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Posts posted by Alize

  1. Regarding that EBAY car.

    I have a healthy distrust of EBAY car dealers...it's a long way to go to find something wrong with it.

    It's most likely from an auction. That's where most of these EBAY dealers get them from.

    Defo agree with you ebayer's are cheapscapes who have either acquired a car of this vale to sell on or if it's been owned for a while and they won't pay for an auto trader advert they won't have taken care of it either! I wish I'd known about the forum before getting mine although I struck lucky 8k for an 06 with only 27k on the clock very original and nearly mint I'm happy😎



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  2. Mine started out at 28mpg when I got her in June and it's gradually reduced to 22.3 now I've got used to her and enjoy my short commute and a nice blast here and there but as the others have said you can't put a price on the smiles & pleasure glad you've decided to go for it! Life's too short not to enjoy what you love😎 less booze more driving sounds like a planðŸ˜



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  3. Perhaps everyone who attended could chip in and get it paid that way?

    Yeah nice thought but my responsibility was just pleased all 3 of us that were over lines didn't get one that would have been awful and Dave (HarryJax) would have had a hissy fit and blown a head gasket rather than just remonstrate on my behalf quite loudly bless him😇 and anyway it was the first time they'd met me and there was only 6 Zeds and chop top in his Hyundai😱



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  4. Perhaps everyone who attended could chip in and get it paid that way?


    Why pay at all. Ignore it and it will disappear.

    But it was a nice thought. :teeth:

    Na it doesn't work quite like that any more Dave.

    Was nice driving between other Zeds for the first time as we left thanks for that 😘 bet we turned a few heads looked fab I reckon😎



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  5. Bummer :(


    Those spaces look pretty damn wide too! Wish they were that generous round here!

    Yeah but as it was my first ever meet I didn't know if people liked to open doors for a nosey and as the car park was empty at 9.30 it seemed ok I just don't get out enough to realise that all car parks are monitored this way and I was chatting whist we left the cars. Anyway I did do it so hands up pay up and learn is my take on it oh a smile via life's too short not to! 😎



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  6. Depends on whether they can actually be arsed to chase it. Maybe they will and it'll cost if lost, or maybe they will and it'll cost in time & stress, or maybe they won't at all. These things are no longer a free pass to do what you want, sadly :(

    Absolutely! Spent an hour going thru threads on money saving expert on it this arvo it changed in April this year so as I don't have the time or energy to dispute it I've paid it it was worth 40 squid to get me out early on a Sunday in my Zed I left home early as it was dry weather and thoroughly enjoyed 1.5hrs driving thru empty wide bendy country roads in 2nd 3rd and 4th at 5000+ revs a lot if the time...I hope she sounds as good outside as she does from the inside..loved it!



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  7. Good to see everyone today old and new. A pity the parking attendant didn't have a sense of humour :rant: .........ticketed our newest member for not parking squarely in her bay :scare: !

    Looking forward to seeing everyone again in Salisbury next month with the Zedshed crew :)

    Haha you got me there with getting me to change my watch! So I got home an hour earlier than I thought lol!

    Thanks for today it was most enjoyable yeah shame about the ticket but hey ho as I've just spent ages looking at not paying it but frankly I don't have the time to faf around and honestly I did straddle two spaces! I just don't get out enough to remember that these car parks are monitored...actually I blame you for engaging me in conversation whilst we walked away for brekkie! It was worth it to get me out in my lovely Zed 😎



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  8. 7b757a97ef9eaff8f8039a791a19404d.jpg

    Silly me we got to yes is car park at 9.30 and as it's my first meet I wasn't sure of the form so parked over the line so as not to cramp the next zed. Then we went into tesco for coffee/breakfast totally forgot to move it numpty!

    Someone spotted the parking chap round our motors hotfoot it out there but too late! At least only I got a ticket which I may not pay as it's only councils that you have to pay them to I think?

    Thoroughly enjoyed putting faces and voices to names on the forum thanks guys and girls 😎bcca7b756cbeaae648e8f5ce7133a371.jpg



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  9. Yep I can get there this time������I'll have to clean her after I get home from work at 4 on Saturday tho! Fingers crossed for no rain ������ look forward to meeting you!



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    Looks like Saturday is gonna be dry and sunny for cleaning the car Alize :thumbs: take note Dave, us women may well be out shinning you on Sunday :lol:


    I'm very much looking forward to Sunday now.

    What an offer, two women coming out to shine me. Can the wife join in? :p

    You'll have to avoid my tickley bits. :lol:

    You're supposed to get all shiney beforehand not on Sunday! Haha lol! 😎



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  10. Guys, I don't think I'll be able to make this meet. We've had some bad news family wise and are likely to be needed elsewhere over the next few weeks


    Sorry to hear of bad news mate.

    If there's anything I can do to help. Just call.


    Thanks Dave, much appreciated.

    Sorry to hear this. Thoughts are with you.

    Ditto family comes first. Take care tho.



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  11. ..that' what I did a few years ago and got a lovely Zed. (Well I think Black Beauty is lovely).. :thumbs:

    It is a lovely Zed Will. B)


    You really need to change your signature now though Will to reflect how good it looks after your new mods. :thumbs:


    Its's time Gareth, will do it this weekend. While watching the Superbikes from Brands. :thumbs:

    Um suggestions should be posted here!


    Probably get some great suggestions from people that have actually met you! Lol😊

    But don't confuse us too much please😎



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  12. Love a pic of a nice knob!😎




    What's your email cause I have some pictures for you. :p:surrender::blush:







    I kid of course. :D


    Well you guys get silly on your posts so just thought I'd throw that one in lol! But seriously if they do them in black I think it'd look better in the cockpit, no pun intended😱



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  13. Hi Lars a chap on the 350 uk Facebook page put some photos up recently of one of these said it fitted like a glove! I don't do eBay but found them on www.carscovers.co.uk as I want an outdoor one for the winter as I plan to walk to work cos my drive is so short and it won't be good for the zed as she will never warm up properly when it's colder in the mornings! 😎



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