding B roads does the Z tend to understeer first ala RX8 ?


    Oh yes...the back end can certainly be provoked.


    I have found that the Z grips the road very well.....especially in the dry....I tend to run out of balls before the thing runs out of grip and understears.


    However back end fun even with the ESP on is great, and in the wet I have had the car twitching all over the place under acceleration from a corner....(ESP advisable!)

  4. As ever, thanks for the info - more than enough to get me going - looks like the tomtom, but I don't like the wires :dry: !


    Cheers Guy's :thumbs:


    I know what you mean. I hate visible wires too. My plan is to hard wire a Tom Tom unit into the car. Probably in June once im back home.


    Im thinking, a power wire straight from the battery into the centre console (all wires hidden) with some kind of switch hidden somewhere, so I can turn the power on and off.


    Im informed it is easy enough to do.... :wacko:

  5. It sounds like it's normal to me. I origionally thought that there might be something wrong with the clutch when I first got mine.


    Having driven a few, they all feel the same. After a short while you wont even notice it.


    I to made quite a drastic upgrade to the mean machine, coming from Fords and Audis (1.8T). I now think it's great to have a heaver clutch.

  6. ps. And quite how Nick can spend hours aloft in that Puma is beyond me ;)


    I guess you just get used to it...!


    Having said that, being airbourne for 7 hours, only landing for fuel ever 1h 40mins, all night on NVGs in Iraq, with crazy people shooting at you hurts!!! :scare:


    Not looking forward to going back at the end of this month. :thumbdown:


    There is off course the upside, which makes up for the bad things and more.... :teeth:

  7. Four days ago I finally got round to changing the badges I got from Chris at funkystyling. :D (Well worth it by the way)


    I just wanted to mention how I got the old ones off as it only took me about 10 minutes to get both badges off, without scratching the paintwork.


    I happened to come across a handy tool in my toolbox. I used what I can only decribe as a very thin (but quite strong) putty aplying piece of plastic.



    With this I was able to slide the thin plastic under the badges, and in a jabbing motion move the plastic round until it had slipped under at least half of the badge.




    I then simply lifted the plastic until I could grip the badges with my hand and gently pulled them off the car. :)


    Although this was very simple it did leave some of the sticky stuff on the car once the badge had been removed.


    To remove this I simply used my trusty plastic thing again to get underneath the sticky stuff at the same time pulling it up with my fingers. (Sorry probably easier to explain with pictures but the girlfriend had my camera!)


    The new badges look fantastic, well worth IMO... :D







    Hope this might help someone.....oneday......somewhere!!! ;)

  8. A few weeks ago I inquired through my local Nissan garage about getting the official Sat Nav installed.


    They quotted me somewhere around £2000 pounds all in. :thumbdown:


    For the parts alone it was about £950 from memory, then there is the cost of fitting, the DVD software, and a couple of other bits that they mentioned.


    The dealer was very helpful but recomend that I just go for a TOM TOM unit, saying the Birdview wasn't that great and I would need an extra speaker for the sound (apparently you cant have it going through the stereo if you fit it after the factory, dont know if that's true).


    Im sure the price will vary depending on dealership, but I seriously don't think it is worth getting the factory one, esspecially now there are so many good aftermarket ones out there. IMO.

  9. Thats good. Cheers for that.


    I might look at wiring it in with the battery and hiding a switch away somewhere in the car as I would just leave it in there I think!


    Still I think the TOM TOM will be going on my list of things to buy now. :D

  10. Does anyone have a picture or two of thier TOM TOM in the centre cubby hole?


    Just wanted to see what it looks like.


    Can you close the lid down with the unit in there?


    Do you wire it into the car (cant stand wires poking out anywhere), or is it battery operated?


    I know, im bored at home!!!! :yawn:

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