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Posts posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. I had test pipes.....big fail on emissions!!

    I simply couldn't find an mot guy who was willing to risk his licence to pass me so, I put sports cats on.

    I went for some eBay specials sports cats, and these just scraped a pass.


    To be fair unless you know someone personally or a friend of a friend then most won't. You could be anyone coming along to get it and possibly goto the authorities.

    • Like 1

    Depends how much confidence you have really.

    Not enough heat and it won't melt the solder...to much heat and you will burn out the led.


    If you are doing it yourself you'll need a professional soldering iron with a super small tip and adjustable heat controls.


    Practise on the window switches or something first to build up confidence.


    may price up a spare board and give it a go!


    where did you source the replacement LED's from if you don't mind me buggin you with questions lol!


    Bought it in the states when I was on holiday.

    Can't actually remember where I got the kit. Think buster has the same kit so maybe ask him.

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    Every one of those tiny white rectangles is a led with 4 pads on each that are about 1mm wide that need to be soldered :/


    Well talk about ten points for effort!


    If I did that it would be one molten, burnt sad excuse of a circuit board!


    can you get the replacement LED's in green and on a scale of


    'once i soldered some speaker wire'




    'I just soldered my own version of a intel 6700k with nothin but a coathanger and some pinapple'


    would you grade the difficulty of this job? I think they look amazing and would love a green version :boxing:


    Depends how much confidence you have really.

    Not enough heat and it won't melt the solder...to much heat and you will burn out the led.


    If you are doing it yourself you'll need a professional soldering iron with a super small tip and adjustable heat controls.


    Practise on the window switches or something first to build up confidence.

    • Like 1
  4. Today's been a busy day...finally took the courage to rip apart my speedo and replace the leds and here's the results.





    Do u have to solder at all with any of these bulb changes or is it just a simple bulb swop after the oain of removing everything?



    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


    Every one of those tiny white rectangles is a led with 4 pads on each that are about 1mm wide that need to be soldered :/

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