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Posts posted by JB-)

  1. if you dont hate it like an atheist does then thats fine but it your 100% atheist and hate anything linked with the belief of god you would make a point of not doing any of them


    An atheist doesn't believe in the existence of any gods. That's all it means. Admittedly many atheist also hold the same views about religion as many on this thread but not necessarily.

  2. “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.â€

    ― Steven Weinberg


    What a load of rubbish so if a good person does bad it automatically religion based


    so when someone cheats on a partner because she has lost love for them its religion fault

    so when someone robs someone become they have no money and want to feed there family its religion fault

    so when someone murders someone because he was driving to fast its religion fault


    or do you think all that stuff isnt bad


    Not a particularly good people then are they (well the last one is just a poor example). Besides I think you've misunderstood the quote. Think more along the lines of, denying your child medical care because you believe god will save them.


    Don't take it quite so literally. Ooh that sounded like religion then :teeth:

  3. Do you give a few quid to all homeless people like some religious folk set up and run out there own time and pocket a soup kitchen for all homeless people


    Tbh bradders you might as well be religious the way your broadcasting you anti religious outlook


    There's a diffrence between


    I'm not religious it's not for me




    religious people are a bunch of thick f***s believing in story's and hope people are idiots


    All I know is when I belived Santa the Easter bunny and tooth fairy was real my life and the world around me was a lot happier place


    None religious people do good things too. It doesn't take religious belief to be charitable. Your figure 90% of people helping after natural disasters etc is clearly plucked out of thin air, unless you can evidence it?

    “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.â€

    ― Steven Weinberg

  4. I always chuck a few quid towards homeless people. im not religious in the slightest.. most religious people pray for food and to help those less fortunate. you might aswel go ask your cat to set up a homeless shelter. same outcome. nothing would happen.



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  5. Let me re-iterate... Most faiths teach a decent set of rules for living


    As you've just stated yourself, most preachers do not teach murder, hate, oppression of women etc - would you rather they did?


    You're keen to single out extremism and focus on the negative, and this is fine, there is a bad side to everything, it is what creates a balance.


    I largely find discussion on this subject a bit of a waste of time, which is why I kept it short and sweet :)


    I'm not saying that no good at all comes from religion, I just don't agree with your original comment that there is no harm in religion. Very far from it.

  6. I see no harm in religion. Most faiths teach a decent set of rules for living


    You should perhaps read a couple of holy books.


    Have done :)


    Did you just skip all the parts about rape, murder, hate, oppression of women, etc etc? Well I suppose that's what priests and the like do, which is why most religious people hardly follow the 'rules' of their religion at all. The religious cherry pick what they want to hear. As vile as religious extremist are, they are often the ones actually doing what their holy book tells them to do.

    • Like 1
  7. Ive actually actively stopped going to churches for anything other than weddings and funerals


    Earlier in the year I attended christening. I was reluctant to go but caved in the end. It was totally cringe worthy and even maddening. The crap that's spouted is just unbelievable. These were not even religious parents either, which begs the question why would they even have their child christened in the first place. I have now vowed never to attend any kind of religious ceremony again. I can't bear to listen to it again.


    EDIT: Angry typos :p

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  8. I'm an Atheist, and I also despise religion and the affect it has on the world. People can believe in what ever fairy tales they like as long as they keep to themselves and out of politics, law, etc. Think logically about the claims that religion makes I fail to see how anyone can possibly believe it. Gods described in holy books are evil murderous b******s and why anyone would wish them to be real and kiss their ass is beyond me. If I'm wrong about the existence of gods then I just hope Hitchens has had a chance to kick him in the bollocks.

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  9. After plenty of searching for a cure for the common clicky clutch pedal problem, the only answer I can find is keep lubing it. Well after going through half a can of white grease it's the same. So has anyone found a better cure, or know what the actual cause is?


    Also, if I strip it down to have a closer look at it, does the mechanism go back together easily or is it one of those that's a bitch to reassemble?



  10. Actually on mine the revs will never drop below about 1250 if the car is moving - i.e. just dropping it out of gear, but as soon as I draw to a halt they will drop.

    That said, and idle reset is always a good idea after throttle body cleaning.


    Well that's one thing that might be normal then (even though it's odd). As above, the reset was done.


    EDIT: Typo

  11. Cruise control can apply the brakes, but not the system in the Z as its not a forward sensing system.

    Sounds like dirty throttles (which you have sorted) and then you haven't reset the idle. Do this first before you start to look for leaks.


    Both throttle bodies were a bit gunky so they've been cleaned and reset using a G-Scan machine.

  12. 1. clean the MAF


    2. I'm a bit confused about what you mean. If you just coast in gear then the revs won't drop any lower than the speed/gear ratio dictates.


    3. Sounds normal. If the car is going down hill it can accelerate and if cruise control is set then the car will dab the brakes to slow you down to the chosen speed.


    If you just remove your foot off the gas, then normally a car would drop right down to normal idle speed if you let it. In my car it's as though it keeps some throttle on.


    The cruise control problem can't be normal. It's quite violent as it goes on and off he gas. It only has to be a slight decline and as the car starts to pick up speed it comes of the gas, then as it slows down it gets back on it and this is all very jerky. It goes on/off throttle every second or so. I've never heard of normal cruise control applying the brakes either.

  13. In my 2007 HR,


    1. When sat idling, give it a rev and as the revs drop it momentarily stops at 1500 revs before the revs then slowly drop to normal idle speed. Normal?


    2. Driving along and take your foot off the gas and allow the car to coast, it won't drop below 1250 revs. This can catch you out when slowing down say from a 60 to a 30 limit as you don't expect it. Drop the clutch and the revs drop to normal idle, it just doesn't drop when it in gear clutch up.


    Also have a small problem with the cruise control 'hunting' when going down hill and set to a lower speed, say 50mph. Set it at motorway cruising speed and it seems to work fine, but set a lower speed (therefore lower revs) the throttle on/off is very snatchy when you go down hill. When it's pulling on the flat or up hill it's fine.


    Both throttle bodies were a bit gunky so they've been cleaned and reset using a G-Scan machine. Idle speed is around 500rpm or 800 with air con on (by the tacho not properly measured)


    Next thoughts were check for air leaks and clean the MAF's. Anyone had a similar issue?

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