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Posts posted by Jetpilot

  1. 14 hours ago, hmale4yu said:

    Re Nissan , the Z looks like it will be pushed back even further

    Not singling out GT but he seems to be the advocate that a new Z is on the way but as you, i dont see it arriving any time soon for many reasons based on model release history/other reasons and i think you are on the money, there will be a new Juke first, there will definitely be a new GTR first both because of sales numbers. They are still punting out 370z's although the deals that can be had would suggest its coming to the end of the line and the only slight muttering of one is from Alfonso suggesting its being "developed". If something more concrete is shown at the Tokyo Motor Show next year its likely to be a prototype design, not forgetting it was 4 years ago we first saw an inclining of the new Supra in the FT1, i reckon we would be lucky to see one by 2021/22. All that said i hope it is sooner and be happy to be wrong.


    I have had a couple of threads re car prices, Caymans at £60-£70k+, Civic Type R at £40k with decent spec, A110 & 4C at £50+, M series at similar and its a good call, what sports coupes are out there new?

  2. No offence meant but its probably a very small market place when they could be churning out exhausts for bmw's etc which they sell by the 1000's. Whilst ever they may have the jig/templates, they still have to take away production from a volume selling item.

  3. 4 minutes ago, coldel said:

    Yes she did the right thing, but she should have done it last week instead of putting the House through a weeks worth of debate only to pull it at the last minute. It was obvious from the off that the backstop agreement was not fully understood and needed clarification.  I am hoping that the EU and TM put some practicalities around the backstop procedure so its clear we cannot be indefinitely tied to the EU. 


    More bluster from the SNP etc this morning, so many raised voices but not a single one has actually lent anything useful to the issue in terms of 'whats the alternative to the backstop'. Labour have no alternative, they just want power. Once in they will end up stuck with the same deal TM has they do not have any silver bullet that solves the NI border issue.  


    I really enjoy following politics, to see how countries and the world is governed, but the last month has seen just how low some politicians can go. So many have nothing at heart aside from personal power grabbing, Corbyn couldn't care less about the economy, JRM DD et al just want a hard right bigoted Tory government. 

    It does make you question how the Scottish independence vote would have worked with regards to borders and them wanting to stay in the EU, dont the SNP have an answer from their vote?

  4. 1 hour ago, coldel said:

    but he would create clarifications, which is what TM was referring to yesterday in terms of assurances. 

    So in essence she has been very wise to pull the vote and the mp's were right to question it? fair play imho!


    Pending on what clarifications he gives of course.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Maggz said:

    Seriously, why would they? If your wife says she's had enough of your @*!#, and wants a divorce, will you give her everything she wants or the bare minimum?

    Good point If we were actually divorcing them and leaving without anything (hard brexit) we would be discussing the settlement figure only (as per a divorce), but we are trying to form a business deal with them, two very different things.

  6. Maybe the EU will surprise us :lol: 


    To be fair if it does tie us to the EU it needs sorting, how i dont know and i dont think the mps (not tyres Ekona) are wrong to oppose it, but as Adrian/Col says, it needs to be in black and white. clear and concise!


    However, snipes from Sturgeon and Corbyn are just quite frankly laughable. Sturgeon failed to do what she set out to do (dedicating her life to making Scotland an independent nation) and couldnt organise a prayer in a mosque and i suspect Corbyn would have been a quivering wreck and in a care home if he was pm at the moment!

  7. I see little no point in not going to the vote, the mp's arent going to come round, the eu is not going to come round, so lets just get the vote done, reject it and go from there!


    The only arsenal in her locker will be to tell the Eu if they cant renegotiate its going to be a no deal, but that is just calling their bluff and i dont think they will have their bluff called! :lol:





  8. How loud do you want it is probably the question, being you have sports cats already anything non resonated or adequately silenced will be loud. personally i dont think you can beat Milteks or Invidia Gemini's, but the Cobra resonated will be a good sound!

