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Posts posted by MidnightRacer

  1. +2 Sarnie.


    And I think its disgraceful that his parents would actually go on TV and say how hard done by he was. If that was my dad I'd have got a kick up the arse and told I had it coming. It was clear from the video that he could and should have handled himself better. He was being a cocky little get thinking he knew best when clearly he didn't.


    YES the big man was heavy handed but it would never have got that far if he had discussed it properly instead of being a dick. too many people think the world owes them a right to do what they want and while it perhaps wasn't the best approach to throw him to the ground the young lad should have taken it as a warning and realised the error of his ways.


    If people continually fail to educate their children and accept this "my children can find their own way in life" hippy approach then we are going to spiral even further out of control.

  2. I like how it changes the shape of the headlight, very Ferrari 458 looking at the right angle.


    Back in the "day" when this was cool I had plates welded onto the bonnet of my car and smoothed in (bad boy bonnet for those that remember). I'd say if you were going to do it then that would be the way forward, at least it would look factory. not easy welding to the alloy bonnet though I imagine.

  3. Its usually just the central locking part that you have to recode if it looses anything at all and that can be done on the vehicle with most Nissan's (ala my old Primera and the likes). Its the chip you have to have recoded if there is a problem although its not mega expensive (about £60 If I recall).


    ultimately you have to just take a chance with it, you should be able to take the gubbins out without removing the battery I would have thought as its usually all attached to the board.


    I'd actually be more concerned about snapping the key off in the ignition as I've not heard great things about the chinese built key fob thingies, let us know how it fares after a while!


    Hope this helps

  4. i thought the mk1's were 80's early 90's mk2 most of the 90's mk3 the 2000 plus


    And I think you are correct. The one in the pic is a Mark 2 series 3, NA UK car. Bog standard with the exception of the radio and wheels.


    i only pointed the dates out as you said 1976 vintage, which slightly confused me :blush:



    haha yeah, I think being a P reg he meant 1996 vintage :D

  5. While I love my 350Z I can think of better track cars that will return more joy for the money. I also think the 350 is a bit heavy for a track car but maybe that's just me...


    If I had £5000 to spend it would be on an MX5 Turbo, cage and hard top, I bet you anything that would put a bigger smile on your face than a 350.

  6. at least we managed to fill an otherwise slow morning eh!


    I've given up now, it all gets a bit serious when the posts start exceeding 200 words. its become about blame and we are all as bad as each other here so there is no point trying to be a keyboard warrior like RTbiscuit point out.


    hope your day brightens up neil :thumbs:

  7. Sorry Dad.....


    but please replace "spat your dummy out" with "expressing your feelings"


    and as for being offensive, if my opinion offends you then you have the right not to read them!



    and while we are on the hypocracy front can you please not reply because your comments are offensive!



  8. Haha this is turning out to be quite funny.


    You are quite right though, its a spotted on ebay forum so you arent doing anything wrong! Not so sure you can class my comments as slating though, lets be realistic about it chaps!


    Going on some of the replies here i urge you all to list every single 350z listing in here just incase someone hasnt actually realised you can goto ebay and see the exact same stuff!

  9. As above really


    my spoiler-less 350 feels a bit light at higher speeds.


    does anyone have a standard OEM boot spoiler kicking around they want rid of. colour not mega important but gunmetal would be a bonus!




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