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Posts posted by Lyndzzz

  1. I love threads like this, everythings happy :thumbs:


    I have lots to look forward to this year.... in 2 weeks we're off for a 4 day spa break to chill me out and prepare me for the 2 weeks after that when I return to education and start my nursing degree!

    Then August we have a 10 day holiday booked touring The Netherland, Belgium, France and Germany on the motorbike :teeth:

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  2. it's the soft porn version of a Disney story!


    One thing ive noticed though is that women & men seem to come to different conclusions from the books. Women seem to think its a nice happy romantic story whereas most men seem to come to the same conclusion as I did. Everyones clearly reading the same books, but its interesting how men/women get a different message/opinion from it.


    Very true, opinions are like a***holes, everyones got one ;)

    For what it's worth I didn't find it all that romantic or Disneylike, but I also didn't find it horrendously misogynistic, but I can understand the reasons for people thinking either or a mixture of both :)

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  3. So I read all 3 books!


    I'm a fairly educated woman (I do own a zed ;) )and I think on the more feminist side of things and I found the books fairly entertaining, but as said above not exactly well written. I found the description of the first book by Rabbitstew a little over exaggerated, but the book was meant to shock, it's fiction and she (the writer) hoped to make lots and lots of money :lol:


    I will say IMO the reason so many people enjoyed the books is because the story essentially boils down to a young girl finding a wealthy, good looking, attentive (yes sometimes overly to start with) who was "broken" and with just love, understanding and patience she "fixes" him and ends up happily ever after, albeit with a dozen or so orgasms thrown in for good measure, it's the soft porn version of a Disney story!


    I'm out with a ridiculously large group of friends later in the week to see the movie. I'm not expecting it to be anything but total rubbish, but should be a good night out with the girls :D



    and Ekona, I'll let you know what's on show ;)

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