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Posts posted by john180

  1. Sir Jimmy's campain in the 70's was pretty effective: Clunk Click - every trip. Maybe a reminder of that rather than more interlocks could be used.


    They could re-run the ads! Everyone knows Jimmy and the message could still work as well as it did then.

  2. I have this problem with the nismo spoiler. Never thought anything of it tho until I read this but I shall be having a go at the fix as it is a little annoying having to press the button and pull at the same time...

  3. quick question : how is the sat nav operated? Is it touch screen or do you use the radio controls to set it up etc?


    Thanks for everything so far guys. I have a viewing on sunday. can't wait to test the car out. :drive1


    04-06 Sat Nav is operated by a remote control, after that its buttons below the screen.


    yes - mine has the remote control. not the most easy to use bit of kit if i'm honest. whoever thought a remote control would have been a good idea???

  4. Welcome. Have had mine for 3 weeks and trust me, you will not regret buying one. I have had all sorts of cars over the past 25 years, FWD, RWD, Turbos etc etc and this is by far the best car I have owned.



    my thoughts so far too. I keep saying to people - it is the best car i have ever bought!


    glad you are getting on well with yours too :D

  5. Im good for the 23rd, and no probs I wasnt organising was more guaging interest


    i havent seen you about in malton yet btw :p


    I just got the car on Sunday - i'll be tootling around on a weekand and now and again during the evening. Keep an eye out - i'll give you a wave if i think i have spotted you :)


    23rd is sounding good. Where do we fancy - maybe Hungry Horse in Scarborough for lunch then a run to Whitby for photos in Abbey car park?


    Shall we have a names list for people who are up for it?


    I have the following so far:





  6. Is it worth trying to set a date for this? Say Sunday 23rd September?




    Will be good for that day :)


    good man - any more takers?


    Sorry if i am stepping on anyones toes who was originally organising this - tell me where to go if I am, otherwise i am quite happy to have a go at organising :thumbs:

  7. It's probably going to be mid to late September, trying to gauge interest since there are a few of us locally now


    Late sept would be great for me. I've had MG's for years and hardly ever been spotted round our way yet i get a 350z and i'm spotted in my home town 2nd day of ownership!! Nice to know there are plenty of owners local to me and i hope this turns into a really good meet to put some faces to forum usernames :)

  8. Was it you pulling out of the market square this afternoon, if so thanks for the wave

    Nice one, I've got mine in at Atkins at Swinton for a service today so may see you about.


    Ahh yeah i pass there quite a bit when i head up to darlo or sunderland with work. right next to the pub too lol! :snack:


    yes that was me - was just taking my sis out for a spin to the post office.


    i'm taking it you guys are like the mini drivers and wave at each other? very friendly - :teeth:

  9. Nice one, I've got mine in at Atkins at Swinton for a service today so may see you about.


    Ahh yeah i pass there quite a bit when i head up to darlo or sunderland with work. right next to the pub too lol! :snack:

  10. I get service unavailable when trying to load your picture... have we crashed your website? :(


    ha! must be namesco being rubbish - give it a few mins and it'll be back.

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