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Posts posted by Ewan27

  1. Cheers for the input guys. I'm going to check how much more this will be on insurance tomorrow. I understand people don't like the styling, it was more stuff like the radiators mentioned above that I wanted input on. I watched Clarkson rip it, and an M5 rip it apart, but this is a 11K car with less than 50K on the clock, not many chances of getting an M5 like that! Anyone near Preston fancy meeting up on Saturday morning/afternoon?

  2. Yeah I agree the Startech grill looks loads better. When I searched on YouTube all I got was people wheel spinning to "Westside" tunes :) I actually said "apart from the styling" as I know a lot of people dislike the looks, but I'm actually a big fan. It's funny you say that, a group of VXR8's drove past me on the M6 a few months ago and I got a "nod" from one of them who was actually wearing a VXR baseball cap :)

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  3. Hi guys, I am thinking of going down to Preston on Saturday to see this beast - http://goo.gl/Obhhy


    Apart from the styling and terrible MPG does anyone have any opinions on these? I have been on the hunt for a bigger car and if all goes well I will be trading in/selling my Yellow GT4 to fund this.





  4. I'm a bit of Hi-Fi buff myself and have had plenty of equipment over the years. What I would recommend if money is tight initially is buying a set of stereo speakers and a sub-woofer, but with a amp that is capable of "surround sound". That means you can add a centre speaker and rear speakers at a later date if you want to. If you are mainly using it to play the sound from the TV, then most broadcasts are only recorded in stereo anyway. Most amps with try to turn the stereo recording into surround sound (e.g. playing voices out of the centre speaker) but I wouldn't recommend this. Music listening is always better in stereo for the same reason. If you are wanting it for playing blu-rays and//or gaming then a surround sound is the way to go from the outset, but if not then a good quality stereo setup is recommended. And as I said, if you get a surround sound amp then you have the option to add surround speakers at a later date.

  5. I'm with the majority, if it's trying to spell something that you can't clearly make it it looks a bit stupid. However, if it's actually personal to you, i.e. you or a loved ones initials then I think it's a good addition. I got EC05 ZZZ for £250 and I'm quite happy, it's my initials and the obvious Z connection.

  6. When I got my GT4 it had a full Nismo body kit on it, with loads of Nismo stickers plastered all over it. I got them to remove them all, apart from a small 1 on the rear. I agree with others that unless you have a Nismo kit or performance (I don't think my gear knob counts) I'd avoid Nismo branding, especially on the front.

  7. Ddcboyle is heading up to vinyl wrap me and Ewan221's roof sometime between 24th December & 3rd January (he will firm up a date nearer the time). We have tentatively agreed that Ewan221 will drive down from Glasgow to me in Annan (map link - http://goo.gl/7ERMW) as it'll be easier for ddcboyle to pop off the M6 over the border. Ewan221 suggested that we could make this a mini meet for any other Scottish Zeds (or North England as I'm only 20 minutes from Carlisle). I can't promise any awesome roads or an interesting town, but would be happy to host anyone who fancies it.

  8. Great offer, bit to far for me though lol. Will get you to sort mine when u next in Scotland


    as i already spoke to you before i posted this, ill do same for you when im in scotland mate


    I'm also in Scotland (just over the border, near Carlisle) and would like my roof done, but I understand that you doing Ewan221's as a special favour so it's cool if you can't.


    Do you have a garage or somewhere indoors for your car? And how far are you off the m6? Driving up with the girlfriend so cant do too much of a detour and dependant on the time we are leaving, but if its possible i will. Even if its on the way back down south and. Had spare time. Dates for scotland are looking like 24th dec til 3rd jan atm


    Yeah my car is kept in the garage (which has power), it's quite tight for space, enough to comfortably get the car in length ways and wide enough to squeeze my fat ass out without banging the door. I'm about 15 minutes off the M6 (place called Annan), see map link here - http://goo.gl/maps/MxNam


    Any of those dates are fine with me

  9. Great offer, bit to far for me though lol. Will get you to sort mine when u next in Scotland


    as i already spoke to you before i posted this, ill do same for you when im in scotland mate


    I'm also in Scotland (just over the border, near Carlisle) and would like my roof done, but I understand that you doing Ewan221's as a special favour so it's cool if you can't.

  10. Come off the motorway at Moffat (not far over the border) and take the scenic route to Edinburgh. This is known as "the beef tub" road and is a good road for the Z (maybe not in the ice though!). You can then head over the fourth road bridge to Dundee and up to Aberdeen. John O Grots is a fair way from Aberdeen. The further up you go, the better the roads get to be honest!



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