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Posts posted by JEMAN

  1. Well, I came home from work today.......and washed the old girl......under the arches, exhausts and inside the doors/boot. It was bloody cold though. I'll be driving it tomorrow for a massive ten miles......but sadly the orrible white salt from the roads will be on it once more.......mmmmmm. Might leave it and take the wife's Renault lol"............now chillin with a cold beer :)



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  2. I'm sure if a garage does something without telling you first, your well within your rights to refuse to pay. A garage did some extra work on my wife's car.....when we went in to pay the original bill, they asked for £110 extra for other worked they had done and showed the old part. We refused point blank and said you should have told us first and then we could have said yes or no don't bother. They grumbled about it, but we left with the car and original bill. They MUST tell you before carrying out work. Good luck and stick to your guns

  3. 2003 GT 49k on the clock.....had it 2 years, and with the issues I've had with it.......it's always passed the M.O.T......just last week, it flew through. The guy said half way through the MOT when underneath the car......I'm not gunna find anything wrong with this......then when I went to pay, the lady filling out the form said.....any advisories.....he turned and said.....NOTHING....ITS BEAUTIFUL.....he even said is it garaged, I said no....he looked a bit surprised, then asked me what my every day car was......when I told him the Z was.....he looked shocked lol...... The old Z still looks amazing :)

  4. Just tried taxing mine online...........and they came back with......ITS NOT MOTED.......runs out in 5 days time.....now the recorded voice has told me to go down to the post office and do it there..........what a load of......poppycock lol

  5. Well, I'm still lovin the Z.......even with its flaws ( electric window just packed up) lol. Still gives me a buzz on my budget, and I think that's what it's all about......wife's Renault scenic is perfect 5 seater for our family ( don't want performance for the kids being driven round).....and the Z for me and the wife..........happy days

  6. What a time for the electric window to go.......just had to buy a horrible car cover for the weekend till I get it sorted next week ! Why couldn't it have happened a few weeks back with the good weather ? Lol. I keep looking out the window watching the car cover flapping about in the wind.......now my swirl free paint work must be suffering :( Oh well better that than rain going into the car.....just !

  7. Yep.....sounds like as it's when your driving it's more than likely coming from underneath........but I would still check all seals around the boot as when driving the wind can whip the rain in......good luck

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