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Posts posted by ddcboyle

  1. 39-42mpg driving at 50mph

    22mpg driving normally

    16mpg staying low gear drifting round london




    Downhill after resetting the tripcomputer maybe :lol:


    lol i got from london to edinburgh on just over 3/4 of a tank.

  2. well i ordered a small amount of cheap vinyl from ebay to play around with and only enough for few tries on the mirrors (the harsest part by look of it). gave it a go but hardest bits i found were rrying to join the vinyl up as it goes all the way round to join start with finish, and also the 3point curve was nails to try and shrink into place. messed that part up but ill upload pics. maybe someone has some tips.


    i can see the main panels being alot easier because their flush and dont rejoin.

  3. for a 22 year old, insurance for 54 350z gt in silver was £2,800 but got it down to £820 for a year with 2 yrs no claims.


    Ive added both mother and father which reduced it by 700pound, keeping myself as policy holder, owner and primary driver.


    parked on the street instead of in the drive reduced it by 150pounds, reason for this is that in the drive they know which house the keys are in (unlikely someone will walk into house but it must have happened - this brought mine down but not my friends so it may vary)


    im a soldier by job, but my rank is airman. putting airman down as job reduced by 200 due to soldiers being more accident prone but airman is classed as air crew (their mistake not mine for the flaw). so if you have a job that is seen as more dangerous personality, have a play around with similar job details. i.e if your an assassin, try contractor.


    and a bit of searching around on comparison websites. i use elephant for insurance via comparethemearkat, but when i went straight to elephant.com my quote was 160pound more expensive.


    other simple tips : reduce mileage to 10,000 instead of putting in a random figure. some insurance conpanies vary but the more miles you are likely to do the more your likely to crash.


    increase excess rate, unless your aiming to flip your car, your going to pay excess anyway so moving from 250 to 500 makes massive difference.


    regarding adding bodykit, i called to get quote on nismo v2 bodykit and would only be 43pound more for year, and green vinyl wrapped being 17pound more expensive although those parts arent covered for insurance. i.e. car is protected but not body extras or the vinyl wrap itself.


    May already be something like this on here, ive just put all my findings down as a verification.

  4. your guide seems pretty good so ill follow that and start doing some pics . might set up camera at certain angle to take a photo each 15mins and show various parts.


    hopefully not crack the pillar while im at it :p


    regards the folding under the body, are you just cutting off excess, leaving a cm of vinyl and securing with squeegee and heatgun? and has it held in place well so far?

    ive yet to touch the wrap so cant get my head around why it wouldnt start to peel when washed or high speeds


    EDIT: does anyone know where you can rent a garage/storage room etc. im gonna try get hanger from work but doubt ill get it.

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