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Posts posted by Roobies8

  1. Me, me, me! I didn't see, you need to be quicker with your Thumbs up then as thought I'd been blanked (like most in Sussex!).

    I got a massive wave out the window from a Ginger one the other day, but forgot to put it on here!

    Where are you based then? Your car was VERY shiney, mine was covered in bird poo from working in Shoreham!

  2. I very kindly bought my other half an Astin Martin drive at Brands for his 40th and so we're off there today! (Am I just the best GF or what!)


    ......of course we're taking my 350z, I'm sure he's going to ask to drive my car there as well! He's mega excited (as am I as I may pay for a sneaky fast drive they sometimes offer!)


    Wave if you spot us on the drive (black roadster)!



    • Like 1
  3. I agree on the West Sussex area (that they seem a grumpy bunch). I held back to let a silver mod 350z out this morning in Wivelsfield Green and followed him for a bit.....I waved, thumbs up a few times....nothing. Being a female doing this to random guys, they must think I'm nuts!


    I even said "Hi, love your Z" to a guy in petrol station and ended up pretending to cough as he gave me the look of "why are you taking to me"!! I think I'll give up for a bit


    ......I'll get a reputation instead if I'm not careful!!

    • Like 1
  4. enjoyed myself and nice meeting a few people, who evers convoy it was i gatecrashed at about 6:45 on the M4 sorry


    Oh it was you that sneaked in in front of us...tee hee.....and then went through almost red light down the 'dirt track road'


    Great day.....after the 'dirt track detour' that we sorted out in the end!


    I didn't get a chance to speak to a few more on exhausts for my Roadster (Milltek or Scorpion).


    Good to meet everyone.

    • Like 1
  5. Can't wait for this, my first ever convoy! :)


    Just need to work out who to bring along: my missus, my dad or a mate :lol:



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    Will the better half really get up at 5am on a saturday?! Mine wouldnt ;)


    Well I'm getting up (female) at 3am, but then it is my car! I just bring my man along (his hair doesn't take is long to do in the mornings! Lol!). He's also good if any mechanical issues happen on the way.....or I get lost!

    • Like 3
  6. Hi


    I'm seeing a silver 350z every morning around 0805 driving northbound on A23 around Pyecombe area (depending on whether I'm late for work, when I'm seeing him further up!). It's male usually wearing sunglasses. Anyone here?

  7. Okay, I'll ditch the silicone blade, I've learnt the hard way. It's not deep at all, it's just.....as you say....black shows up LOADS. I'll try a tiny bit of colour magic and then the Monkey Stuff (brilliant stuff).


    I have the Autoglym drying cloth, but it's around 8 months old, so will replace with your recommendation.


    I'll get a photo tomorrow to show you.


    Thanks Guys (other half owes me big time...maybe he can buy new drying cloth!)


  8. Hi All


    My Other Half cleaned my car for me whilst I did house work, then came in saying he'd put a long scratch on the back of the car from, it sounds like, a bit of grit that was on my AutoGylm silicone blade.....was not a happy bunny (note to self, he's not cleaning it again!).


    I've polished 3 times with my Shining Monkey Clean & Repair, it's got most of it out, but still shows up (it was getting less with each polish). It's a black 350z, do I continue to use this until it goes, or do I use some sort of black colour polish, or is that not the right thing to do. It's not major, but it's about 20 inches long!!!




  9. Hi All


    After the non fault accident a few weeks ago (hit from behind and bumper damage), my exhaust is damaged and insurance (my side) will not change exhaust (no evidence that it was accident that caused it, and due to excessive corrosion say it was going to happen anyway!!!!).


    Anyway, this now means I need to change exhaust. I'm wondering if there is anyone in Haywards Heath area at all that has a Milltek exhaust so that I can hear it before deciding? My other half says I'm being very fussy with the noise and watching videos is not quite the same.


    Happy to drive to you obviously.



  10. Okay...I am in possession of the loan car and...you're all wrong! It's an Audio A6 TDI SLine. It's flipping MASSIVE! I had to get my other half to park it as we have limited space.


    It goes like sh**, I think it's a V6, but don't know much about Audi's as they are a 'Rep's car in my opinion. It's only done 8k miles. Some damage on it that they didn't mark up, so put a call in straight away on that.,


    The guy at garage did me a good deal on getting the bonnet re done and 2 door dings (all not me!) for £300 all in. So gone with that as I was quoted lot more before.


    Miss my Z already 😔

  11. Hi all


    Tuesday last week some young **** bashed into the back of my car and when we pulled over he said me "but it looked like it traffic in front of you was starting to move"!!!!! When he saw I was a female driver, I think he was expecting me to get out of the car and burst into tears in some 'girlie' type way....instead he got me, who squared him face on and said '"you didn't want to do that did you!". Not happy, thankfully he ws insured (sorry, generalising slightly there!).


    So tomorrow the 06 350z Roadster goes in for repairs. I was asked if I wanted a sports car hire replacement whilst mine is having the work done, so I agreed. So I'm taking bets on what car they will actually give me as a "like for like"!!!!!


    2nd non fault incident and I've only had the car since October, not even had the roof down yet! First one was debris from a trailer on my bonnet (£350 worth of damage still do be done, but I have to pay for that).


    Hoping for my luck going forward!



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