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Posts posted by Zedd

  1. IMG-20150130-WA0006.jpeg




    :scare: :scare: Still get some use out of that then! :scare:

    :scare: - Pretty much my reaction when I saw it!

    Never knew the condition of it was that bad, its not like you can easily see it from anywhere easily. I took the bumper off to sort my lights out and noticed this and got a new filter ASAP...I have never seen an air filter in such a disgraceful state in my life!


    Bet your zed is gulping in that fresh air now! I agree with GMballistic though, can you not reroute it to a better position?

  2. Anybody got any idea how much its going to ccost?


    Rx7 kit is circa £3k landed, so expect the same, then your going to have to get some wheels to fill up the arches, £2k+, + tyres + fitting.


    Prefer to go fi myself ;)


    Jeez, yeah for that price id much prefer to go fi instead! :teeth: plus with that kit on youd pretty much have to have FI to pull it off, just need a spare 20 to 30 grand. Then i'd just get a GTR instead :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. Seen a few pics of this kit going around, and it still looks stunning bloody awful! Also Thankfully looks like im never going to be able to afford the kit :yahoo:


    Anybody got any idea how much its going to ccost?

    By the looks of it all you need to make that kit is a pop rivet gun, some 2mm sheet metal and a bit of string for the front splitter. :shrug:


    Although it does look pretty interesting/cool "ish" "different". :dry:


    Fixed that for you both. :stir:


    Haha :lol: i know what you mean about the rivets, surely wouldnt be that hard to smooth them out? Just think it looks "different" in a good way, looks mean!


    Hes just turned the who IS thing into a holy war..!! :scare: :scare:


    Think he was just comparing the two, they were/are fueled by religion, to the IS it is a holy war. Although you cant really call killing innocent civilians war to be honest. Everyone seems to think he's blaming the Christians for IS which is laughable.


    Isis is a virus, needs to be dealt with swiftly and immediately in my opinion. or its just going to spread faster and faster.

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  5. What about all these so called "legal highs" then that some seem to be into now? :shrug:


    You know the cr*p people can buy off the Internet claiming to give effects similar to "cannabis" or "Ecstasy" etc? :dry:


    Are those even covered by the new laws? Guessing it should fall into the category of "driving under the influence" still.


    Yeah, strange how these "legal highs" are allowed, they are so much more dangerous than cannabis, not going to say any other drugs. But cannabis is just a plant, that actually has health benefits and has had zero deaths. Yet its illegal :shrug:


    Seems this new law isnt very black and white. As usual.

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