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Theres always been Ethel

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Posts posted by Theres always been Ethel

  1. nice !!! think im gonna get this sorted. love the colourful dash lighting, kinda adds a level of techno bling in a nice way.


    Might have to settle for a little 12v christmas tree until after xmas tho . lol

  2. ah thanks Colin,


    can you help me further.


    In like the sound of putting some LEDS in there providing they look classy and not too blingy, if thats possible.


    the other mod i was thinking about is a nice raunchy exhaust note, I am saying this without even having heard the OEM note with the standard set up, I am guessing it has a little bit of a roar , does it ?

    Do you know of anyone specialising in 350Zs in Kent by any chance. (without me going thru the traders lists on here)


  3. Hey Don, welcome to the forum. Last time I saw you was JAE at Peterborough when you were gaffa=taped to your camp bed and two young virgins? were sitting on your face! Don't worry I wont tell anyone.


    Sounds like you've got rid of that beautiful 240Z. Best of luck with your purchase, you will enjoy driving it.


    Hey Buddy, forgot all about that !! have you a pic of my plight ? Would love to see it, and/or any other pics of the time ?

    post em up here if you have, I dont mind. what a laugh that was.


    For anyone wondering what this is all about, Dear Arkwright and his mates, gaffer taped me to my camp bed when I was asleep and pi**ed as a fart. then two young ladies sat on my face, twas quite nice lads I tell thee.



  4. Hi guys,


    I am looking at buying an 07 plate 350z, with 39k on the dial, and have the opportunity of having the car serviced (NISSAN) foc.

    I naturally want the best service avail, should I go for a P3 ? , and what is a P3 11 as mentioned above by martinmac ?


    help please



  5. Thanks Shel, can you PM me any info, appreciate mate, thanks.


    Hi JetSet, aha, thought there might be one or two on here, well done mate.


    Thanks for the welcomes.........


    ROAD TAX, thanks bounty bar, thought i was seeing things when i saw the tax band, I thought the 275 maybe 300, but i thinks about 475. I swore I saw a zed with a road tax band at the cheaper rate.


    (Sorry guys life just passes me by sometimes while I sleep, and miss the important bits)

  6. the differnce in price between the 2 is not great considering the cheaper one has under 20k on the clock, not sure why the midnight car is the price it is, considering it has 39 on the clock. okay it has sat nav and an 07 plate but ??????????


    any thoughts pls would be more than welcome positive or negative.


    This is of course purely informative on a personal basis and bears no reflection or judgement on the dealer.



  7. Hello people, Im Don, live in Kent, and am about to purchase my first 350, a UK GT car in either midnight blue or azzure blue.

    Just cant make up my damn mind which one. So I will try to attach some info and pics, and see what you guys and gals think.


    I am also a 240z fan but simply cant afford a nice enough one at the minute. Had a beauty some years back tho, pics to follow.



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