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Posts posted by Juggalo

  1. Where are you getting the 8.5 billion in Net EU contributions? its around £100m. Even the leave campaign are only quoting £350 million. The EU then rebates £250 million back to the UK.




    Absolutey outstanding argument :clap:


    £30Bn whipped off the FTSE over the last few days. Can you imagine how much it will fall if it actually goes through,




    In 2015 the UK government paid £13 billion to the EU budget, and EU spending on the UK was £4.5 billion. So the UK’s ‘net contribution’ was estimated at about £8.5 billion.




    8.5 billion / 52 Weeks = £163 million per week.

  2. But we are on the winning side in 9 out of 10 votes on Euro policy? We are on the winning side almost all of the time (which puts to bed the whole 400 out of 500 lost argument often put around).


    What makes you believe we pay such high levels of taxes? Spain a max of 50%, France goes up to 45%, Germany goes up to 45% all very much in line with us - then you look at the Scandinavian countries and they go up to a max of circa 60%


    As mentioned before we pay 6 days of government collected taxation to be in the largest tariff free trading bloc in the world - 6 days.


    Flip it on its head and look at it from a micro perspective, if you got an extra weeks pay each year, could you go out and buy a Porsche, buy a new house and build up a huge savings account? Because thats what the Leave campaign are claiming i.e. save the NHS with all the money 'saved' and fund x y and z. If we leave, the money saved will not touch the sides.


    The NHS costs something like £120bn a year to run, yes we save £9bn a year in EU fees, but we then need to pay out to all the industries in the UK that receive EU subsidies which would knock this figure down to something like £5bn. Then you have the military, education, pensions all massive costs on the government, that few £bn back will not suddenly make the UK this big prosperous nation building new hospitals in every city etc.


    So if we're not in the EU, and not paying the membership fees, and no longer have to pay benefits to EU migrants (working and none working, living here and not living here) and no longer have to house them, or provide school places, or hospital treatment, or Doctors...we won't be better off?

    How does that work?


    Because the cost is tiny. Read the tabloids they make it out to sound like its a huge drain on the country and its not. Again numbers from memory but something like £50bn annually goes on benefits of which something like 5-8% are on people not native to the UK. Thats on people currently here, which of course you would have to keep supporting even in a Brexit.


    As for those working, it is proven that migrants who are in employment contribute more than they take, so net positive.


    So 8% is £4 Billion. Plus the £8.5 BillionPY in net EU contributions = £12.5 Billion / 26,473,000 housholds = £472 PY.

    So I have to pay £500 per year for the privilege of losing my democracy, losing my free speech, eroding my culture via having shedloads of immigration, and paying for some foreigners kids who live in Romania?


    If "Tiny" is your argument, I'm not convinced. No wonder the Leave vote is winning.


    Because you will still have to pay those here.


    £8bn is not a large amount of money when talking about running the country though. It costs hundreds of billions, and you are willing to risk the financial security of every person in this country for the next 2+ years because of this relatively small cost?


    As for the second part, that really does sound like the Sun speaking...how have you lost free speech (even though you don't have that in or out), how have you lost democracy?




    I don't read newspapers, and I certainly don't read tabloids. Erosion of democracy is the ability of the UK to self determine its own future, which it has lost in a major way.

    Laws imposed on us by unelected officials in a foreign land. Foreign courts overruling our courts and laws - This ultimately means that it doesn't really matter who we vote for every four years, as whoever wins, has a minority voice within an organisation I didn't consent to joining. And do not wheel out the EEC. The EEC and EU are apples and oranges.

    Remove the EU, and then the government we elect is wholly responsible for our laws, borders, sovereignty. Elected by the people, for the people.


    Willing to risk the financial security of every person in the country? Are you serious? The country is in a financial mess. What Manufacturing we have slid back into recession last week. Since being in the EU our manufacturing base has almost gone. The country is a mess, and has been for 8 years.

    Where is this golden economic time you're implying will bloom if we stay in the EU?


    You're at a severe disadvantage. We're in the EU, we know what the future holds. Nothing of benefit. It benefits Germany as it keeps them on top and us under them. Hell, we can't even make a trade deal with the USA to help grow the country!

