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Posts posted by BobbyZ

  1. Well for example in the case of Lance Armstrong, it was well known that he doped before the official investigation ever started. Cycling in general was well known to be dirty. Either the politicians, law enforcement organisations etc. were blind or they didn't care, otherwise something would have been done about it. It's only when someone exposes a scandal that everyone acts like it's a huge deal, as is the case here.


    I don't believe it's any different with other sports then cycling - I just don't buy that none of the ruling elite have any clue what goes on in professional sports. They're just not motivated to clean it up.

  2. PED's are rife in sport especially athletics; its a game of cat and mouse and governing bodies are a long way behind. They test for known substances and freeze 'B samples' for future testing because they are fully aware of current athletes cycling substances that are unknown. We're not just talking your generic anabolic oils, its hormone releasing peptides, EPO, gene cycling...the list is endless depending on how you desire to manipulate the body and its DNA.


    Dopers are always ahead and anything/everything is available on the black market beit at the local gym or via the internet. It's not just the Russian's and Seb has no chance in guaranteeing a clean 2016 in Rio.


    True, but there's also the conflict of interest in governing bodies policing their own sports to consider.

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  3. I'm not saying everyone is on drugs in sports but I would say it's not confined to the Ruskies. I just think everyone else has developed ways of staying undetected.


    Not exactly... if it was left to the governing bodies, almost everyone would stay undetected (or at least unpunished). It takes things like investigative journalism or a whistleblower to uncover things like this, as happened with Lance Armstrong. It nearly happened recently with Paula Radcliffe too, except her and the IAAF wriggled their way out of a proper investigation (as Armstrong did numerous times).

  4. Given that she gave the rest of the field a bit of a spanking (including Chernova in 3rd), I guess it should be safe to assume that the drugs don't actually work ;)


    or there's another reason...


    Hence the wink ;)

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  5. While I don't doubt that the stuff about the Russians is true, I feel like they'll be made a scapegoat of, then the sport's wider doping and corruption issues will be swept under the rug. As an ex-cycling fan, I've seen it all before and I'm hugely cynical about professional sports as a result.

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  6. Are there any changes that can be made to reduce tramlining under braking, but not reducing agility? It's the one handling trait of my z that I'm not crazy about (probably won't help that I'm fitting 9.5/10.5" wheels soon :D).

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