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Posts posted by MrsNiki

  1. Yep wine is awesomeness right now!!


    going even more off topic than an off topic conversation, has anybody listened to the new Jake Bugg album?? Just listening to it on iPod whilst sorting out iPhone....


    Yes he sounds like an american 50s blues singer not a skinny yorkshire lad.....


    He is amazingness!! and he's a nottingham lad not a daft yorkshire man lol!!


    It's north of Watford :shrug:


    Oh me, the southern shandy drinking jessie has heard of northern lad haha :lol:


    But seriously, as much as apple ass do you, they have a stronger market hold than droid!

  2. Yep, free stuff from apple involves bending over and .... well... taking it like a man (or woman)


    droid is ok, but hang the macbook and iPad, the iPhone was the obvious choice next. T'other half is an android fan, having the Samsung Galaxy S2 and a Galaxy tab, but with the main computer being my macbook, he swears... a lot..... :lol:

  3. Yep wine is awesomeness right now!!


    going even more off topic than an off topic conversation, has anybody listened to the new Jake Bugg album?? Just listening to it on iPod whilst sorting out iPhone....


    Yes he sounds like an american 50s blues singer not a skinny yorkshire lad.....


    He is amazingness!! and he's a nottingham lad not a daft yorkshire man lol!!

  4. Hannah, if you can get to someone like ZMANALEX or another trusted zed owner then its worth them taking a look. I took mine to Alex who got a right good look over it after i bought it and i left feeling loads more confident about driving it :D Mine needs a new clutch, but at least i know i have a few miles left in it (until after christmas fingers crossed!). I never had any interest in cars and what goes on under the bonnet until i got the zed... and its been a steep learning curve so far!! wikipedia is ace... can speak to the lads at work about dual mass flywheels now and sound like i know what i'm talking about haha :lol:

  5. Yeah, ok then

    Have voted for all months, but some were tough to call, saw some very very nice pics :D nice work!


    Now full of idea's for where to photograph my zed through the year ready for the next calendar! :teeth:


    Beach in summer with a bucket and spade spring to mind!


    Yeah ok then.... :lol:

  6. Gutted, couldn't do the photo i wanted for the calendar as my props couldn't make it....


    However, i will be out with the camera through winter for some good pics, especially at the husky rally's where my friends race dogs.... Hopefully we'll get a shoot in Aviemore at the rally in January with some snow!

  7. If you bought the zed knowing you will sell it on, then keep the mileage down, or if you are like me and you bought it to drive, then take it everywhere!! Mines done short town runs and long 450 mile runs, ok I've put 2k miles on it in 2 months, but boy I've had fun doing it! :D

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  8. haha! Don't worry, i'm not thinking bikini shot with a bucket and spade, too cold for that!! Nah, was thinking of something slightly different, bit tongue in cheek!! :p;)




    ok so how about bikini shot without the bucket and spade?


    Tongue in cheek works for me too! Tbh tongue anywhere does! :lol:


    How do I apply to be said tongue?


    Stuck to a frozen lamppost?? haha! :p:lol:

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