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Everything posted by sam350z2013

  1. thanks for the replies.. Ok, I think i'm going to get a new exhaust fitted now 😠anyone know how long it takes so I can take it to a garage without them ripping me off with their labour rate charges ?
  2. Hi all, Wanted others opinion whether a new exhaust would increase or decrease fuel consumption?... I have been told mixed opinions 😄
  3. Hi, Was wondering if anyone knows whether there's any difference in fuel economy between a imported and a UK 350z ?
  4. I've installed the Sony xav601-bt stereo too. But only thing that disappoints is the mirror link function don't work with iPhones, so can't use apple apps on it.
  5. Could the grease form some sort of damage to the plugs/engine in worst case scenario? 😯
  6. Anyone use some cooper grease on the thread of the plugs ?
  7. Anyone know how much diff and trans oil the zeds take to refill?
  8. Thanks Alex for the message .. Just pm you
  9. Hi , Nissan are complete rude idiots... So decided to do a service myself. I'm going to do a service for my car and was wondering if anyone knows where I can find the parts such as spark plugs etc for imported 350z's? Also, is transmission, gear and differential oil all separate parts that need to be changed in annual services? Thanks in advance!
  10. Thanks for the scan image.. I'll pm my email too anyone know if they check the health of like the engine in a service ? Thanks
  11. Mixed opinions seems like 😄 ... But thanks for the answers any fellow zeders
  12. Hi Was gna change my brakes for the first time today. But was wondering whether you need to put any type of lube on the back of the brake discs ? Many thanks !
  13. Hey , Wondering if anyone knows what this 'auto' button does below the steering ? Image below
  14. Thanks for all the welcomes and waves 😠I'm loving the new car already
  15. Did u do it yourself or a garage ?
  16. Surrey quays area in London. Would be good attending one of those meet ups to see what others have done
  17. Hi to all, Thought I'd say a quick hi as a new owner and member of the forum. Loving the car as today was able to drive it properly Any owners out here from the London area ?
  18. Jdms can have brembos, which do you have? I have the non bremo ones mate .
  19. Hi, Was wondering what the 'slip' sign is as it came on for a brief moment and then went ? I'm lead to believe this is something to do with tyres ? Any advice would be much appreciated as I bought the car and didn't come with a owners manual 0-0 . Thanks in advance!
  20. Anyone know the diameter of brake discs for a jdm?
  21. Thanks for advice, have u tried them before then?
  22. Hello all! So I just bought a jdm 350z and am told by garage that I need to change front discs. They recommended ebc ultimax and blueprint adl - Anyone had any experience of which is better? Thanks ppl!
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