  3. But we are on the winning side in 9 out of 10 votes on Euro policy? We are on the winning side almost all of the time (which puts to bed the whole 400 out of 500 lost argument often put around).


    What makes you believe we pay such high levels of taxes? Spain a max of 50%, France goes up to 45%, Germany goes up to 45% all very much in line with us - then you look at the Scandinavian countries and they go up to a max of circa 60%


    As mentioned before we pay 6 days of government collected taxation to be in the largest tariff free trading bloc in the world - 6 days.


    Flip it on its head and look at it from a micro perspective, if you got an extra weeks pay each year, could you go out and buy a Porsche, buy a new house and build up a huge savings account? Because thats what the Leave campaign are claiming i.e. save the NHS with all the money 'saved' and fund x y and z. If we leave, the money saved will not touch the sides.


    The NHS costs something like £120bn a year to run, yes we save £9bn a year in EU fees, but we then need to pay out to all the industries in the UK that receive EU subsidies which would knock this figure down to something like £5bn. Then you have the military, education, pensions all massive costs on the government, that few £bn back will not suddenly make the UK this big prosperous nation building new hospitals in every city etc.


    So if we're not in the EU, and not paying the membership fees, and no longer have to pay benefits to EU migrants (working and none working, living here and not living here) and no longer have to house them, or provide school places, or hospital treatment, or Doctors...we won't be better off?

    How does that work?


    Because the cost is tiny. Read the tabloids they make it out to sound like its a huge drain on the country and its not. Again numbers from memory but something like £50bn annually goes on benefits of which something like 5-8% are on people not native to the UK. Thats on people currently here, which of course you would have to keep supporting even in a Brexit.


    As for those working, it is proven that migrants who are in employment contribute more than they take, so net positive.


    So 8% is £4 Billion. Plus the £8.5 BillionPY in net EU contributions = £12.5 Billion / 26,473,000 housholds = £472 PY.

    So I have to pay £500 per year for the privilege of losing my democracy, losing my free speech, eroding my culture via having shedloads of immigration, and paying for some foreigners kids who live in Romania?


    If "Tiny" is your argument, I'm not convinced. No wonder the Leave vote is winning.

  4. But we are on the winning side in 9 out of 10 votes on Euro policy? We are on the winning side almost all of the time (which puts to bed the whole 400 out of 500 lost argument often put around).


    What makes you believe we pay such high levels of taxes? Spain a max of 50%, France goes up to 45%, Germany goes up to 45% all very much in line with us - then you look at the Scandinavian countries and they go up to a max of circa 60%


    As mentioned before we pay 6 days of government collected taxation to be in the largest tariff free trading bloc in the world - 6 days.


    Flip it on its head and look at it from a micro perspective, if you got an extra weeks pay each year, could you go out and buy a Porsche, buy a new house and build up a huge savings account? Because thats what the Leave campaign are claiming i.e. save the NHS with all the money 'saved' and fund x y and z. If we leave, the money saved will not touch the sides.


    The NHS costs something like £120bn a year to run, yes we save £9bn a year in EU fees, but we then need to pay out to all the industries in the UK that receive EU subsidies which would knock this figure down to something like £5bn. Then you have the military, education, pensions all massive costs on the government, that few £bn back will not suddenly make the UK this big prosperous nation building new hospitals in every city etc.


    So if we're not in the EU, and not paying the membership fees, and no longer have to pay benefits to EU migrants (working and none working, living here and not living here) and no longer have to house them, or provide school places, or hospital treatment, or Doctors...we won't be better off?

    How does that work?

  5. I cant help but feel that since its so close ie 4% difference between the campaigns will there be any real winner when both sides can only claim have half the populations support


    A majority is a majority. Unless we vote to leave, then we'll be told it doesn't count and we have to do it again, but this time, EU citizens in the country can vote too.

    Only then, if it's 51% remain will it count.

  6. That's just arseholes, not 4x4 drivers. ;)



    I drive a micro 4x4 daily, and I know exactly how small it is. I've seen people in tiny Clios take up half the road at times.


