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Posts posted by Sylvester

  1. Thanks guys.

    Micheldevers seems to be the place most recommended here ( and elsewhere.. :ninja: ) and I don't get to drive as much as I should so the trip will be welcome! Wonder how many black lines I can leave on the M3 to finish off the stones....


    Now, does anyone know if you can fit 4 tyres into a Zed and if so how ? Or will I need to make 2 trips :scare:

  2. try camskill or PM Andy off this site for some good prices on tyres


    Been sending pms and emails to Andy for weeks but no replies... desperately need new tyres...... ARE YOU THERE ANDY!!!



    must be well busy then, ring him @ R & R Autodesign (haven't got his nr though now :( ), add him on your MSN, email him, you have options! Could be on holiday?


    Thanks for the company name Val - was missing that bit of info. As I said I have emailed (outside of the forum) as well as pms. He posted on here on 16th August so he was around then ( and that was well after my pms ). I'll give a call tomorrow... cheers.

  3. try camskill or PM Andy off this site for some good prices on tyres


    Been sending pms and emails to Andy for weeks but no replies... desperately need new tyres...... ARE YOU THERE ANDY!!!

  4. Depends entirely on whether the Mrs will be transporting the baby on her own when necessary and if you will go as a family is 'her' car everytime. Works for us and we had a baby 9 months ago. ( Had the Zed 2 years ). Only downside is that I have to drive the Corolla now and again - but then again it needs its nuts revved off it now and again!! Makes you appreciate the Zed even more when you do get to drive it and also keeps the Zed miles down.


    You will learn it is ALL about compromise when you have the baby... but they are worth every one of them... I am typing this as I am playing peekaboo with my little angel!


    Hope all goes well ( on both new baby fronts... )

  5. "Only slightly anooying part was the service was done within 45 minutes and they had me wait for the allocated 1h30m before giving my keys back. Did not really bother me as I was working away on the laptop and I understand why they do it."


    errr I don't!!! Assume it was to rip someone off down the chain? If my car is ready I want to drive it away there and then!


    Agree with you that they are good though - did my first service and sorted various niggles out last September very well - drove all the way from Portsmouth over there as the reputation was good ( and Hilsea Nissan had repeatedly screwed up ).


    Got to book mine in to get clicky rear axle and 2nd year service soon so will hopefully get another good experience....

  6. Defo a fake fire and running over of the other camping stuff but I reckon the driving into the bollard may have been for real....


    Agree that only a small part of the show is worth watching for the cars and the star in a crap car part is a waste of time but I still chuckle at their antics ( and that is what they are ) now and again.


    Hey the Mrs will watch it and the other option is some crappy housewife program.... :scare:

  7. To be honest i was even thinking about not mentioning them, Although they're quite expensive, on my current car(impreza) the new wheels meant extra premium of £300. And i regretted telling them after they told me that :angry:


    It is not just your total loss ( or part loss ) that you risk by not mentioning the change of wheels. By not telling your insurance company you VOID entirely your policy so you are driving round on the same road as the rest of us uninsured - can you afford to loose your car, house and every penny you own when Joe Bloggs that you disable in an accident sues your a*se ... especially as you may be in the nick at the time for driving without insurance....


    I know it is a pain paying out all the money guys and gals but think of the consequences for you and others ....

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