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Posts posted by ChrisS

  1. Don't worry peeps the fireworks will be going off again on Dec 24 and then the 31st and then some ones birthday then a wedding etc.


    On the dog side of things, they can be trained. In my case the dogs get over excited as they think they will going out. They think it's the sound off the shoot/guns.


    (in my small village there are shoots 4 days a week from October to February so fireworks are just a little less noise that happens in the dark for a week) :shrug:


    Whooops I said 'guns' that might stars another thread.

    • Like 1
  2. "anyone I know who is in a union always complains their representative is in it for themselves not who they represent."


    It's still the same then.I remember it being like that way back. :blush:

    Do they still have to have a vote about whether to have a vote about the vote "on the change to bla,bla,bla". (this happened in a union do I was at in the late 70's)

    And a meeting about the meeting they want have a meeting about. :wacko:

  3. Yea fodder is wasn't directly at you pal but a kind of collective note you can see who views this and there's people who made uproar in the other thread but not here


    And there is about as much evidence and details to this story as the other


    Just seemed odd to get on a soap box for a racist thing and not for a sexuality thing


    This would appear to be a post designed to goad other members.

    If it was, please stop as we do not run this forum that way.

    If it was not then please accept my apologises.


    All members can read or not read threads. All members can comment or not comment on threads.

    They do not have to conform to what some people might want or not want them to do.

    • Like 4
  4. The turning circle of a hackney carriage is dictated by the circumference of the roundabout outside the Savoy hotel


    The turning circle of a Triumph Herald is 25 feet

    My first car was a Triumph Herald. A 13/60 with fold back sun roof.

  5. From what Liam (my son) has said, there are a lot of companies who are not quite so up front about it and you find this 'little' detail in the background.

    One was only £50 cheaper with a similar 'punishment' if you change your mind.


    He was actually glad that dad had nagged and nagged him into..... read it,read it then read it again. (and if stuck, ask your mum) :blush::lol:


    So OP I for one have sympathy.

    • Like 1
  6. This is old news. Been happening for a good number of years now, in particularly with bmw`s like mine. It isnt just the keyless ones, its the ones like mine where the "key" is a plastic keyring thing you slide into the dash.


    The thieves just buy a new key off ebay, then buy the recoding device online, plug it into your car via the obd socket and recode the new key to your car. Theres even guides on youtube of how to do it etc...


    Were you sat in my house last night when the 6 o clock news was on ? :lol:


    Exactly what I said to my wife. (close on word for word :scare: )

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