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Posts posted by LordSQra

  1. :cry:


    ...maybe it's just going off to the tuners for a mental turbo build. :wiggle:


    haha maybe lol right after the clutch is done


    I've found few more zeds, unfortunately still no veilside one wrrr haha and I am not a hundred percent sure but I might have found porsche GT :)


    GT ? -> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.874665,2.320005,3a,30y,317.57h,75.68t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sgkMfGITHUccfS8n9GbJq_g!2e0


    and few zeds :teeth: :teeth:











    and bonus :lol:



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  2. A small update: It's been few days since my car's been flooded.On the way home I did set up the heating on 32 degrees directly on the floor and also switched on the heating on the seats, it was like in a sauna lol. When I got home I looked at it properly and it didn't look as bad as I thought.I placed towels on the floor as I could feel that it still was a little bit damp. I didn't take out the seats as I had to go to work the next day and I wouldn't have the time to put it back in. My gf came up with a solution and suggested to leave a dehumidifier inside the car overnight, I left it in the garage, dehumidifier on, windows closed. It did a pretty good job collecting all the water and nicely drying out the floor. Coming back from work yesterday everything looked alright no condensation or bad smell :) very happy :D

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  3. Where do you work mate? Looks a familiar building to me...


    Also, I think you will be fine in that much water. I've driven through deeper, so deep in fact that the range rover behind me turned around!


    I got a little bit worried when I could feel the car really pushing against the water, but got through and not ill effects other than a creaky clutch pedal for a few days!


    That was about 4 months ago. No problems since! I think everything that low is pretty well sealed up.


    In other news, took the Saxo through a huge puddle yesterday and I think the water caused a bridge across some of the electric connections, handbrake light and oil light came on and sort of 'flickered' as it happened but then faded out as the water obviously dripped off!

    It's a sainsbury's warehouse in Waltham Abbey mate.

  4. pull the seats out, pull the carpet up and try to get as much out as possible. Then let the car dry out and try to work out where it came from. What are the chances the water went down before you got to the car? It may well have come through the bottom of the doors?

    That's what I'm going to do as soon as I get home. Im stuck at work till 22pm wish I could do it right now before it gets worse. I think like Will said that the other cars created a wave or even me when I moved a car and thats how it got inside going through the bottom of the doors.

    Shall I disconnect the battery when removing seats ? I dont want to mess anything with airbags. Thanks guys

  5. Looks like some of the water somehow got in to the car...dont know what to do now call my insurer or try to get rid of it and it wont craete dump inside or damage anything like wires etc.. I phoned l my work to get emergency off and didnt get, I am so angry now. I will do some update later guys



  6. How mechanically minded are you? I'd say maybe take the back box off and try and empty it. If it's enough water that you can hear it it's going to take a long time to evaporate out.


    Wouldn't bother back pressure will blow it out. :thumbs:


    Doesn't look deep enough to get much water in there. :surrender:


    Thanks guys ! I am going to work in a minute, I will see today how it looks but as I said before I heard splashing sound coming from the back so the water must have got into the back box. The exhaust pipes were under the water, I have an aftermarket exhaust and its tips are slightly lower than the OEM ones.

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  7. I did give her good run when I was driving home and as I said before she sounded different, she was making nice roaring sound :teeth: I just couldn't stop listening to it lol...I hope the water won't cause any problems and it will just evaporate. Fingers crossed :)

  8. Luckily the water didn't get inside. It rained heavily while I was at work, I had to take my shoes and socks off to get in the car lol. When I did switch on the ignition I heard the exhaust gurgling as it was under the water, I moved my car and went back to work. When I drove back home car was ok apart from the exhaust that was making nice roaring sound - it sounded different than usual and when I pressed on brake I could hear sound like splashing coming from the back. I'm guessing that could be some water that got inside the back box, is it going to evaporate? Shall I be worried that the water may somehow get into the engine ?

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