  9. 10 hours ago, ATTAK Z said:

    I don't think they are unified (I mean the people of the EU, not the negotiators) - just wait till we get a deal and see how many other countries make a move to disengage

    Absolutely, but i meant the member states/junker/negotiators, it would be interesting to see what they do if staring down the barrel of a no deal.


    France wasnt a million miles away with Le Pen, Italy and others talking about a referendum.

  10. I am afraid to say i dont think the EU will bend at all unless they are staring down the barrel of no deal, they are playing hard ball and unified and until we are too i dont think they will give any more concessions.

  11. 36 minutes ago, ilogikal1 said:

    We now have a better idea of what a Brexit deal actually looks like

    The vote was stay in the eu or leave the eu, nothing more, nothing less, least of all not pending what deal/agreement could be put together.


    The forecast by remainers for leaving was always chucking the economy under a bus, there is nothing new to the table and now some want to chuck the political system under a bus because it wasnt the right outcome on the vote for a minority!


    I dont often agree with Ekona but if "people" werent aware of what they were voting for on what was a pretty simple choice, leave/stay, i wouldnt trust them to sit the right way round on a toilet, let alone cast another vote! 

  12. Its not, but the majority voted to leave, democratically do you not think we should leave before we decide to go back to the polls?


    I really cannot see any good outcome from another referendum for this country, the future may look bleak economically outside the EU, but i reckon the political system would be a total disaster should another referendum go ahead, but i guess it depends again what you see best for the country, economic chaos or political chaos and that will probably align itself with the way people voted in the referendum anyway in all honesty. :thumbs:





  13. To be clear i didnt vote to leave for that reason, but so what if they did they were the majority, do you (just summarising as a remainer) not want democracy or do you only want democracy when it aligns with your views and opinions?





  14. 29 minutes ago, The G Man said:

    The electorate have moved on, you know


    im keeping up, not stuck in 2016

    Look at the polls if you believe that for fear of repeating myself, the forecast/split now is hardly any more in favour of remaining than it was when last polled in 2016 :bang: and looked what happened then, they were wrong, so no one can clearly state this time would be any different, for or against so its utterly irrelevant what may or may not happen with regards to a 2nd referendum at this time!


  15. 45 minutes ago, The G Man said:

    still waiting for your argument to convince remainers to leave.  You’re points are continually mute in this discussion.  You have no stance other than, ‘leave is gooder’


    What is your point?

    Keep up, we voted to leave, so i actually have no idea why people are banging on about the vote or trying to justify staying its irrelevant, fingers crossed! 







  16. As pointed out way earlier in this thread the perceived change of vote is just not the case despite all this "information" to detriment of leaving the EU, it is still very much 50/50, you can research the polls should you choose so all points raised to the negative with regards to the vote are moot, that is factual and not opinion. I am not trying change anyones opinions, again i zero problem if you vote remain.


    I have no problem with scottish politics, why should i, it makes zero difference to me, unlike your continued snipes at Westminster and if you dont think the scottish referendum and uk referendum bare any relation to one an another, well, my points are well founded.

  17. 22 minutes ago, The G Man said:

    ^^^ another non statement really, in support of Brexit

    I have absolutely no problem in supporting Brexit and voting to leave, just like you had absolutely no problem in supporting and voting to the leave the UK in the sottish referendum, the only difference is your hypocrisy that it was ok for you, but not for us :thumbs: Your opinion would be way more valid if your standards werent so doubled B)

  18. 31 minutes ago, Maggz said:

    So you'd be totally fine with dairy and meat prices increasing by 20% as an example? How do you think that would impact the poorest people in the country? You think they care from where the food comes? They care, and quite passionately, about not being hungry


    1 minute ago, Maggz said:

    I quoted a statement that we need to support UK farmers and dairy producers, and my question was, even if that means everything is 20% more expensive? 

    What that has to do with your poorest households vote is beyond me. You seem to have a problem following a topic...

     I answered your question as quoted above was, how will that impact the poorest people, i have highlighted it in case you are confused, so ask them as they voted out which is well documented!

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