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Posts posted by Lyndzzz

  1. Hi and :welcome: along


    My brother is 6'6" and very wide and he fits in my zed, only just may I add though!!

    You're budget is pretty low and you will be looking at older models or higher mileage, that's not to say they're bad though, it's more about how they've been looked after. I bought mine for a little more than that (not much more) and I've had no issues at all, others haven't had the same luck. Be patient and the right one will come along :thumbs:

  2. Okay so as you can see my build thread came to a halt a few months ago!! I've still not fitted the spats, although they are painted, but what with one thing or another I was in 2 minds as to whether I was keeping the zed or not. You may have even seen my for sale thread up last week. Anyway, I'm keeping her but whilst I'm at Uni and unable to work project zed is going to have to wait.


    I did spend some quality time with the car today with a good wash and polish then took her for a spin. To be honest I drove it like I'd stolen it and now know I'm keeping it as long as I can!! This will be the last post on this for a while but just to maintain the updates I'm adding a pic of the head unit I installed earlier in the year and some from today just cos I can :p



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