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Posts posted by Oakley350z

  1. Be a bit tricky in the Z I'd imagine!


    So The New Forest it is then! Was thinking a barbecue maybe? Weather permitting or just a get together in a pub for a drink


    We need to decide on a date, thought maybe later in the month? Gives everyone time to arrange things then


    Starting a list of people attending :)


    1. Oakley350z

    2. Mattross1313

    3. Bubbagross

    4. Simon+kat

    5. Fraktion

    6. Vansman66

    7. Humpy

    8. Sidewayz350z

  2. Decided to hold a meet on Sunday 28th of April at the Vine pub in The New Forest


    Meet up will be at 1 pm


    I'll put up a map with directions soon for anyone who is unsure :)


    This is my first meet arrangement so hopefully everything will go to plan and we will have a good day with a good turnout of Zedder's :)


    Put your name down and we can see the sort of numbers that are up for :) then arrange a day and time that suits everyone


    Cheers, Oakley!

  3. Looks good :thumbs: I've only wrapped a few interior bits n' pieces. I daren't tackle anything that size as I know I definitely haven't got the patience!


    Roof next?


    That's the plan :) maybe do the boot lid as well, just don't want to do everything too quick because ill know ill get bored! :p

  4. Afternoon all! After a few searches and googles can't find much info on them.


    I have one fitted on my Z but looking for a bit more noise! It seems to be fairly quiet so unsure what to do now, I need to get under the car and have a good look as I'm pretty sure its silenced


    Are these standard on some Zs? How much are they worth? Anything I can do to get a nice deep/ loud tone to the exhaust as it is? Not sure I really want to go down the decat route just due to the hassle of changing it back for mots and being overly loud!


    Any help or advice would be appreciated :)

  5. Gotta be a bargain that! I'm the same as you by the sounds of it, my temper seems to be getting shorter & shorter as I get older :lol:


    Haha yeah! Better to spend £20 than loose my temper and loose £30 of vinyl! :p

  6. Cheers guys, a mate of mine done it for me, I would attempt it myself but just end up with a mess and a bad temper!


    Not done a bad job, so if anyone in the Portsmouth area wants anything wrapping I can put them in touch :)


    Cost me £30 for the wrap and £20 to fit :)

  7. I see this all the time, it's becoming more common which is a real shame, that colour you'd get away with edge to edge, no need to blend adjacent panels, I'd be charging around £250 to do it myself, baring in mind that's a cash in had basis, taking it to a body shop you would be paying a tad more, say 300-400.


    Recently repaired a Peugeot 1007 that had been keyed on every single panel, even the mirror covers!

  8. I can't find any more pics :( this is the only one I've seen on 350zspoilers.com, there is quite a few different styles but I'm guessing the only one that will fit is the JDM one like that.


    They do another with 3 points to the boot lid but doesn't look like it'll fit on the Z

  9. Did a search and couldn't find anything, so just wondered has anyone actually fitted one to their Z?


    Seen it on 350zspoilers so it's been done before and doesn't look all that bad! :)


    Just wondered if the fittings were the same and the holes line up, would be interesting to see if anyone's done it here :)

  10. Hi all, been lurking on here for a while so thought I'd join :)


    Bought a 2005 Z GT a few weeks back and loving it! I come from the Portsmouth area and am a paint sprayer by trade so have had a fair few projects in my time!


    Looking for new ideas and help with my new car and to be part of a community of enthusiasts for these beautiful motors!


    Will post up some pictures of my Z soon! :)

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