    What Dan Said ^^ . . its not what you drive, its how you drive, unless you drive a Prius



    • Like 1
  7. Had it happened to me multiple times on multiple cars by one person. Gave up in the end and bought an old military Land Rover. She even keyed that, but you couldn't really tell and I totally didn't care lol.

    Found out who it was though. Apparantly, her dog, off lead, ran towards my then 7yr old kid when he was out playing on the green. He panicked, screamed, and kicked out at the dog.

    From then on, she keyed every car I had.

    She ended up having to have her MX5 scrapped (Not because of me I should add) I think she was a bit mental, and got into it with another rather mental neighbour. What goes around...

    • Like 1
  8. Not at all, I just have a realistic view of the world.


    Do you genuinely believe that all banks are evil? And that everyone working for them is evil?


    I don't like the word Evil, it's too abstract. Driven by pure greed at any cost? yes, absolutely, 100%

    Were they the prime mover that caused the global financial meltdown? Yes, absolutely, and the Governments were thoroughly complicit.


    You need to watch Inside Job. It illustrates perfectly how these assholes were, and are, thoroughly detached from everyone else, and reality. It's just a game to them.


    People are inherently greedy. Sure there are some bankers that cross the line and are irresponsible, but you could say that about any industry (and make a sensationalist documentary about it). Banks are just easy to point the finger at when things go bad because they're such a crucial part of modern economies.


    No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with your justification, or parallel. Greed has been demonstrably institutionalised in the Banking and Financial sectors.

    You need to understand the mechanics of their greed that led to 2008 to grasp just how deep that greed went. It's truly shocking they were allowed to get away with it.


    There was a failure on the part of regulators and to an extent bankers, no doubt. There was also a failure on the part of some consumers to manage their finances and not borrow beyond their means. What caused that? Part greed, part stupidity I'd say. You seem to think that banks can force people into positions where they can't afford their lifestyle, which isn't true. It's a system which can fail, but it takes both sides to get greedy and irresponsible for that to happen.


    No, the banks lobbied the governments intensivley to relax the underwiting approval process. They did (Canada to a far lesser extent) and this allowed the banks to go full retard; and also why Canada was less impacted

    And yes, people are naive. If offered a mortgage while in a job or financial position that can't service the mortgage, they would still take it. Because they're bin men, janitors, retail assistants...usually uneducated. The banks didn't care, they just wanted the debt so that they could pack it into a derivative and sell it for hard cash, and let someone else take the risk.

    And those that were handling their mortgage got shafted anyway once the whole house of cards came crashing down.


    And if you think banks can't encourage people to live beyond their means then..wow.

  9. Not at all, I just have a realistic view of the world.


    Do you genuinely believe that all banks are evil? And that everyone working for them is evil?


    I don't like the word Evil, it's too abstract. Driven by pure greed at any cost? yes, absolutely, 100%

    Were they the prime mover that caused the global financial meltdown? Yes, absolutely, and the Governments were thoroughly complicit.


    You need to watch Inside Job. It illustrates perfectly how these assholes were, and are, thoroughly detached from everyone else, and reality. It's just a game to them.


    People are inherently greedy. Sure there are some bankers that cross the line and are irresponsible, but you could say that about any industry (and make a sensationalist documentary about it). Banks are just easy to point the finger at when things go bad because they're such a crucial part of modern economies.


    No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with your justification, or parallel. Greed has been demonstrably institutionalised in the Banking and Financial sectors.

    You need to understand the mechanics of their greed that led to 2008 to grasp just how deep that greed went. It's truly shocking they were allowed to get away with it.

    • Like 1
  10. Not at all, I just have a realistic view of the world.


    Do you genuinely believe that all banks are evil? And that everyone working for them is evil?


    I don't like the word Evil, it's too abstract. Driven by pure greed at any cost? yes, absolutely, 100%

    Were they the prime mover that caused the global financial meltdown? Yes, absolutely, and the Governments were thoroughly complicit.


    You need to watch Inside Job. It illustrates perfectly how these assholes were, and are, thoroughly detached from everyone else, and reality. It's just a game to them.

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