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Posts posted by Sylvester

  1. Again thanks for the left fielders!


    Mustong too big for the garage... although Ilovew the thought of owning a V8 at least once in my life.....


    Legacy is a maybe... not sure its quality is anmy better than a scooby inside is it ? And what about running costs..... Will look into that one though.


    Looked into the Leon - agree with the comment about the drive being totally different.. still whatever I go for will probably be different! The new 240BHP Cupra due early next year looked really interesting.... the write up in this week's autocar was not encouraging though :thumbdown:


    Had not thought of the Merc... having had new cars for the past 10 years or so I have built up a prejudice against something with miles on it... think I will have to change my thought patterns - you can get a heck of a lot of car going that route but you also get a lot of running costs to go with it. So the S4 sounds like a great idea but with say 25K on the clock its probably due some big bills...


    Oh and I'm not keeping the Zed and getting a cheap runaround for the family stuff - they are more important to me than that so I will drive them around in something safe!


    Forgot how much fun it was deciding a the next car...

  2. AndyC

    yes agreed - A3 still on the list still - just seems pricey. Still, I quite fancy trying out 4WD and DSG having never driven a car with either before. Trying to work out what the difference from Sport to S Line is ... the Audi site is not very clear on it. I know people say its dull to drive but if most of the miles are going to be 3 up ( or even 4 in the future :scare: ) then the driving is not going to be that spirited in the twisty bits anyway.

  3. Hi all,


    Due to growing family and need for more transport flexibility unfortunatley it is soon going to be time to change the Zed for something more practical :thumbdown: So, the fun of choosing the next car begins.


    I'm trying to keep as much performance as possible in the replacement but it will need to seat 4 with 4 doors and be able to transport a weekends worth of luggage. I am fairly limited in budget ( a few K more than I can sell the Zed for - so say 25K max but preferably nearer £20K. ) Running costs need to be similar or less than the Zed. I am a bit of a car image snob so would never be seen in a Vectra for example...


    Options I am considering..(all 2nd hand I guess )


    Scooby - got the go and the seats and the luggage capacity but butt ugly, boy racer image and poor interior quality. Mrs hates them....

    Mitsu Evo - as above and even more of the same - plus dreadful range per tank.

    Golf R32 (5dr) would probably be perfect but very expensive. GTI a maybe but do I really want FWD...

    Audi A3 3.2 - even more expensive

    BMW 330 or similar... great car apparently but don't really like the image of BMW, possible though.

    Mazda RX8 - looking like the best bet - anyone come to a Zed from an RX8 and could give me some comparitive feedback.


    Any feedback on above or other ideas ?

    Cheers folks.

  4. you can adjust the cable play to get less clicks on the ratchet by whipping out the ashtray in the center console and tightening up the cable adjuster with a 10mm socket :thumbs: 10 second job B) I did mine when I first got the car, but never had to adjust it since


    That'll be the warranty down the pan then.. :lol:

  5. :welcome:


    A Zed for £13K... frightening.


    Sounds like classic clicking wheel syndrome - happens whenever you put stress on the rear axle - acceleration or deceleration.


    Dipstick is a known nightmare.... I think the design is described as 'challenging'. Several threads on the forum discussing the best oil to use... do a search or wait for those in the know to come along...


    Add a grounding kit to make the engine smoother... lots of forum members have and swear it makes a difference.


    Enjoy... the car and the babes ( we will require picture evidence of both of course .... )

  6. Try forum member Andy - got my Toyos off him and the price was WELL under any internet company.... :yahoo:


    I found Blackcirles did not list the rears on their internet site as well.. you can always ring them to check though ( maybe they just can't get regular stock ).

  7. Not sure if it is time dependent or miles dependent or random but on mine it appeared after about 20 months and 10K miles. ( I know I need to drive it more! ).


    Definitely something you will be aware of when putting stress on the rear axle ( start stop ) especially with the window down. Sounds like a slightly louder version of the clicking you get after a good run and the exhaust is cooling down.

  8. Poor guy! My sympathies to his family.... just looked up on the net and found the following...


    Neuroendocrine cells are cells which show some of the features of nerve tissue and some of the features of glandular tissue. Neuroendocrine tumours can occur in various parts of the body and a number of different tumours of neuroendocrine cells may develop in the pancreas. These include insulinomas, gastrinomas, VIPomas and non-functioning neuroendocrine tumours. All these tumours are very rare - for example, insulinomas are the commonest but only one person in every million will develop an insulinoma in any one year. The average age of onset for these tumours is between 50-60.


    The BBC item says he had dozens of them... :scare:



  9. [


    So what are you inferring? ;):lol:


    lol Sarnie.....


    btw I have just been told on the other forum by an ex mod that I am 'an ar**hole' for having made the observation ( so what happened to offending posts being banned... ? One rule for us...etc ) and told I was no longer welcome... ( or was that just inferred... ;) )


    Funnily enough the feeling is now mutual... :(


    Oh and a big thumbs up to the mods on this site for their financial input. :thumbs:

  10. I have never posted on any of these non 350Z related threads as I frequently find them childish, sad and a waste of energy but having just read the latest response to Sarnie's simple question for clarification about the rules on post deletions the reply from one of the mods made my blood boil ..

    'Posts can be deleted if they contain inferences '... so mods over there will delete your posts if THEY think your post INFERS something ! :angry::angry:


    I read the various threads about BMWs etc referred to in this thread ( I said I never posted on them... I frequently read them for amusement .. ;) ). I did not see anything from Kev that warranted banning.


    So glad I never payed up to become a member.... Means I won't loose anything by stopping posting there ( I used to frequent both sites but not any more I don't think ).


    I think I will stick to the free world from now on....

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