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Everything posted by zxrob

  1. I've only had mine a few weeks, love it Had so many nice comments, mainly, "that looks great mate" I went fo a Zed because I've always loved the look of them, big brutish car, also it goes nicely on the drive with my qashqai and the wifes juke Rob
  2. Although I cant doubt it's probable credentials, it just looks like an ugly "hot hatch" to me Probably wouldn't give it a second look Rob
  3. Yep, you have to take it easy, nah, feck it have some fun, I couldn't beleive how slow car drivers were yesterday in the rain, fecking walking pace Not long had the Zed so just getting use to it, funny how every fecker and his mate wants to race me, dont get this when I'm in the qashqai Rob
  4. Been out for an hour in the raoadster, kinell, it threw it down for 10 minutes. no water anywhere so the roof is ok I went our for an hour yesterday as well, bad choice, went out on the bike, I was feckin soaked Rob
  5. Hello and welcome I recently got my zed, really pleased Rob
  6. Dont you just love a good tyre debate I will need to replace the rear bridgestones shortly, may just replace like for like or go falkens as they seam to be popular Rob
  7. Hi all My silver Z has a couple of small areas where the laquer is peeling on the front skirt, not to bad at the moment but would be looking to get it done Can anyone recomend a good paint shop in the west midlands, I know there are probably loads but I want it done right Cheers Rob
  8. zxrob


    Being a new Z owner, is it customary to flash other Zed's, like noddin at other motorbikes Dont wanna be seen as a naughty non flasher Rob
  9. Thats ok then as most my driving will be in the dry I'm only going from my experience on bikes where the contact patch is minimal compared to cars and the need for grip at angle is crucial Not trying to tell anyone they are right or wrong, just giving my opinion Rob
  10. All very interesting reading, some valid poins and observations However, here is my little input Firstly, tread and tread pattern are primarily there to displace water, its the compound of the tyre that is the key factor Obviously a lot will depend of how/where you drive the car I still own and have rode many high performance motorbikes both on the road and most uk circuits Would I mix tyres on the track on my bike, nope, on the road, yep, done it many a time, by mixing tyres I mean brands, as long as they have a similar compound there is no problem Rob
  11. zxrob

    Old man hoops

    Right I know this has been discussed a trillion times, yeh, tyres, however My recently aquired zed is gonna be used for touring/posing pleasure, I wont be drifting, spinning it up everywhere, I'm to old and slow for that, so, can you recomend me some hoops that give a good compromise on grip/wear/price Cheers Rob
  12. zxrob

    The long wait

    Not yet, money tied up elswhere for a bit Sure is Feck using it in the winter, got a qashqai for that Rob
  13. My zed I recently purchased has a few small areas where the lacquer is just starting to peel, is there anyway of stopping it before it goes to far like the picture in the original post Cheers Rob
  14. zxrob

    The long wait

    Well, picked it up today Will get some pics up the weeked Cheers Rob
  15. zxrob

    F Type Jag

    Was out on the bike yesterday, came up on a f type, feck me they look good and must admit sounded awsome Gave the driver a little wave as I flew past Nice car Rob
  16. Well, I put a deposit down on a roadster 2 weeks ago, waiting for the private plate to be changed over, typical, weather has been good Really looking forward to take ownership, dvla, took them 4 weeks to sort my last bike log book out, still, it's given me time to sort the garage out Rob
  17. zxrob

    Low mileage

    Hi all Still to collect my Z, quick question It will be used as a second car and probably wont be doing a zillion miles per annum, infact may go for several weeks without use, daft question maybe, but, do I need to do anything, keep my eye on anything Sorry if it sounds a complet idiots question but having company cars for years has got me "out of car mode" Cheers Rob
  18. zxrob

    It's started

    I know Mate of mine (scooby and audi owner) was nearly crying when he got off the back of my bike , his face was full of terror, hadn't got the heart to tell him we were only doing a ton Rob
  19. zxrob

    It's started

    Nah mate I did however have a austin allegro as my first car, feck me, how old am I Rob
  20. zxrob

    It's started

    Totally agree I have always wanted a Z, yes there are lots of cars to chooose from, bmw, audi, bla bla, but the look of the Zed just does it for me and it will go nicely with my Nissan Qashqai and the wifes Juke Rob
  21. zxrob

    It's started

    Hi I have a ZXR750K1 race bike, a ZX7R and a SP1 All give me lots of pleasure in a different way Rob
  22. Right Just put a deposit down on a 350z roadster and straightt away couple of my biking mates are trying to tell me how my bikes will obliterate the car, well, wooopy fecking do, I know that, cant get it over to the thick gits that sometimes you buy something cause, well, you like it I do a lot of trackdays on my bikes and have bought the car for purley pleaseure purposes I give up sometimes Rob
  23. zxrob


    Yeh I read it, just getting a bit confused as other members say it's ok to use 97 ron fuel Cheers Rob
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