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Posts posted by Aliensurfer

  1. Living near the roadworks on the M62 for the last year and a half I have found the cruise control is very useful. I try and turn it on whenever I'm on a motorway although if traffic is heavy it's sometimes easier to not use it.


    I have grown to hate the M62.


    Pretty much have CC on anytime I hit a motorway these days.

  2. I agree it could be stricter but is a start. But really, sickness benefits for acne??? My god. I see no problem with a system which can help those genuinely in need but its been so lenient that people get away with theft. I can name a few cases I'm personally aware of where people genuinely need assistance but also where people are taking the **** and im sure we all can. I essentially work my arse off for one week a month so some kid with acne can go sit in the sun? No thanks.


    Really shows how many people are faking it when so many come off the system willingly just before testing!



    Edit- The government had a trial recently where rent money was paid directly to the tenants rather than te landlord to "Help them understand the responsibility of money" What happen? A 75% increase in non payment of rent. Because these scroungers go out and buy luxurys with it knowing they won't get kicked out of the house as the system is too soft. I don't often shout at the radio, but that certainly got me wound up.

  3. Spend some money on driver training... Learned more about driving fast and safe in one day than I had in 30 years of driving.


    Any recommendations on the course as I've been thinking about this?

  4. Just cleaned out the fish tank, now to get back to Lara Croft.



    I'm also itching to buy a few bits for the Zed, especially as my quarterly bonus has been confirmed, but until I sell this damn house i can't justify it :(


    How you getting on with TR? I finished it the other day, really enjoyed it :)


    BBK I was fortunate enough to pick my car up already clean :lol:



    Really enjoying it. Nice testament to the TR of old, with a decent story line, very impressive graphics and enough to keep it interesting. I've just got to the section where the party is repairing the boat

  5. Pool balls potted. I must have over a million by now. Playing for 20 years, 3-4 times a week at least, plus County and other tourneys


    I also held the World Record for the longest match at 55 hours, we managed 588 frames in that time and raised close to 5k for Addenbrookes hospital. It's since been beaten by two guys on County Durham who managed 72 hours..

  6. Hand shandys


    Lets See. I just turned 37 and I worked out I'd been alive just over 15,000 days. That means an average of 68 hand shandys a day to reach 1 million.


    Not sure I have time for that.


    50.. Maybe

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