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Posts posted by wmr1980

  1. I saw this a few years ago when it was first reported, it's amazing to see how it has spread across the world reaching even the poorest of places.


    As for a window, it would create more heat, and glass is expensive, furthermore if you use Perspex, which is expensive too, would cloud over. This stops moss building up thanks to the bleach, and actually refracts the light, more than just a straight window would offer, it provides illumination.

  2. Also we were given a brain and free will, to do whatever we felt was the right thing to do. We cannot mitigate our responsibilities as human beings to one another or to the laws and political sanctions we have set through years of wars, exploration, and civilisation development over the past several millennia.

  3. I get this even when driving my other half's dented, flakey paint, scratched R reg 1.6L corolla!


    I think it's just owing to the lack of driving standards on the roads and a lot of egos.


    What's worse is those that tailgate you, then you hit a corner, and suddenly they're miles behind, and then on the straight tailgate you again!


    Don't rise to it, just let them do their ignorant behaviour, I just let those people pass, and just not worry about it, as long as I keep a safe distance and feel I'm behaving safely I don't really care what others do after they're a decent distance from me.


    Some people are just very strange.

  4. It's amazing how circumstances change you though


    My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


    I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

    Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


    Serious question, despite the flippancy.


    I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


    With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:


    Meh, she doesn't do it for me


    Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from :shrug:


    That pretty much sums up religion for me, depressed, unhappy people with worthless lives longing to believe in something to give their life purpose...


    Sorry if that offends the billions of religious people out there, I fully intend to burn in hell as I know thats where all the dirty girls will be ;)


    Imagine if you weren't able to touch them for eternity! That WOULD be hell!

  5. What I find ironic are the football mad people who effectively go to worship at their temple (either the pub or stadium), all have mass chanting and following, idolise, iconise certain players, pay money towards it, and repeat this routine and demonise those that do not follow their views. It's a pretty interesting parallel.


    Not sure many people go to church and chant "the reverend is a w@nker" :lol:


    Your parallel does make me smile however ;)


    It wasn't meant to provoke negativity, just the slightly hypocrisy at times from some people who snub organised religions. :)


    And no I don't think that would go down to well... :lol: however, by that I meant a lot of the either deprecating or encouraging chants that supporters do. Heck we do it in rugby (usually swing low sweet chariot, though!)


    I have nothing against football (I'm a rugby man however) but it was e closest parallel I could draw from my experience in this country. :)

  6. What I find ironic are the football mad people who effectively go to worship at their temple (either the pub or stadium), all have mass chanting and following, idolise, iconise certain players, pay money towards it, and repeat this routine and demonise those that do not follow their views. It's a pretty interesting parallel.

  7. I think that science fills in the gaps that religion cannot answer (the tangible, cause and effect and so on), and religion helps to give us clarity on the things that science cannot answer (assumptions, faith, acceptance).


    I don't believe them to be mutually exclusive, I think as long as both are progressive and inclusive they can live together synergistically. I am Christian myself, but not a bible basher, perhaps more spiritual than and out and out bore about it. Does it make me better than others in my eyes? No. Am I stronger/weaker for having beliefs? No. Does it help give me an extra layer to my life, and helps to draw strength from something intangible to give some sort of rationality when times are dark? Yes.


    I quite like the Buddhist way of looking at life, I think that's probably a very sensible way of looking at philosophy the world and the universe.


    As for death, I think there's more to us than we know or can explain, though from a practical point of view we are just atoms, mainly carbon life forms, and when we decompose our atoms are then joined to others and create elements, either oxygen, a salt or goodness knows what carbon based molecule... A such when we decompose, our particles bond to others,and are effectively regenerated. There is a finite amount of molecules and elements and they just forge and change depending on the physical environment and elements surrounding them. I quite like that concept.. As for soul, well, who knows, I'd rather imagine we have some sort of ethereal existence than not, but it's totally irrational and intangible so can't expect people to accept that.


    As for the universe, as an engineer and having studied physics I love it, I love day dreaming abut it, and love seeing the universe around us (especially from a telescope, I've seen the rings of Saturn with my own eyes nada it was a humbling experience). We are so small and insignificant in this still expanding universe tact we have no idea on what is out there. What we have worked out (based on our current knowledge) is that all the other elements of the universe are made from the same things as we are here on earth.


    I can believe n the concept of parallel inverse or quantum universes, or at least multiple time lines, heck we've proven on earth that we can skew time after the Hafele-Keating experiment giving more weight to predictions of special and general relativity.


    As much of a genius as Eisenstein was, he did say "God does not play dice with the universe", off the back of the research and theories on quantum mathematical divergence. However, this did lead him to dedicating time to develop a grand unifying theory for relativity and quantum mechanics.


    As the science becomes more complicated the more I'm inclined to realise that we want necessarily find the answers or enlightenment through 1s and 0s and some of it will be less tangible and harder to prove. However, I'm happy to accept some things on blind faith.

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  8. On the subject of spacers, other than making the zed look awesome stance wise, does it add much stress on the wheel bearings? I used to have them on previous cars, but needed to fiddle about to keep the scrub radius with the offset etc... I guess doing a geo after fitting would be important?

  9. Do you have to buy a touch screen then?


    Presumably this software runs off windows and then just launches a GUI that you can interact with, and has all the different modules/hardware/software running on the pc?


    I guess you need Bluetooth and so on so that you can interact with your phone, and install a GPS receiver on the pc too?


    Seems interesting, although not much help to you now I'd be keen to see your progress on this kit when you make a start on it,

  10. Is it cost effective? And does it make much of a difference? I know on FI cars with a remap octane boosters have shown to make a marked improvement, but on an untuned unmapped car does it make a tangible difference?


    Using high octain improves MPG as well as small margins of performance unless FI in some cases.. Its a cleaner fuel as well so helps maintain the engine.. I use high octain as normal fuel for all my cars unless I'm driving diesel or not so sporty car..


    Oh absolutely when I have had performance cars I've always had them tuned for 97, but even if not I'd always put 97 in. However it also did make a tangible difference on FI cars.


    However for a little run around or small engined NA cars I don't see the point in paying for premium fuel when they've been designed to cope with 95, despite it perhaps being better as you say, the mpg mprovement doesn't offset the cost of a fill up!

  11. Wow this takes me back. A time when computers were a skill to know about rather than the ubiquitous box we all have at home whirring away... I remember some of those old skool games! Now I go to the gym instead... What a waste! Lol!


    Thanks for posting! :D

  12. I always thought the MON rating was more important than the RON rating. However, they never really tell us what the quality of their fuels are - but since they are all ISO / BS standards I guess that they have to sell them at that quality.

  13. It's people like him who gives us bikers a bad name. :/ He is 100% responsible for that, And his weaving wasn't exactly sensible, clearly not paying attention to the road up ahead.... and it was also obvious the trucks were at a standstill from the onset. Obviously a novice as he also was thinking of filtering between two trucks.


    It makes me sad to be a biker at times :(

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